
I absolutely hate


Emo kids
Go kill yourself and make the world happier
Boring people
You know. The kind of people who reply to what you say in one word like. Yeah. or yup.
People who spend ever waking moment on myspace.
Don't you have some reletives to pick up?
Anyone who cakes on the eyeliner.
Then put Gray/silver/black eyeshadow ******** moron o.x
Anyone who thinks they can get off with saying s**t about my family.
You have no right into my personal life.
Stop ******** saying things like
'I know I hate your mom.'
How the ******** do you know??
All the little 'Zomg its___' people.
Can't you come up with a better name?
Fall Out boy
They suck
You know it
s**t talkers
You know the people who are like I'll ******** you up
Then They p***y out like a b***h

Don't leave me retarded comments.
Unless you want a rant on your profile.
