XDii-MONSTER-iiXD's avatar

Birthday: 05/04



User Image
Total Value: 2,464,749 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Winter Rose
Golden Sparkles
Egyptian Gold Anklet (left)
Egyptian Gold Anklet (right)
White Nosey Face Tattoo
Black Big Giant Glasses
Alternate Moira's Top
Trendy Dark Skinny Jeans
Masquerade 8th Gen.
Masquerade 9th Gen.
The Lusty Scoundrel

User Image
Total Value: 4,225,483 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Golden Sparkles
Winter Rose
Black Big Giant Glasses
White Nosey Face Tattoo
Copper Penny Pinstripe Vest
Liam's Tank
Red Skinny Jeans
Brown And Black Reversible Bracelets
Black Heavenly Unmentionables
Soft Black Underwear
Monochrome Keido
The Lusty Scoundrel

User Image
Total Value: 12,526,740 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Wingding (phase one)
Angelic Pendant
Masquerade 9th Gen.
Winter Rose
The Lusty Scoundrel
Angelic Manner
Seracila Pendant 3rd Gen.
White Nosey Face Tattoo
Black Whiskers Face Tattoo
Trendy Dark Skinny Jeans
Baby Seal Slippers
ii-cookiez-ii x3
ii-lil gangstah-ii
erika got so much swagg
A y O o _B - T c H

meh familia!!!LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!

dis meh lil sis maria

dis meh sis lexi

dis meh cuzzy valery

dis meh gaia mom erika

dOnT hAtE mEh CuZ u aInT mEh

dis is my daughter kimberly

A white man said, "Colored people are not alowed here." The black man turned around and stood up. He then said: "Listen sir....when I was born I was BLACK " "When I grew up I was BLACK, " "When I'm sick I'm BLACK, " "When I go in the sun I'm BLACK, " "When I'm cold I'm BLACK, " "When I die I'l be BLACK." "But you sir." "When you are born you're PINK". "When u grow up you're WHITE, " "When you're sick, you're GREEN, " "When u go in the sun u turn RED, " "When you're cold u turn BLUE, " "And when u die u turn PURPLE. "And u have the nerve to cal me colored?" The black man then sat back down and the white man walked away.. Put this on your page if yu HATE racism

dis my sis

dis is my son

90% of people would go Insane if Miley Cyrus jumped off the empire state building, 9% would yell JUMP, if your the 1% that would race to the top just to push her, copy and paste this to ur profile

Girl: Your girlfriend is pretty. (I bet she stole your heart) Boy: Yeah... She is. (Your still the most beautiful girl I know) Girl: I heard she's funny & amazing. (All the things I wasn't) Boy: She sure is. (But She's nothing compared to you) Girl: I bet you know everything about her now. ( Like how you know just everything about me) Boy: Only the stuff that counts. (I can't remember what she says when I think of you) Girl: Well... I hope you guys last. (Like we never did) Boy: I hope we do too. (whatever happened to me and you?) Girl: Well I got to go. (Before I start to cry) Boy: Yeah, me too. (I hope I don't cry..) Girl: Bye. (I still love you) Boy: Later. (I never stopped)

If u believe n Jesus Christ put dis on ur profile. Dont ignore dis bc n da bible it says if u deny him, he, wil deny u n front of his father of gates of heaven. this is da simplest test. If u luv god and not ashamed of it put dis on ur profile. GOD WIL SMILE AT

!!SO SWEET!! BOY: I love her more than the air i breath GIRL: wel im always here for you. BOY: I know. GIRL:What's wrong? BOY: I like her so much. GIRL: Talk to her. BOY: I don't know. She wont even like me. GIRL: Don't say that. You're amazing. BOY:I just want her to know how I feel. GIRL:Then tel her. BOY: She wont like me. GIRL: How do you know that? BOY: I can just tel. GIRL: Wel just tel her. BOY: What should I say? GIRL: Tel her how much you like her. BOY: I tel her that daily. GIRL: What do you mean? BOY: I'm always with her. I love her. GIRL: I know how you feel. I have the same problem. But he'l never like me. BOY: Wait. Who do you like? GIRL: Oh some boy. BOY:Oh... she won't like me either. GIRL: She does. BOY: How do you know? GIRL: Because, who wouldn't like you? BOY: You. GIRL: You're wrong, I love you. BOY: I love you too. GIRL: So are you going to talk to her? BOY: I just did. GIRLS- If you think this is sweet, post it to ur page. GUYS- If u are man enough to say this to a girl...

"I love you has 8 leters...wel,so do B-U-L-L-S-H-I-T"

"Everybody Talk n everybody lisen.But sumhow it aways da truth dat c** up misin"

♥_♥___♥_♥_ ρυт тнiՏ ♥___♥_♥___♥ нєαrt _♥___♥___♥_ oη yoυr __♥_____♥__ ραgє if ___♥___♥___ yoυ lovє ____♥_♥____ Տoмєoηє

(>'.')># I made you a waffle... #<('.'<) ...but then I was like, 'my waffle'... <('~')>#? ...but then I was like, 'what do I do with the waffle?'... <(^.^)># ...so then I was like, 'I'll give it a good home!'... (>'#'<) ...and I was like, 'OMNOMNOMNOM!!!'... <(^-^)> ...so that's what happened to your waffl


O,u don't lyk me? Hold up a sec.... *Loading* █ Attempting to care ██ {ERROR} █████ Failed

NO MEANS NO!!! Guy- "Can we have sex right now? Girl- "Can we do what?" Guy- "You know, can I be your first, finally?" Girl- "Um...no." Guy- "Why?" Girl- "Because, 1. you have a girlfriend, who happens to be my friend..." Guy- "So, if you don't tell, I won't tell." Girl- "Besides that, I'm waiting for someone special. Someone that I want to be with for the rest of my life to be my first." Guy- "I'm not special to you?" Girl- "You're my friend. That's all." Guy- looks forward and keeps driving. 25 minutes pass... Guy- starts to run his hand up the girl's thigh. Girl- moves his hand, "Don't touch me.". Guy- tries to kiss her. Girl- screams, "Would you stop." Guy- continues trying. Girl- moves to the back seat Guy- parks on an abandoned street and gets in the backseat with the girl. Starts to kiss her. Girl- pushes him off and scoots over, "Please, don't do this." Guy- "Don't do what, I know you want it, I can see it in your eyes." Moves over to her and starts to unbutton her pants. Girl- pushes him harder and says, "No, don't." Guy- getting aggravated, punches her and tells her to stop "playing hard to get". Girl- crying, continues to fight. Guy- punches her harder, pulls her pants off, and holds her down. Girl- screams as he penetrates her, "NO, please don't do this to me!" Guy- puts his hand over her mouth. An hour passes... Guy- pulls back and wipes himself off. Girl- sits on the corner of the seat, crying. Guy- looks at her and says, "You better not tell anybody about this. If you're really my friend, you won't tell anybody about this. You know I love you." He reaches out his hand to touch her cheek. Girl- pulls back, "Just take me home, now." Guy- says, "Alright." Gets in the front seat and drives her home. 2 months later... Girl- "Doctor, what's wrong with me. I haven't had my time of the month in 2 months." Doctor- looks at her, "You haven't been having your "time" for a reason." Girl- looks at him and says, "Why?" dreading the answer that she was sure to receive. Doctor- "You are pregnant." Girl- faints. The story gets out that she is pregnant, and people start looking to the Guy. He claims that it isn't his because she was sleeping with every guy in the school(which was a lie). He goes to her and tells her, "I'm telling you, if you lie to people and say that I raped you, I'll kill you." The Girl is completely devastated. First, he took her virginity and got her pregnant...then he lied about it. So completely depressed...the girl commits suicide by drug overdose... Girls, if this story touched you, put this on your profile under "No means no" Guys, if this story pisses you off, put this on your profile under "I'll kill any ******** who does this to my girl or any girl"

Ways to Piss off Your Parents:~ 1. Follow them around the house everywhere. 2. Moo when they say your name. 3. Run into walls. 4. Say that wearing clothes is against your religion. 5. Stand over them at four in the morning with a huge grin on your face and say, good morning sunshine. 6. Pluck someone's hair out and yell, "DNA" 7. Wear a sticker that says, "I’m a retard" 8. Have 20 imaginary friends that you talk to all the time. 9. In public yell, "No Mom/Dad, I will not make out with you!!" 10. Do what they actually tell you. 11. Jump off the roof, trying to fly. 12. Hold their hand and whisper to them, I see dead people. 13. At everything they say yell, Liar. 14. Try to swim in the floor. 15. Tap on their door all night. 16.Pretend to have amnesia. 17.Say everything backwards. 18.Give yourself a swirly. 19.Run around with a lamp shade on your head yelling, "the sun!!! it's dying!!!" 20.Sing at the top of your lungs while running around the house...in your underwear. 21.Have nervous spasms at spontaneous times. 22.Snort loudly when you laugh and then laugh harder. 23.Run in circles. 24.Recite a whole movie 3 times. 25.Pretend to beat yourself up. 26.Slither everywhere. 27.Wear your pants on your head and your shirt on your waist... tell them you're making a fashion statement. 28.Try and drink out of a glass the wrong way. 29.Super glue your finger up your nose. 30.Talk to a pen. 31.Lay face down and chant like an indian tribe. 32.Try and climb the wall. 33.Spread out on the window and buzz, pretending to be a fly. 34.Take your ice cream cone and put it one your forehead... say you're a lovely unicorn. 35.Put pegs on your nose and eyes. 36.Switch the light button on and off for a while. then say, "ooooh... I get it!!!" 37.Eat your hair. 38.Whatever they are eating, tell them it looks like a certain animal. 39.Eat anything, obviously not edible. 40.Say your pet is mocking you and chase it around the house. 41.When you shower or bathe yell, "i'm drowning!!!" 42.Try to snorkel in your fish tank... >.

dis is my lil bro jimmy

dis is my gaia daughter julia