xD VietAngelGirl XoXo

xD VietAngelGirl XoXo's avatar

Last Login: 05/01/2010 9:03 pm

Registered: 09/19/2008

Gender: Female

Birthday: 05/01


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I'm Christy, pleasure to meet you. I'm outgoing and friendly. Sometimes im quiet but most of the time I'm talkative. I play alot of sports so I guess I'm a sporty chick. I like the colors sky blue, lime green, red, pink, and purple. I'm not a teacher's pet, but I have pretty good grades. I luv going to the mall and the movies with my friends. We sometimes go rollerskating or to the park. I play lots of sports. I luv music. I've met a lot of great people in my life. (: I am single and it doesn't bother me one bit. Actually, there's nothing wrong with being single. : P Well, this was short and sweet, just like how I love my paragraph. <3 Ask me anything you want to know, I'll answer them to the best of my ability. =]

P.S. Srry that I dont comment ANYBODY back. I cant because...it's hard to explain.

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xD VietAngelGirl XoXo's Journal

My journal is about me, my friends, my family, and about my life!


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xD VietRockStar XoXo Report | 11/27/2009 11:17 pm
xD VietRockStar XoXo
xD VietRockStar XoXo Report | 09/28/2009 3:39 pm
xD VietRockStar XoXo
xD VietRockStar XoXo Report | 09/18/2009 6:01 pm
xD VietRockStar XoXo
xD VietRockStar XoXo Report | 08/25/2009 12:21 am
xD VietRockStar XoXo
xD VietRockStar XoXo Report | 08/03/2009 11:40 am
xD VietRockStar XoXo
xD VietRockStar XoXo Report | 08/01/2009 3:28 pm
xD VietRockStar XoXo
xD VietRockStar XoXo Report | 08/01/2009 3:27 pm
xD VietRockStar XoXo
hi!!! XD
xD VietRockStar XoXo Report | 07/27/2009 10:48 am
xD VietRockStar XoXo
waz up
xD VietRockStar XoXo Report | 07/24/2009 11:02 pm
xD VietRockStar XoXo
hey biggrin
xD VietRockStar XoXo Report | 07/24/2009 1:11 pm
xD VietRockStar XoXo


xD VietAngelGirl XoXo


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