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This is me, DEAL WITH IT!!!!

My name's Twitch and I'm out of my mind in the most wonderful way.

Gender: Male (I doubt you hadn't figured this out already but just in case.)


Friends: They're basically my life. I have few of them in the real world and like it that way, but feel free to add me as a friend on here biggrin

Random PM's: They're always fun, especially when they basically have no point to them (like me telling you about myself). There is an exception to this,and they go by the 3 headed, fire breathing demons known as scammers. I warn you now, DO NOT even TRY to send one of these to me, because not only will I have you perma'd, but I will also completely obliterate you're self esteem with my response AND PILLAGE YOUR VILLAGE AND RAPE YOUR WOMEN......AND THEN PILLAGE YOUR WOMEN AND RAPE YOUR VILLAGE!

Anime: I love anime, some people think it sucks, but I think it's better and has better plot lines and stories than most American television. My faves in no particular order are FLCL, Bleach, Read or Die, Fullmetal Alchemist (both series') Soul Eater, Vampire Knight, Naruto, Eden of the East.

Guitar: I LOVE to play guitar. I think ESP/LTD guitars are the best guitars ever and Gibsons and Fenders are overrated and should really only be used as instruments of pain to shove up the bums of the people who run the company for making such bullshit guitars at such bullshit overpriced uh....prices.

Music: I would go even more insane than I am now without my music (to the point where brix would be shat) I pretty much only listen to metalcore, except for a few bands.

Food: Ramen is pretty much the best creation ever made by man, although I think it was created by the ramen gods since it's too awesome for mere humans to create.

Animals: I can't lie, I'm an animal lover (MINDS OUT OF THE GUTTER PEOPLE). With that being said, I am by no means a vegetarian. I'll eat meat, I just won't hunt for it.



Society: I hate society and only venture out into it rarely, mainly to go to friend's houses or to buy stuff.

Religion: I hate organized religion. It's really annoying how they push religion on you and go door to door explaining how their god is better than other religion's gods etc. I honestly think that we should trick the hardcore religious people into thinking we're putting them in a spaceship that goes to heaven (or valhalla or whatever they think it's called) then actually send them into the sun. As for me, I believe in god, I just hate religion

My computer: It is terribly bipolar. Sometimes it loves me, sometimes it hates me, and it switches back and forth without warning. You would think it would love me all the time seeing as how I'm on it constantly and touching its buttons, which should feel good to it. But no, it has to be an ungrateful b*****d and go slow as hell sometimes.

Sunlight: I rarely go outside so when I do, sunlight burns me, which could be one of the reasons I rarely go outside.

People who hurt animals: It's just wrong. It's like a grown man punching a baby. Now would you go out an punch a baby? Wouldja? Huh? Huh? Didn't think so. (if you read through that last part and thought "yes, I think I would" you're a messed up person.)


OK, for some reason, the old quote list got deleted (still trying to figure out how and why) so I'm starting a new one. It will probably take a while to be as full as the last one but be patient. If you're new to this. these are basically quotes from me and my 3 best friends that we randomly say while playing halo, hanging out, etc. I'm not gonna add the old quotes because to be honest, I don't remember them. If I do, I'll put them back in here.

Danny sad I have no clue where he came up with this one)"No daddy, I'm a boy, I don't wanna wear the dress."
Danny sad explaining to Gerald that his plans in halo always suck)"If it were up to you, we'd be sitting around in a circle shooting each other in the kneecaps til one of us realized it was gay."
Rob sad talking about his guitar)"I hate my g-string!!! ...******** class="smilies smilies_sad"> sad talking to me, after I said something I've been saying to him all day to annoy him for revenge)"I'm gonna take you behind the shed and shoot you." (There's a story behind this, Danny is the last person who would ever say anything that's so blatantly "I'm going to kill you" and we all laughed our asses off because of it, including Danny.)
Rob sad talking about the last part of my "about me")"I'd punch your baby square in the face."


View Journal

My journal, I'll write in it from time to time


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BuriedPast Report | 01/09/2010 10:44 am
Get COD!
BuriedPast Report | 01/02/2010 4:58 am
Sup f*****t
Reign Of The Toucan Report | 01/01/2010 8:35 pm
Reign Of The Toucan
Maybe I can get the first world-wide law passed.
Reign Of The Toucan Report | 01/01/2010 8:34 pm
Reign Of The Toucan
It was just hypothetical.

I will never accept even the capability of you having children. Even if you're physically able, there should be some kind of federal law against you reproducing.
Reign Of The Toucan Report | 01/01/2010 8:03 pm
Reign Of The Toucan
On the last part of your "dislikes" section, I thought "Yes. Yes, I would" but only if it were your baby.

I'd punch your baby square in the face.
Reign Of The Toucan Report | 01/01/2010 7:53 pm
Reign Of The Toucan
No joke, bromo.

Srs bzns
Kalliope Adrestea Report | 09/13/2009 9:19 pm
Kalliope Adrestea
Um, actually, I've been leaving comments on profiles that I think are pretty wicked or for users who have similar interests or cool avis but I haven't been doing that lately since I haven't been on...but Idk what my insentive was for leaving you a comment sorry lol ^~^'''
Jodie_57 Report | 08/08/2009 6:04 pm
*pokedy poke*
Reign Of The Toucan Report | 08/03/2009 12:12 am
Reign Of The Toucan
******** YEAH SEAKING.
Reign Of The Toucan Report | 08/03/2009 12:12 am
Reign Of The Toucan
It would be just like you to insult me after I gave you 8k.



Reign Of The Toucan

I'm going to take you behind the shed and shoot you.