eye'm CURRENTLY being:

AN emotionless ********.


Lusus: Xaveln's Lusus was a great monster that was half-ram and half shark (Xaveln was almost a seadweller, similar to Gamzee). It resembled a monstrous ram with sleek skin, fins, a shark tail, and sharp teeth. His lusus was rather abusive, ignoring Xaveln most of them time, but if it got enraged, it would attack its troll. Xaveln continuously took the beatings because of his healing abilities, but one day, he fought back and killed his own lusus. This lead to Xaveln hating to be ignored. Xaveln's Lusus also killed him the first day they met, sending Xaveln flying into another troll's hive. The troll revived him as his (DERSE) dream self, so Xaveln also has no dream self. Though dead, Xav's lusus greatly affects his personality.

Velira: Vel WAS his Kismesis. She soon dumped him for Renfre because Xaveln apparently "changed"- something that makes Xav laugh in bitterness, as she's changed more than him. They still often bicker and mock each other, as well as fight- Xaveln has his own set of nicknames for her, usually mocking snakes. He also laughs at the way she says her s's. Despite his hatred of her, Xaveln refused outright to kill her, as a kismesis wasn't about killing. He even broke up with Velira a few times for her own protection. Seeing as she taunted him and enraged him even further, he wound up killing her anyway- something that he refuses to forgive himself for.

Apep: They are ex-moirails/moirivals, but after many fights and arguments, Xaveln considers Apep to be his best bro. They often balance each other out, with Xaveln's aggressive attitude balancing out Apep's quiet, depressing outlook on life. Xaveln says that he actually LIKES Apep, which is a rare thing to hear from Xav. Xaveln also has a deep respect for his friend, as Apep is one of the few trolls that can actually fight an angry Xaveln.

Hevora: Xaveln's ex-matesprit. While initially treating her coldly and indifferently, she eventually grew on Xaveln, leading them to become matesprits. Though he was still gruff with her, he always cared and was very protective of her. They even shared a hive. Unfortunately, Hevora had an illness that was slowly killing her- a disease that Xaveln was unable to fix and help her with. As she grew closer to death, suffering all the while, Xaveln couldn't bear to see her pain- in the middle of the hug, he killed her with a knife, apologizing and telling her that he loved her before he did so. Though she's dead, Hevora seems to affect Xaveln everyday- mostly in negative ways. He has mounting fear that he's destined to kill everyone close to him (which is somewhat true, as he's killed Hevora and Velira).

Tesrae: Another ex-moirail. She vanished one day without explaining. Xaveln blames himself.

Tim: Xaveln has an odd relationship with Tim. At first they were very kind to each other, until Tim died and Xaveln lost a ******** eye. Afterwards, when Tim came back, Xaveln was distinctly more cold to him. He also flipped his s**t when he found out Tim was Split Vel's matesprit, although this anger was more directed at Vel then Tim. After several incidents, one of which when Tim tried kissing Hevora, Xaveln is disgusted by him. A running gag is whenever Tim says something, Xaveln responds with "god DAMNIT tim".

Pavone: Xaveln hates him. A lot. Cheers. He's dead now.

Plutin: Xaveln despises him, though has a bit of respect for him (which is ruined by Pavone).

Clyther: Xaveln didn't like Clyther very much, but has grudgingly accepted him, despite the fact that they bicker ALL OF THE TIME. Now that Xaveln has killed Vel, Clyther has killed Xav, and Xaveln has come back and scared the s**t out of Clyther, they consider their fight to be "even".

Gekidu: Xaveln is actually okay with Gekidu, but finds his saxophone to be GOD DAMN ANNOYING.

Desmod: Xaveln has disdain towards Desmod, finding his gentlemanly attitude "stupid". He does, however, sense a hidden strength to the troll, and never deliberately fights him.

Elenes: Xaveln met her once and stabbed her. They have yet to interact again.

Renfre: Xaveln seems to have no quarrel with Renfre, although there is a score to settle between them. Though originally close friends, their relationships with Velira, as well as Xaveln's many battles with her, has caused some tension.


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"HEY there, WHAT'S up? YOU know, IMPLYING eye CARE."

Name: Xaveln Veltor
Age: Six sweeps (13 earth years)
Sign: Delphinus
Blood Color: Blue (In between Equius and Gamzee)
Title: Knight of Rage
Trolltag: spontaneousDentures
Weapon: Knifekind
Other Info: Extremely sarcastic/assholeish, has many scars, is a strangely good cook (but nothing compared to Tesrae).

Your name is XAVELN VELTOR

You are an EXCEPTIONALLY SARCASTIC AND SNARKY INDIVIDUAL who enjoys being rude to others and hearing his own voice. You realize that this is no way to make yourself popular, but you don't really care. You are a blue blood, but that doesn't really matter to you either. In fact, you really don't GIVE A s**t ABOUT ANYTHING.

But what you do like is BIKES. You like making them and riding them, and it is pretty much your favorite thing to do. With your Knifekind weapon, you also like slashing other people's tires like an UTTER DOUCHEBAG.

You are known to SMIRK nearly all the time, and you are never seen without your REALLY AWESOME GOGGLES. You also have a secret passion for COOKING, but that's not something you go around telling people.

Your trolltag is spontaneousDentures and your typing style is slightly ANNOYING when YOU yell TO hear YOURSELF talk.

Personality: Xaveln loves to be annoying. In fact, he practices in front of the mirror so that he can be the greatest douchebag possible. He often finds sore spots to taunt people about (such as blood, even though he doesn't care about it so much). Xaveln doesn't really have a filter, and will say whatever he wants. This leads to many people having a burning hatred for him, although he only has one kismesis. He is a great card player, although if it's luck or cheating, no one knows. He loves building bikes, though everyone destroys them, making him enraged. Xaveln hates being ignored, due to relations with his lusus, and he hates it when people don't listen to him. Why talk if no one listens? All around, Xaveln is a Grade S Douchebag. Deep down, however, he's not such a bad guy. He's known to not judge by blood or gender like some other trolls, and he has very philosophical views. He is willing to help others out (since that's what his ability does best), as long as they never know. Don't talk to him about it, and don't call him nice. He'll kill you. He's also known to be a rather flirtatious/sexual troll, and often makes blunt or snarky requests to other trolls about sex. This usually ends with being punched in the face.

Type Style: alternating CAPS and LOWERCASE and AFTER losing HIS eye, HE replaces "I" with "EYE".

Abilities: Xaveln isn't too much of a fighter normally. His bite is worse than his bark. He is, however, one of the strongest trolls in the gang. He's fairly fast and can hit somewhat hard. His main selling point is endurance- Xaveln doesn't get tired easily, and can usually survive a battle simply because he doesn't get tired.

He makes knives out of his dead lusus's teeth. He usually complains about these knives because they are "pieces of s**t". He usually stabs everyone with them, or occasionally throws them at people. He often misses because of poor depth perception. Damn knives.

His Rage powers allow him to go into a savage frenzy when provoked. Since Xaveln doesn't really enjoy the results of these actions, this power is more harmful than helpful. His powers have heightened since he became God Tiered, and he now has the ability to intimidate and bring about nightmares.

Aside from this, Xaveln is a very good cook. While he is nowhere near as good as Tesrae, Xaveln enjoys cooking, especially fish. Of course, he's too lazy to cook for himself and get ingredients, so this isn't shown often. Only when he has a guest who he doesn't hate will he MAYBE cook.

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who IS the b***h who TALKS like A fool?
SHE likes TO act TOUGH but SHE isn't THAT cool.
she HISSES when SHE talks, AND she SUCKS all THE cocks!
HER name IS velira!

SHE has AN obnoxiously LONG pink SNAKE tongue!
she's NEVER content WITHOUT a d**k in HER lung!
HER horns ARE like PEGS, and SHE can't SHUT her LEGS!

SHE killed OFF her OTHER half
she ONLY has HALF of A brain (HOW sad)
BUT that DOESN'T stop HER
from BEING a ROYAL pain (SO insane~!)

HER quadrants ARE always ROYALLY ********!
but SHE'S good IF she's GOT a d**k to SUCK!
HER blood MAY be PINK, but SHE really JUST stinks!

SHE seduced A human MATE!
eye CAN'T think OF a WORSE fate FOR him!
SHE probably GETS off KNOWING
she RUINED sex FOR tim! HA ha!

WHY do WE all HANG out WITH this GIRL?
she ACTS like SHE'S awesome BUT makes US all HURL
SO get IN her LINE, and YOU'LL have A good TIME...
(unless YOU'RE apep)
HER name IS velira!

ha HA!


View All Comments

cooperton Report | 05/08/2012 6:05 am
my lUsUs swam fast t|T|ank yoU very mUc|T|
cooperton Report | 05/07/2012 7:57 am
yoUre stUpid
cooperton Report | 05/06/2012 4:24 pm
wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink
cooperton Report | 05/03/2012 10:31 pm
yoUre a bUtt
vindictiveViperidae Report | 01/15/2012 6:13 pm




┣━━━━━━ ┈┈┈┈--┈┈┃

vindictiveViperidae Report | 11/21/2011 7:54 am
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-- snakeySerenade seems to be trolling you!

Oh hey, sssnarky goldfisssh.
Hevora Report | 11/19/2011 6:04 pm
I'm greaht! Especiahlly since I got in contahct with you.
CP: Are things going well and such?
Hevora Report | 11/19/2011 11:59 am
CP: Hi, Xahv!
CP: How're you?
vindictiveViperidae Report | 10/27/2011 7:46 pm
SS: Ssshitty ssshark pit?
SS: Does that mean you're ssshitty?
vindictiveViperidae Report | 10/24/2011 6:25 am
SS: Throwing you to your abusssive lusssusss would work
SS: If he wassssnt dead and I pisssed him off before hand
SS: Right?
SS: But my lusssusss isss too much of a fatass to care.