KhylaaTheHoe :*

xiixIEatedYourBabyNOMxiix's avatar

Last Login: 11/22/2012 3:03 pm

Gender: Female

Occupation: student


Hi ; I'm Khylaa' . I'm 18 and get really moody c': .
My bestfriend is Matthew Blake and Shane Mclee and they are the most important people in my life other than Lucas and his mum Jane.
Who I happen to be named after from 17th January 2012 c: .

Khylaa' Jane ..... c:

I Love Music and I am taken ; I think xD . Joke ; I am c: <3

My bestfriend is Ciaran Mcnamee and Shane Mclee <3.

I don't actually have much to see expect Add me and just ask and s**t like that o:
Add o; ? Facebook(:
Msn: Anything Else, Just Ask [:

I have