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XHentaiJesusX's avatar

Birthday: 11/22


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mikoto loves sasuke Report | 11/19/2018 6:46 am
mikoto loves sasuke
Happy B-day smile
mikoto loves sasuke Report | 11/20/2017 8:20 am
mikoto loves sasuke
Happy B-day heart
Annydote Report | 06/22/2016 7:07 pm
Well, hello der
Fluffy Floof Report | 12/24/2015 11:25 am
Fluffy Floof
I hope so too :3
Fluffy Floof Report | 12/22/2015 1:54 pm
Fluffy Floof
Thanks for the friend request~
I do hope to talk soon and become good friends c: heart
mikoto loves sasuke Report | 11/19/2015 2:56 pm
mikoto loves sasuke
Happy B-day smile
_joey_breeze_ Report | 02/12/2015 8:13 pm
Hentai Jesus XD the name is GENIUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS burning_eyes burning_eyes burning_eyes burning_eyes burning_eyes burning_eyes
phonesse Report | 11/28/2014 1:10 pm
rally then? :O
phonesse Report | 11/28/2014 12:56 pm
we need to hang out man!
phonesse Report | 11/28/2014 12:51 pm

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So Your Stalker Self Wants To Know About Me Eh?
Well I'm 19 <3
My Favorite Color Is Blue
I'm a Sagittarius heart
I'll Probably Be One Of The Nicest People You've Ever Known,
Unless You get On my Bad Side cx
I Tend To Be Quite Generous on Here, So if You Need Any Help Getting
Something Off Your wishlist, come Talk to me c:
Anywho, If You Would Like To Know Anything Else, Leave Me A PM or something
and i'll tell you cx
Okay, Have a Good Day c; heart

oppa cx