
Hey... well about me... i like basketball and reading.. math is ok but im too lazy to do it.. im 16 yrs old.. name is Cody.. currently a sophomore in high school. any other ?'s u can just pm me.

Nicki.. amazing yet sometimes gets on my nerves with her emo-ness. =) love ya nicki XD
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A very entertaining girl and great to hang around. you rock Mimi! always here for me. thanks for everything
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Weird yet able to talk some sense into nicki.. which is very useful at times. thanks Tiff. great friend!
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heya Jessica!! lol bug-girl!!! go get those inks! your funny and a great friend. and always go to 070388 when i need to talk. thanks
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....ahh... apie.. what to say.. AMAZING SINGING VOICE ALONG WITH MIMI. good luck in your band apie! ( she doesnt know it yet but shes my lil sis) ^_~
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LULU!! your story is amazing!!! you should so publish it when its done!! i will buy it!!! you are also a great friend. (lil weird as well)
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Dont know what to say about you pat.. other than you rock!! you have been there for mimi from the start and for that i thank you. (shes tough to get along with sometimes) =P
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SHATTER!! i owe a lot to you man. you were the first to help me out in gaia.. with all those free items. thanks. ill pay u back someday!!
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bugsbugs!! you are so fun to talk to! (on the rare occasion that you are actually on) you are a great friend!!!
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Becka.. great friend when i get to talk to you... but i usually dont because i dont like talking in the big groups of your friends XD
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ash... AMAZING SONGWRITER!! everyone should check out the lyrics in her journal and comment.. and if you go just to make fun of her... remember this.. I WILL FIND YOU!!!!!
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Viewing 11 of 11 friends


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 02/08/2009 5:19 pm



Report | 01/24/2009 2:40 am


hey cody, whats up? we should go to towns sometime but its all weird at the moment. maybe mtv would be better...... anyways whats up?
The Llama Goes Moo

Report | 01/19/2009 2:13 pm

The Llama Goes Moo

meh, everyone has flaws. i speak without thinking too much. tends to hurt people i care about confused
The Llama Goes Moo

Report | 01/18/2009 8:57 pm

The Llama Goes Moo

XD right back at 'cha
The Llama Goes Moo

Report | 01/18/2009 8:46 pm

The Llama Goes Moo

thanks, you too ^-^ i like you kitty-thingy *pokes it in the head* biggrin
lots of dumb kids in this world :/
The Llama Goes Moo

Report | 01/18/2009 8:39 pm

The Llama Goes Moo

umm, ya....i can tell....poor little, stupid kid
The Llama Goes Moo

Report | 01/16/2009 7:45 pm

The Llama Goes Moo

there's the heat i know XD poor kid though, what'd he do?
The Llama Goes Moo

Report | 01/16/2009 7:38 pm

The Llama Goes Moo

hehe...that's the problem...i only have one page down and then i stopped it sweatdrop i'm just too lazy to write down what i have in this crazy noggin of mine XD
that's good! biggrin do any pole kicking lately? O_o
The Llama Goes Moo

Report | 01/16/2009 7:35 pm

The Llama Goes Moo

so how've you been?
The Llama Goes Moo

Report | 01/16/2009 7:32 pm

The Llama Goes Moo

i took it down O_o
A cry of sheer terror pierced the night air. Restless birds flew from trees, fluttering their wings noisily. The trees swayed, moaning loudly, autumn leaves blowing off the branches. The moon was luminous and pale and rain poured down, soaking the dirt, washing away debris. Lightning and thunder cracked, lighting the sky for a split-second. In that flash, a hooded figure could be seen, as well as her blade that screamed with bloodlust.
“Please, don’t hurt us!” The mother and father shrieked desperately, in unison. They shielded the children helplessly with their bodies. The little boy and girl clung to their parents.
“Mommy, why are you crying?” The girl asked. Her sugary, sweet voice coated in fear.
“Shh…Tammy, it’s going to be okay…” The mother held up her trembling hand to brush back the girl’s bronze hair.
The boy got up and stood in front of the assassin. “What do you want?! You made our mommy cry!” He looked up and glared at her with defiant eyes.
“Danny! Get back here, now!” The father shouted.
A smile began to tug at the assassin’s lips and she crouched in front of the boy, pressing the tip of her blade at his neck. The boy gulped. “Well, runt, we’ll just have to make her pain go away, won’t we?”
The mother stared up at her in horror, understanding what the assassin meant. “NO!” The father bellowed, his voice booming.
It was too late; no one even noticed it happening. Blood spattered across the ground, mixing with rain water. A moment earlier, the mother had sat there in fear, but now, she lay there. Limp and dead. The father gazed down at his wife, reluctant to accept her death, murmuring to himself.
“Daddy, why isn’t mommy moving?” The girl demanded as she tugged her mother’s shirt, clearly too innocent to understand that her mother was dead. Blood stained the child’s hands and the girl looked at her small palms, horrified. “Daddy! What is this?!” She shook her hands wildly, wiping them on her pink skirt, decorated with small puppies. The father glanced up slightly, eyes glazed with insanity. Suddenly he started laughing loudly, laughter that of a maniac’s. The girl backed away, shaking, as he sustained his laughter.
The assassin sighed and stood up, still beside the horrified boy, “Shut up," She rolled her eyes, "You’re obnoxious.” She said, swinging her sword swiftly. Then, the laughter abruptly stopped. The father’s head rolled onto the floor by the girl’s feet, his crazy, dead eyes looking back up at her. She screamed, falling to her knees, heavy tears cascading down her cheeks. Loud, choking sobs coming from her. The assassin frowned in annoyance and jutted the boy in the ribs lightly. “Hey runt, tell your sister to shut the hell up before she ends up like her mother.” The boy looked back up at her but instead of the defiance the assassin saw earlier, they held absolute fear. The girl screamed again as the assassin approached her. “Opps, too late.” She said as she decapitated the girl as well. The assassin shrugged, “I was never good with children. Nor do I have much patience.”
Finally, she glanced at the boy and crouched in front of him once more. “So runt…,” she whispered, her mouth centimeters from his ear. “You want to know why I’m here?”
The boy, still gripped by fear, managed to nod.
The assassin smiled, flashing her white teeth, “I’m here…" She said, "...To kill you.”