
{.R o x a s.}

Why did the keyblade choose me? I need to know...

[.under construction.]

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Total Value: 96,106 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Summoning Tome
Silver Promise Ring
Labu Necklace
Heart of Gold
G Blade
Gray Phat Sneakers
That Black 90s Top
SKA wristband
Lovely Genie White Embroidered Vest
Gray Slick Cargo Pants

Donations = <3~

.Role-playing Rules.

While I don't require much, here're some of the rules I go by.

o1.) Be literate to some extent: Have good command of spelling and grammar and stay IN character.
o2.) As for the way I role-play, I generally prefer the whole paragraph way with the quotations and everything else. But if you want to RP script way with the asterisks depicting what you do, that's fine by me as well.
o3.) Please no one liners; they drive me insane.
o4.) ooc comments = [[]] por favor; unless of course you aren't RPing.
o5.) I role-play R O X A S. [xD Just in case if you haven't figure it out yet.]
o6.) Feel free to add me as a friend, but just drop by once every blue moon.


[[ooc notes]]

Aright, so I've witnessed some complaining over the course of several days and I just want to get my facts out as straight as possible:

o1.) I know my avatar doesn't exactly LOOK like Roxas. Please, don't go and harass me because of that; I'm new to Gaia and joined for the sake of role-playing there for I might not be as wealthy as other members seeing that I've just stated out.
o2.) I am trying my hardest to make Roxas as in character as possible; don't expect me to be perfect. So if you don't like it, tough luck
o3.) Don't be an a** and diss my fellow role-players on here saying that they look/act nothing like the character they're portraying. It's rude and inconsiderate of the fact that it's difficult enough trying to get their avatar to look like a character than to actually role-play them.
o4.) Don't be a coward and comment bullshit on my profile or anyone else's and disable commenting/PM-ing on your profile. It's cowardly and quite degrading.


Viewing 8 of 8 friends


Viewing 10 of 14 comments.

K A I R I x L O V E

Report | 01/20/2008 11:06 am

K A I R I x L O V E

Um...Yes.... .___.;;

Report | 01/19/2008 3:56 pm


-hands on his hips, his head tilted upwards as he let out a cackle-

Good! Because of you did, you'd hafta deal with Rai.
Namine - PreciousMemories

Report | 01/11/2008 12:19 pm

Namine - PreciousMemories

"Roxas--" Namine's eyes went a little wide at the sight of the other blonde. This was indeed a surprise! The purple crayon in hand slipped from her grasp, tapping the table as it dropped. When he blushed, she couldn't help when she did the same--horribly excited that he was actually here, and not locked away somewhere far off.

She pushed her chair back and stood, turning 'round the corner of the table quickly--but loosing her speed there. It wouldn't do to just tackle the poor boy over. As well, it was something she could never bring herself to do, regardless of the person. She may have been Kairi's Nobody, but she wasn't as nearly outgoing.

"How have you been?" she asked, smiling almost shyly as she stepped up to him--clasping her hands together to keep herself from picking at the bottom hem of her dress. "It's been so long since I've seen you last..."
Conductor Of Discord

Report | 01/02/2008 7:25 pm

Conductor Of Discord

Within the room, the walls facing the door and the one to the right of the door were water base and fish swim within the middle part. The water reflected upon the other plain walls as he had a Full bed with comfy blue covers. His Sitar in the corner, Demyx was at the bay window, writing things. Looking up from his spiral book, he grins to the young Nobody before straightening up some.

"Hey there, XIII. Wandering about due to boredom?"

He then rolls his shoulders before motioning the other deeper into his room.

"Come in. Take a load off."
Riku Redeemed

Report | 12/31/2007 8:33 am

Riku Redeemed



*dramatic dark and silent pause*


So what are you up to? <<.

((Yeah, I think forum RPing looks really difficult and tricky so I'm not all that tempted to do it.

Your TekTek Roxas is exactly identical to mine, only he doesn't have a pendent or a dragon.))

R Sora

Report | 12/30/2007 7:20 pm

R Sora

"Nah, go ahead. Finish what were gonna say."

Sora said softly, laughing as he pointed to the other's face. "And your blushing, you know." He laughs softly and sighed, blinking once.

He lied. There was more replicas...he just forgot.

"I lied...There are more of us. Theres me, theres Repliku,....Theres Kairi...And Xemmy." He replied, giving a firm nod as he sat down on the floor, yawning softly.

Report | 12/30/2007 5:17 pm


-shifts to the side, scowling-

Yeah, that's me. Got a problem with that, kid?
R Sora

Report | 12/30/2007 2:21 pm

R Sora

"More of us? Nah. Just me and Repliku." He said with a soft shrug, taking a step closer to the blonde. He stared, moving his face closer, almost so his forehead was touching Roxas'. He blinked once. "You know." He said softly, before moving away. "You're supposed to be part of Sora, right? You don't look a thing like him. I heard you did, sort of. But I don't see it. Except the eyes. But tahts all." He replied as he placed his hands behind his head, giving a small yawn, then sighing as if he seemed....Bored.
Riku Redeemed

Report | 12/29/2007 5:46 pm

Riku Redeemed

*slinks over and leans down his level and whispers to him*

You should pay more attention...


((lol, I usually don't RP beyond...stuff like this. I wanted to do serious RPs but everybody is like "well if you don't use paragraph form then you can't RP with us" and I'm like uh...okay... >_>... I thought about trying out paragraph style but ppl are so stuck up about it that now I use asterisks just to piss people off, lol. it's not like I have a lot of leet/typos/chatspeak/crap and you can't read what I'm typing. granted, some ppl SUCK at asterisk-RPing but I think I do okay at it. Some people crab if you don't type very much, but I'm usually waiting to see what the other person will do before I go on, I hate when ppl type like 5 minutes ahead of me and I'm like but...hey...I was gonna...fine. TT. I guess I should be more descriptive though, I admit I fail in that department. -.-;

...wow, OOC rantage! XD this is why I RP Kadaj... lol, I fail at Riku and his non-crazy non-ranting...normalness... lol, so excuse the suckage, he's probably not gonna seem very... Riku-ish...but...I'm trying.))

Riku Redeemed

Report | 12/29/2007 10:56 am

Riku Redeemed

Scared'ja, didn't I?

*stands in shadows looking all mysterious and stuff*


((lol, sorry, I just HAD to post one of those annoying One-Liners. x3 cuz Riku's an a** like that and I wandered if you'd reply or not, hahaha. *cough*))


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Use the pain as fuel, as a reminder of your strength.