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Dangerous Dom Report | 11/30/2009 1:51 pm
Dangerous Dom
Hahaha..yeah life definately gets harder after you leave school, but then again now that you are an adult you can pretty much do anything you like...welcome to the real world (good luck..hehe)
Dangerous Dom Report | 10/02/2009 9:03 am
Dangerous Dom
Just came back from vegas yesterday so tired *yawn* wow what a city!!! your so lucky to live in the U.S. if i lived there i would go to vegas every year. plane flight wasnt so bad it actually turned out to be 10 hours but still tooo long for me, plus i couldnt sleep since i got aisle seats and everyone with a fat a** kept on bumping into me hehhe. WOW the portions of food in america are crazy! they give you enough food to last a person a week! lol i tried to eat a 6 pound burrito in the sahara casino when i was there my god that things was ridiculously big i got about half way then i collapsed lol. When you are older you have to go to vegas its so amazing!!! just make sure to bring lots of money heheh i'm broke now have you got any spare change? wink your dog sounds cool just make sure to keep him away from pest control when it rains, otherswise they might think he's a rat too lol.
I speak english fluent and also italian but thats about it my japanese is still really bad (oh how i wish i was smarter, i think i was dropped one too many times as a baby, i even have the dents in my skull to prove it hehe)
Your teacher beats you with water bottles? wow i thought they outlawed physical punishment at school lol. anyway hope everythings going well for you over there take care of yourself and say hi to your dog /rat for me heheh (whats his name anyway?)
Dangerous Dom Report | 08/13/2009 4:35 am
Dangerous Dom
Lol.....i'm sure you wont look as bad as ugly betty...hey i bet ugly betty is one of those shows where they make her ugly for most of it then on the last episode she'll take off her braces and glasses get a haircut and end up being really hot-looking lol...
cool so you got a little dog huh? is it vicious? in my experience little dogs are notorious ankle-biters especially jack russels which i think look more like rats than dogs
so you are part asian then? can you speak any asian languages?
wow cant believe how time flies in a little over a months time i will be going to las vegas (13 hours on the plane FAR too long...dear god i'm gonna go crazy in there!!!)
anyway hope things are going well for you take care and keep on raging against the machine (whatever that means?)
Dangerous Dom Report | 05/20/2009 12:06 pm
Dangerous Dom
LOL...dunked the full baby in the water? you sure it wasn't some human sacrifice instead of a baptism?
Yeah too many religious nuts around nowadays...i dont understand why we cant all just get along? i'm not saying we should become hippies and hold hands and make daisy chains and sing "kumbyah" around a campfire but surely we dont need to be killing each other all for the sake over religion.
OUCH! all your wisdom teeth? i still have all mine (one hasn't even came out yet and i'm 27!!!) wisdom teeth are so much trouble huh? they such call them stupidity teeth seeing as they dont really have a purpose apart from giving you problems..braces huh?!
Braces aren't so bad now you barely notice them unless its though full-head ones that make you look like some weird frankenstein experiment..hehe
heres a good japanese word for ya...*onara* which translates as
good nice to know you are living healthy *high-fives rachel*
hey...remember when we first met on this site? there was that kid called jackie chan who was claimimg jet li was his uncle? lol remember he was gonna go kill himself? i wonder how hes doing now?
anyway see ya later koi-chan...ciao
Dangerous Dom Report | 05/17/2009 1:24 am
Dangerous Dom
PARIS HILTON??? my god i hate that woman!!!! (and usually i dont hate anyone...well apart from bill gates...i blame him for all humanities problems from global warming to my milk turning sour when its been in the fridge for too long lol)
Ikea? you know thats a place i have never been i dont like their furniture much even though everyone else is always going on about how good it is...yeah my brother told me they have resturants at ikea is their food as bad as their taste in modern furnture design? lol
No, no word from the ticket front yet i'm still holding my breath (face turning a deeper shade of blue)
lol...monk versus big nasty russian fighter? the monks chances dont look good do they? lol whats he gonna use as a weapon? a bible? a rosary? his faith in humanity?
ouch needles huh? im not scared of needles but i'd rather avoid them if i can..crap i have the dentists tomorrow..great no coubt another filling to add to my collection i dont even eat lots of sugary stuff but i kinda did when i was a kid..i'm reaping the damage from a youth of drinking coca-cola and poor dental hygene i always tell me little bro to look after his teeth as he will regret it when hes older but he still doesnt listen to me and to make things worse he has started smoking now what a daho! (japanese term for idiot)
I hope you dont smoke rach otherwise its rehab for you! lol
anyway hope your doing well and keep up the good work soldier....charlie foxtrot alpha over and out!
Dangerous Dom Report | 05/15/2009 10:41 am
Dangerous Dom boston sure it didn't have coloured contact lenses? ( can happen!
well whatever pooch you decide to get DONT i repeat DONT!!!! get a rottweiler...what a pain those dogs are all they do is growl, eat, sleep and growl some more.....get one of those dogs you carry around in a i feel so sorry for those dogs what a life that is living in some rich girls bag and being treated like a doll..i suppose they get their revenge when they crap inside it all over their belongings...mwahahaha!
lol funny pic that guy wuth the glasses looks very freaky indeed probably another wayans brother...hehehe
nice...i hope you have a great summer i bet you have great summers where you live unlike here....(sighs desparingly..) i hope we dont get flooded again like last year what a nightmare that was...
nope i havent seen role models yet yeah it does seem like a funny film i saw the wolverine film a few weeks was ok although it does feature a naked wolverine running around the place...(shivers) but i'm sure you'd probably like that hehe anyway take care and have fun...your only young once you know....well....unless you do a michel j fox and find a time travelling car....ah how cool would that be i'd go back to medevil times and freak people out with ipods and cameras...that is if they didnt burn me for being a witch
take care...hasta la pasta rach see ya
Dangerous Dom Report | 05/10/2009 8:16 am
Dangerous Dom
HAHAHAHAHA...a breed of dog that cant have sex? wouldnt they be extinct by now then???
pizza is great havent been to a pizza hut for a long time now i've started going to subway more often now...although i just really go to have that sweet chili sauce they have there that stuff is amazing!!!! *starts to drool over keyboard and gets mild electric shock in the process*
yeah i would get a husky were i you but they are pretty expensive my cousin got one because a friend they knew who had one had a litter (litter of puppies not litter as in garbage incase you were wondering..hehehe)
MOTHERS DAY? CRAP!!!! i always forget those kinds of hoildays i'll just get her an card and some chocs (playing it lazy and safe as usual)
what about you? lol you should br creative and get her something she wont expect like a voodoo doll or an african fertility
now summers comming you planning to go to any music gigs? greenday are playing her later this year but the tickets sold out in like 15 mins only way i'll get one now is to pay over £100 for one (i hate it when people buy tickets just to resell to fans for a much higher price....b*stards!!!! should be a law against it or something)
my bro might be getting free tickets to a big music festival this summer i couldnt go last year cause he took his girlfriend instead hopefully i can go this year.
anyway hope things are going well for ya take care...ciao!
Dangerous Dom Report | 05/08/2009 10:52 am
Dangerous Dom
yeah huskies are great dogs if i got a dog it would be a husky my cousin has one called max..hes getting kinda old now but hes still pretty cool..yeah weird how some have different coloured eyes huh? personally i blame inbreeding..heheh
i hate it when a song sticks in your head that you can shift..recently i got that lady gaga pokerface song trapped inside my cranium CRAP!!!!!
Hmm.. about your dual-b-day party dilemma i would probably go to the friends that i was closest with or the one that asked me first...failing that go to the one with free alcohol!!!..heheh oh thats right you are too young for that...sorry in that case you could always flip for it?
Dangerous Dom Report | 05/03/2009 8:43 am
Dangerous Dom
HAHAHAHA yeah personally i dont beleive all this scare-mongering that the media is doing about the swine flu i dont belive we will all get infected would be funny though if you get swine flu you start making pig noises and rolling around on your own filth heheh
sorry to hear about your creppy-wanna-be -boyfriend...really he was stalking you? lol
hahaha your friends cousin vinny? is that the same guy from the film? lol
cool what kind of dog? remember dogs are a lot of work...walking feeding..etc...but they are also very good pets
i went to this thing called alien war wioth some friends yesterday so damn funny it was like a film studio where you get chased in the pitch black by guys in alien costumes it was great everytime we were ambushed i would throw my friend steph at the alien and run away lol (hey its survival of the fittist friendship goes out the window when you are getting chased by aliens ...hehehe)
if that was in my closet? i would say..."hey you doing?"

Dangerous Dom Report | 04/05/2009 9:12 am
Dangerous Dom
HAHAHA janitor? doesn't seem like a veryfulfilling job you clean stuff then someone else dirties it then you clean it again...although the cleaning machine sounds kinda cool...(hmm...wonder what the top speed of those things are and whether its possible to POP a wheelie on them..hehe). you? running the country into ruins? the way the global economy is right now you couldn't do any worse than the idiots in charge now are have my vote anyway koi-chan.
Yeah i cant understand they games that people on your side of the world play baseball, american football, hockey???
although basketball is easy enough to follow.
Hmm...hard to say but seeing as this guy asked you to an event and wants your number i'd put money on it that he is interested in you i thing the easist why to tell if someone likes you is to see how the behave in your company..does he act nervous? is he always smiling when you look and talk to him? dies he wear a "i love rachel t-shirt"?
if he's interested he'll make his move soon enough the question is "do you like him?"
life here is still pretty can i put it? emm.....crap??? lol
can't wait until las vegas should be fun unless i get drunk and end up marrying a mexican cocktail waitress with a hairy upper lip...hehe
Anyway good luck rach take care of yourself and good luck with that guy...ciao!

<3 yu 4evEr ;]