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Viewing 12 of 22 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 08/09/2009 9:21 pm


i think if ur da person im thinking u r. ish ur name morgan?

Report | 12/05/2008 9:35 pm


hey sorry for not calling anymore my phone got shut off and im sorry dat i counldnt say happy b day either but happy B-Day User Image
bigcity -melissa-

Report | 07/06/2008 6:57 pm

bigcity -melissa-

DD: It wasn't as fun without you! The weather held up, but the waves sucked haha.

We're having a herd reunion, though!! At the fair! Long story: I was on aim and Kaitlin Finnagin was all "omg let's go to the fair! You, me, and David!" (cuz he was on aim) and so I said to Dave, "SAY NO! I DON'T WANNA GO WITH HER!" So a few seconds later she was all, "He said yes!" and I went to David and I was like, "Why'd you say yes???" and he said, "Let's ditch her!!" and I was like, "Who are we going with??" and he's all, "I thought we could have a Herd Reunion!" and I was all, "Shyea!!!" But only the original Herd, like when you first came to the table :3 It'll be awesome! I'll call you and stuff later about the details!" btw Dave told me to tell you that he doesn't hate you. Just in case you think he does. He wants you to come. =D
bigcity -melissa-

Report | 07/05/2008 10:18 am

bigcity -melissa-

OMG!! You, me, and Cyndee HAVE to go shopping today for new bathing suits! Around five-ish! I'm uber excited for the beach party tomarrow! David can't go though, and if David B. finds out we're nervous no guys will come but that's okay! Just girls is awesome too! 8D I doubt Parker will come, though, since Dave's not coming but w/e. Cyndee's gunna call everyone with the plans and times later. I'll call you later, too, about the shopping thing! Tootles xDD
bigcity -melissa-

Report | 07/04/2008 9:43 am

bigcity -melissa-


I made first chair oboe in Usdan, so I get to be in a symphony orchestra and band! Also, I'm the most advanced guitarist in my class!! ANNNNNND I made a whole lotta new friends. Like Sam, Natalee, Thea, Jess, Jordi, Lauren, Philip, Daniel, Rob, Katie, and Dana. But I'd rather hang out with you and the Herd! D: I miss you!!
bigcity -melissa-

Report | 07/04/2008 9:31 am

bigcity -melissa-

THE CSH NEEDS TO HAVE A MEETING ASAP!! I MISS YOU AND KIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! btw me, Cyndee, Sophie, David H., and David B. are going to the beach this Sunday! You should come!!

Report | 06/29/2008 4:50 pm


OMIGOD YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol dont you love the song naomi!!!!!!!!!!

Report | 05/21/2008 2:57 pm


i good roxas how about you sorry i haven't been on in a while or talking to you ^_^ (sorry bout that lol) User ImageD

Report | 04/27/2008 10:33 am


hey!! i'm back. i'm bored. i'm rllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly bored!! come on go on gaia!! PLEAZ????!?!?!?!? well i'm goin 2 go take a nap. LAWL!! well bye

Report | 04/11/2008 8:25 pm


i'm so srry if i pissed u off



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