
User Image~Welcome To Mah Profile~User Image

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(Note: This is not my art so don't mistake it for one of my Avi arts)

~Hey Welcome to my profile.... I really like fixing & changing my profile to the best that I can.. so feel free to explore, and check it out! I'm also an art freak so if you can draw.. give me a drawing of my avi >.< I love getting freebies if not feel free to PM me about your arts and price with a sample of your art and if I accept I'll buy from you!! Prices & Payment will be discussed if you're are accepted! Comments are loved too that's all!

User Image.:About Me:.User Image

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User ImageLIKESUser Image
manga, anime, games, scary movies, dramas, cheesecakes, singing my heart out cause I'm gonna become a jpop singer yay!!, dancing, playing oni game lol (kind of like tag but better lol!!

User ImageDISLIKESUser Image
Haters, rude pplz, and pplz who are childish

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(xHanaeSamax & xMayaruHimex)

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Everyday is the same old thing!! I'm always voice training & dancing as much as I can to improve my skills on them!! For as you can see I'm gonna become a jpop/kpop singer!! I'm gonna achieve that dream with my two younger sis of course!! Other then that I'm busy busy busy everyday which is why I sometimes can't be on and reply my pms and comment lol!!

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(xXYukiko_SamaXx & xHanaeSamax)

I'll be reading manga one day and then watching anime the next day and so on as it goes lol!! Well I can only do that on my days off of work so when I ever do get the time off those days are always filled up too, with things to do!! One thing you can catch me doing on my days off is playing Halo 3!! Gotta love that game!!

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All though I always somehow end up always losing to my lil bro O.o it must mean that I suck at it *laughs* Oh and you can't forget cosplaying!!! I love doing that so much it's a part of my life just as music and singing are things in my life that I'll never change for anyone!! If you want to be a part of my life deal with everything that comes with me!!

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