Note To Friends

I'm sorry I have not been on lately.
I have changed my password
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I'm debating changing my name...
I love you all and hope to see more of you all later.
x's and o's

The Theory

Albert Einstein Had a theory that said that he thought the heavens and earth collided at the top of the tallest cherry blossom tree.

It'll never be proven thus it's alases just a forgotten theory. Scribbled in a book Wrote upon a page. Hoping ...DIEING with ever shelf added NO ONE will see it again....

Thus is the tragic tale of a theory.

I do believe he was right, a part of me agrees. It's peaceful enough there, at the top of the tallest cherry blossom tree. A gorgeous creation that is only exceeded by the beautiful sky above it.

The vast sky gives way to dark clouds the worlds tears brought down. To heal and to mend, the pain and suffering we have created.


The truth is Religion its self is an ever changing THEORY it's not stable so it's no conclusion, yet stable enough to be considered a belief.

The fact of the matter is, Religion changes, molding, to fit a person's moral standards. Religion it's self changes the person point of view, changing they religion all in it's own to smack you in the face with the brutal honest truth that is Religion in a whole is NEVER the same...

The Tragedy is because it is ever changing it is but a theory though people still die for they beliefs, people still crave to exterminate other's beliefs. Against the words that are said by those that stand next to them.

People of the same race, people of different races, sex's, and traits. Hitler was against everyone that was NOT pure blood German, because of a belief. There's been wars started over money over power but the worse wars were all started over a Theory...Called Religion.

We've lost to many to not claim it as our own. Though the problem is we fought for different sides. So do we kill our brother's for being Jewish? Do we kill our sisters for being Wicca? Do we kill our parents for being Catholic, just so We all die in the end? A pointless battle over who's god better. Damning each other into the pits of they're Hell.

Although I must say they do seem to change they're tune after they see true hell...after they've almost died...

Even The great gore writer Steven King changed his ways. Sure he writes books but nothing like what he used to. He's best at what he does but never again will he do it like he did.

Just day your time will come then you'll see your god is not here to save you from death you can only beg for it to be merciful.


x_Screaming_Insanity_x's avatar

what I want my avi to look like

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In a world where I'm nothing
I would do anything to breath again.
To be considered something
To feel at home in the sin.

I live in a world of the angels.
I'm screaming insanity.
No one turns their head.
No one hears a word,
They're to busy to see the truth.
In this world I'm drowning in the sins of angels.

In the light of tomorrow...
Will you still be here?
Or be just ashes on the ground,
Swept away by the wind?
You pray to he who died for your sins.
But in this dog eat dog world,
Every one knows who wins.
You pray to your god for a merciful death.
But in the end your god is not there to help you,
Now is he...

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View All Comments

o_O-Hawkeye-o_O Report | 03/18/2009 10:57 pm
hello sir and or madam, would you like to sample the cookie of doom?
Emo Wolfey Report | 12/03/2008 3:58 pm
Emo Wolfey
you should add my other avi
bunny boy goth
heeh i get 3ed on your list that rocks
The Vampiric Hunter Report | 10/03/2008 9:33 pm
The Vampiric Hunter
Hai you! Sign into the gaia IM! :3
The Vampiric Hunter Report | 10/01/2008 9:06 am
The Vampiric Hunter
If you're not on by 2pm (central), I'll be back on tomorrow.
The Vampiric Hunter Report | 10/01/2008 8:59 am
The Vampiric Hunter
I wish you were on, so I could help figure out what to do, They have them in shop but uh.. I dunno what it is you're wanting exactly.
The Vampiric Hunter Report | 09/30/2008 3:26 pm
The Vampiric Hunter
._o I see you.
The Vampiric Hunter Report | 09/26/2008 3:10 am
The Vampiric Hunter
I'm sure you're busy, same here, but it'ld be nice to actualy do something with you. Not even an rp, just a nice little conversation would lighten the mood around here, Although, I know your still recovering from the disaster and I hope for that as well to come out with a good foundation.
-kitakitsune kunoichi- Report | 08/26/2008 11:47 am
-kitakitsune kunoichi-
hi!! Nana!! we no talk anymore... Dx
CuteXNekoXSakura Report | 08/18/2008 9:10 pm
i hope you feel better!!!!!!!!!!!!
Incendemus Report | 08/15/2008 12:38 am
LoL Thanks xD It does make me proud 3nodding

How are you lately? I've been sick for five weeks now, it's killing me D=


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watching cars go by

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Cutiest Bunny

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s**t I'd rather tell you then you find out on Your own

Name: Nana
Lived a total of 17 years and have learned more then most with in that time. My life has been set to a torch and slammed into the dark of nothingness....


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.:: Therapy ::.

This Weeks Therapy is for those dealing with the upcoming death, or those that are about to die. The health and Sociological prospections. 8/3/08-8/10/08= RPCs


One pill makes you larger
One pill makes you small
And the pills that mother gives you
Don't do anything at all...
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