XDBuggyBatXD's avatar

Last Login: 07/30/2024 7:36 pm

Location: Waco, TX

Birthday: 03/09


You can call me Bugz or Buggy. I'm a generally happy person. I suffered from depression and got over it with God, and so I try to be happy as often as possible. I am not a judgmental person at all. If I think you're cool, it don't matter what your race, age, religion, or beliefs may be. If I were to describe my personality in 5 words: determined, independent, intelligent, empathetic, adventurous.

  • roller skating
  • role playing
  • manga/anime
  • video games
  • mountain dew
  • adventuring
  • sleeping
  • night sky


  • being sad
  • loved ones insulting my intelligence
  • too much negativity

View All Comments

CheekyRedEsmeyrle Report | 02/25/2024 10:06 pm
It's good stuff, Buggy. ^^
CheekyRedEsmeyrle Report | 02/17/2024 5:45 pm
-Happily vibes to the music playing, tail swishing from side to side-
Lord Zane Savage Report | 12/14/2023 9:26 am
Lord Zane Savage
Hello there. Just for the record, is there any age limit? For my character to be at the Orphanage. Because then I'll know if I'll make someone to work there or a person who lives there.
MsBatDuck Report | 01/02/2016 9:23 pm
I saw your post in the forum, and shared a similar view to yours. It seemed fairly rare that anyone would see the subject the way I did, so I figured it would be interesting to get to know you smile hope that doesn't sound too creepy
Tvvitchy Report | 12/22/2015 11:36 pm
Tvvitchy Report | 12/22/2015 11:26 pm
so guess what

dimitri is gonna accidentally make a vampire so i can cause more drama lol

btw nice picture of yur face lol
Splodybox Report | 12/18/2015 7:46 pm
Thanks! I like the gun too. The matchy hat was a mistake... Looks like we'll have to duel. There can be only ONE pseudo-mobster on the interwebs! XD
Splodybox Report | 12/16/2015 10:55 am
Can't believe you jilted me... And after all we've been thru... Well then. *metaphorically leaves your belongings in a box on the metaphorical curb* And the ring wAS FAKE.
Splodybox Report | 12/16/2015 6:55 am
I want my ring back. > sad
Splodybox Report | 12/12/2015 7:58 pm
Hey ur mean

Theme Song


~Sometimes You Have To Fall Before You Can Fly~