
Hi! My names Samuel Hart and I'm a 20 year old guy from Massachusetts. I'm a big role player and gamer (but i know when it's time to put down the controler...). I love anime and attend Anime Boston every year. I love to be outside and go camping or fishing or hunting or whatever. As a matter of fact i got a fire pit my porch so i can have camp fires out there when it warm enough. I love the warmer months but I hate the winter... i slow down then and sleep more. My friends say i hibernate like a bear. I love hanging out with friends, be it on line talking or in person just rocken out in the 10 acres of woods i got outside or driving around and making a ruckus. I am a Wiccan, please don't call me a devil worshiper cause I'm not. I know some people just can't grasp that so if thats the case just keep it to yourself if you would. I am a wiccan high priest, and proud of it. Good thing wiccan priests still believe in sex huh? XD. I am a paranormal investigator and hunter, but not a hunter of any particular group. I'm more a protector of people from the more negative aspects of the magickal world. In that respect I'm also the leader of a group who trains and goes out and deals with these kinda things. Be it rogue otherkin, aggressive vampires, negative spirits, or demons, we can deal with it. Were a diverse group of Otherkin, Vampires, Wiccans, Demons, Psychics, and other magickly inclined people. As to what i am, I really don't know. All i really know about my soul is that I'm not human... not by a long shot... and that I'm old as ********. I have a few glimpses of past life memory's, not much however. Nothing to really brag about. I only have a few clues as to what i am but nothing more and I'm continuing to try and find out what. I play the guitar and write my own songs and lyrics in my spare time when I'm not drawing, gaming, or playing with my yellow lab Comet (whom i love to death). I'm a Purple sash in kung fu (8th outta 14 belts) and i love to spar with my friends. I don't do drugs and highly disapprove of them. I wont even allow them in my house. I don't smoke but i drink a little. I have never been drunk however, but i have been buzzed once and i noticed and stopped. I'm a good guy and incredibly loyal to my friends and family. I'm very forgiving and always want to help people if they will let me, even if it puts me in harms way. I love to joke around and i have been told I'm lovable and very hugable (one of the benefits of being overweight i guess. XD) I am single right now and looking for someone to fill that space in my heart. I got a lot of love to give, and i would love to find someone as outgoing as me who doesn't mind the fact that i'm... well... fat. I play paint ball and air soft (sniper) and i try to have fun in life. Life is short, so i wanna have a blast wile i can! If ya want to know more about me then just ask! I love meeting new people. Sorry about the spelling mistakes, i don't got spell check on this computer. ^.^"...

User Image (I need 3 more for the whole set!)
User Image (i need 1 more of these!)

forever_eternity_angel - Romani Glasses, Flame Sword
Distructive Judas - 12,138 Gold
Bluthunder - Mythrill Armor
Vincent_Darmura - Shadow Spirit
Xavior Hellzwing - 800 Gold
red_rose3121 - Flame Sword
Jarvis_Jo - 7,000 Gold

My RP Charactors

Username: xElementalxWarriorx
Name: Samuel Alexander Caseday Hart
Age: 20
Race: Unknown. He looks Human however.
Sex: Male
Sexuallity: Strate
Weapons: A Pu Dao, Bow, and Dagger
Armor: Hardend leather armor that seems like it's seen quite a bit of battle. Scars on it and patches show that he's seen action and still kept kicking.
Powers: Elemental Magick - Where he comes from... magick is very very scarse... however it did once exist in full form. He learned how to manipulate energys of nature for his wiccan magicks. However he was never able to pysicaly manafest anything. Now that he's send into a world were magick is everywere... he hast to struggle to learn how to control the raw abilitys he spent so long to devlop. However through the conflincts in the past demention, he's gained more contorl over it.
Totem Power - He has a totem animal, bear. He can call on it to increse his toughness and strenght a little. Nothing really superhuman... but sometimes just a little boost is all thats needed. Depending on how much he focuses (for this it mean... ALOT) he mite take on a slightly ferral look.
Reiki Level 2 - He's a Reiki practishiner of second rank. Reiki is a natural healing method that channels unaversal healing energy into the person in question. It can not heal wounds instantly, however it dose speed up the natural healing processes sevral fold. Because he's level two, he can heal people from a distance aswell as create a simple elixer filled with the energy. Reiki both heals pysical and emotional wounds... and even past wounds that never really healed or effect the person to this day. There are only three levels in Reiki. Level 1, Level 2, and Mastership.
Preisthood - He's an ordained High Priest, and through the power of his faith and his love he can channel holy energy either into objects, people, or even his fists if nessessary. (Like makeing Holy water, Blessing someone or something, or fighting with faith.)
Sleeping Blood - He is an other-kin of some sort... something powerful... but it's sleeping deep in his blood. It shows it's self on incredably rare ocasions when he puts his life on the line to defend someone. He normaly dosent have aceess to it but it dose make him a more potent magick user
Mages Blood - His mother and father were wiccan. He has there legasey. (not really a power... just means he's more adept then a normal person would be)
Wings - Given to him as a gift from one of his friends, a fallen angel named Selena, he has large red and black angel wings that he can mysticaly hide as long as he has something to hide them under like a cloak or a jacket. When there hidden it can't be told that he has them, however he generaly dosent like to hide them since he's always wished he could fly, and these alow him to.
Personality: Sam is generaly a very happy, kind, and friendly person who will go out of his way to help or make someone he dosent even know more comfortable. He enjoys haveing a good time and makeing new friends, but is also bleaves fermly in his values and well... his beleifs. He hates to see people in pain and will try and comfort them the best he can. He's a big joker and goes outta his way to make people laugh and smile. Figureing that if he can bring a smile to someones face then he's made the world a little bit better just for that second. As he friends would say "hes the kind of person that you want to be around and never let go." He's very charasmatic and good to people if there good to others. If your a b***h, or someone with a god complex, or just not a very nice person he's pick that up and work to make you see the errors of your ways... useuly by slinging equil amounts of s**t back at you. He makes it a personal cruseade to makes these peoples lives a liveing hell till they come around. Even though he's a nice guy he still is a stout warrior and will fight for someone who needs a champion... even if it means his life. He's come to terms with the fact that he will most likely die in combat alone, so it dosent bother him to much anymore. He will fine peace in the fact that his death was for a good cause.
Picture/Appearance: Whereing clothes that he got from the last demention he travled to, he dons sturdy clothes of a simple and relaiable nature. A pair of black cotton pants with a leather belt that has a brash buckel on the front and a dark brown cotton shirt that makes up the bulk of the outfit. Leather boots fit to him by a cobbler and a black vest compleate the outfit. A silver pentical hangs from his neck aswell as a small ring with strange writeing on it (Theban) that he has on his right hand. He's 6' 4", 200lbs, and seems to be built strong. His adventures has toned him down from what he was, however he's not chizzled like a body builder. His hair down to his shoulders, which he keeps in a small pony tail to keep it out of his eyes wile his skin is a nice healthy color, showing that he's outside and active alot. A pair of leather bracers he wheres with his armor and without. There green with a pentical on them and don't seem to be very armored... but could possably stop a glanceing blow. There ment for blocking it's obveous. He has a comforteing smile and nice faded blue eyes that seem to look past what there gaze lands on. The blues fadeing is unique however and seem to be faded from seeing to much in his short life. He has a small gotie thats just on his chin and not very long, along with a little stuble cause he hasent shaved in a few days. Overall it seems quite capeable but has an aura like he could be incredable scary or the most comforting person to be with in the world. Like a giant teady bear he can make everything go away if thats what you need.
Biography: Hailing from another demention, in his world he was the leader of a small band of friends with special abilitys. Not like throwing fire balls or anything. But one was faster then the other... one was an other-kin, one was a lesser form of a vampire, some wiccans and some mediums. The group helped people with bad spirits and negative entitys that were bothing them. In his world... that stuff dident exist in the main streem.... but they knew better. He's a brand new wiccan preist, haveing recently been ordained by his High Preistest mother. He has magickal blood from both sides. His mother and father. One day wile investgateing some strage noises with some friends that someone reported and asked there help for, he and his friends stumbled upon one of the last powerful corproral magickal entitys left in his world. A small battle insued and most of the group ran wile Sam held the demons atention... letting them get away. However the entity got anoyed with him and hit him with such force and magick that he was sent away... falling through a vortex into another demention. Now he hast to adapt to his new inviorment, new powers, new people and things, and find his way back home... after he lands ofcorse...

Update: As a portal riped open in the sky of a new demention, Sam's Decent was less then pritty. He crashed down through a forest, ripping a hole and causeing devestation in the line where he landed, takeing out a few small trees. However, he seemed to be realtivley unharmed by the fall. Only suffering a gash on his head, hand, and a very minor cuncushion. This place would be Sam's new home for the next year. In this world he made many friends and a few enemys. Mika, a spirited warrior and a good friend. Selena, a fallen angel and mage who gave him the gift of flight for his loyal friendship in the form of red and black angel wings. Judas, a Vampire that orignaly tryed to kill Sam and his friends, however a love for Mika taimed the beast and turned him into a valuable ally. Finaly, Leaf, a michevieous Kitsune who was running from a God that he angerd that wanted his head. Little did Sam know however, this debt would be what cast him out of this world aswell. Sam and his friends scraped for money, doing odd jobs and hunting for pelts to sell to eventualy get suitable equipment to survive in this harsh world. In there trails Sam had to learn to control his abilitys, essentaly starting from scrach once again with only the raw enery and power he was capable of. This year spent was filled with it's ups and downs, happyness and sadness, and eventualy would come to an end as the God Loki, who was after Leaf, came after the little Kitsune. Ofcorse, the group of friends wouldent just hand over there friend, so the conflicts began. Loki eventualy learning of what Sam was capable of and dident want such a powerful ally with Leaf, even if he dident understand his power compleatly. So in the finaly conflict, Loki cast Sam back into the void at the start of the fight. Cutting off that short end, and sending Sam far away from the friends he had come to call family, spiraling through the dementions untill he finds himself somewhere new. Starting the whole ordeal over once again.


Viewing 12 of 22 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Kuma Idriov

Report | 09/24/2010 1:25 am

Kuma Idriov

cool avi
Sanguina Cruenta

Report | 06/11/2009 7:04 am

Sanguina Cruenta

You're a Wiccan HP at 20?! How the hell did you manage that?

What's your tradition, line, and coven?

Report | 04/14/2008 4:47 pm


Not too bad, man. I'm gonna be home in a few and find a new college to go to. University of new england may have great location and dorms by the beach, but it just wasn't what I was looking for. How bout you man? what have you been up to?

Report | 03/17/2008 2:30 am



Report | 02/17/2008 6:02 pm


Sam? It's George.

Report | 10/02/2007 8:07 pm


Xavior Hellzwing

Report | 08/28/2007 10:12 pm

Xavior Hellzwing

:sniffs around:

Report | 08/20/2007 3:42 pm


hi hi Sam......just thought i'd drop in and say hello

<3 Clancy
flip-f l o p_3121

Report | 08/02/2007 10:27 pm

flip-f l o p_3121

User Image

Report | 06/29/2007 9:31 pm


hey sam!^^.....just thought i'd drop in and say hi....it's been a WICKED long time since i talked to you.

How's everything going?

<3 Clancy


Crimson Red Cobblestones