
You are a paradox.
My love for you is permanent,
but your presence in my life is not.
You are perfect,
but you have so many flaws.
I feel dead without you,
but around you,
I feel as though I am about to die.
I cannot see my life without you,
but you are not here.

I don't understand anything about you,
but I feel like I know you better than anyone ever has.

Derek <333

This is my boyfriend.
You mess with him, you mess with me >_>
Dont even dare try to take him away from me.
He's mine and I love him so so much.
I couldnt bare living without him crying

I love you Derek <3


Bbycakes <3
you're such a sweetheart
i wouldn't trade you for anything
you mean more to me then you'll ever know.

My dearest Derek, Your are totally the sweetest thing to walk on Planet Earth. You have always been my bestfriend and I know you always will be. smile Your my night and shining armor. I know that if I was stuck in a castle guarded by a dragon that you would be there in a heartbeat slaying the dragon to save me. smile Everytime we talk it makes me a little bit happier than I was before that. smile and when I think of you it ALWAYS puts a smile on my face. Your the last person I think about before I fall asleep and the first person I think about when I wake up. smile I will love you even when you don't love me and I will do anything for you even if you won't for me. I'll never forget you and I love you sooo much




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Duh. <33
Or add me.

MSN= escapingfromtheworld@hotmail.com


I am taken by the lovely Derek Hudson [so back off bitches D<]

I have met alot of people in my life, some good and some bad. Some willing to help me no matter what and some who could care less about my well being. Ive come to realize that what people have been telling me my entire life is true and logical and i was just stupid and didnt take the chance to really look at it from their point of view. Sometimes you have to swallow your pride and admit that sometimes you arent always going to be right and you arent always going to make the right decisions. Its just how life is and if you can realize that before its too late to do anything about it then it will be better for you. I obviously am learning the hard way and i do regret some decisions i have made in my life but you cant keep living in the past, you have to move on. Every moment in your life whether its good or bad is a learning experience. Now onto a more serious topic in my life. I have been asked so many times if i am gay, and its really gotten to the point to where its just an everyday thing. I dont understand why its such a concern to society these days but the answer to everyones question is yes i am. For the people who really know me and truly care about me its no suprise to them, they knew all along. Im sure ill have to deal with this tomorrow and explain myself to alot of people but im willing to do it. Dont ever live your life in a way that you know isnt you being yourself. There are people out there that will love you for you and not care about how u look or who you like. On the other hand, there will be assholes who will read this and by tomorrow im sure everyone i have ever met and went to school with will know, but thats not my concern. I apologize to everyone who has asked me and i have said no numerous times to, it was stupid of me to deny something that was obvious in so many ways. I am going to move on with my life and the people who want to be in it are welcomed to be in it, i have learned so much in the past week and its really helped me become a better person. Just remember that no matter how many times you may say you hate your family and your friends, they will always be the ones there for u in the end when there is nobody else to turn to.

I am Here for:
Real friends. There is more to a relationship than just meeting someone.Its more of getting to know who they really are.You dont base how much you know someone by how many times you have hung out with them. You base it on how many times you have been there for them, how many times you have sat down and listened to their problems. To me, its all about finding a connection with him or her from the inside. In the end thats the only people you need to have in your life. The ones who really care about you and know who you truly are from the inside, people who will have your back and love you for who you are. Dont waste your time tryin to be friends with fakes. It always starts out good and ends up bad.


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