
Lets start of simple my names Daisy, Im fifteen, and awesome. Im a nice person but can act like a b***h at times, but honestly who doesn't? Get to know me you won't regret it at all.(:

Likes/Loves: Music<3, Dragons as well as other unreal creatures, my true friends, Jewelry, video games(xbox), hugs, long comments, knowing who really cares about me, ect.

Dislikes/Hates: people who can't control their drinking, smokers, those who use drugs, liars, backstabbers, when they yell at me, repeating myself, being ignored, promises unkept, someone who tells me they love me when we both know thats a dam lie, when they call me hot or sexy(because those are not real compliments), and annoying people who can't take a hint that I do not want to talk to them