
The name is Natalie; walking with head held high, head-strong. stubborn. pain in the a**, i know. I'm a very jealous person and I can get envious of others at times. I have a past and at times I look back at some things with disgust, but I regret nothing at all. I live my life how I please and I break the rules on a daily basis. I believe in love and I have learned that you never really appreciate what you have until it's actually gone. I'm a very forgiving person and I always seem to give people second chances if I truly believe they deserve it. I've only been in true love twice and it hurts. I have a huge heart and I always seem to worry about others way before myself. I'm very opinionated. I'm a very sarcastic person and I can tend to take things way to serious sometimes. I've got a back bone stronger than yours. I don't have a problem with saying how i feel. the Truth is, i'm too Honest. i always seem to want more than my little hands can hold. God shook his head the day he made me, but I bet he smiled too. A little out of control, A little crazy and A lot of fun. I love and live my life in the moment .. spontaneous and dangerous, absolutely. Talkkkk?

Nicole, My favorite twin sister, you've had my back my entire life. Ilove you chick, <33