Hey there! Wazzup! I'm Junior 3nodding and I'm awesome 4laugh My friends are Lucky7Dragonz and Angel Good Girl. They are even a-somer than Taylor Launter's six pack. And that's saying something!

I am usually random and weird but some did you see ANYBODY normal before? If I imagine a person normal, I imagine them looking like Spongebob. mrgreen

I am nice and mostly weird with a side of loud. I also LOVE twilight and I am totally Team Edward but I also love Team Jacob. I mean, you gotta admit some people love Team Jacob because of his six pack and biceps. I will admit it right now: I am in Team Jacob because of his biceps and sixpack!

I also like anime. Psh, heck like, I LOVE Anime. I heart Vampire Knight, InuYasha, Fruits Basket, Special A, and Kekkaishi! They are awesome!

OK, I can be mean. So if you are going to be mean, I'll just say this, I know where you live ninja .

Mwahhhhhaaa twisted . -COUGHCOUGH- Wow! Talk about ruining the evil moment. stare Stupid corny coughs. Anywhoo, -WAIT- when did I started saying anywhoo? eek

I love to listen to music! I love Paramore, Taylor Swift, Maroon Five, Katy Perry, and almost anything except classical. Blech emotion_donotwant emotion_puke But me luv cake! emotion_yatta


I love to have friends! SO WHATCHA WAITN' FOR?!?! ADD ME
