You Should Know More About ME

Hi there:p My name is Ciara. I took my first breath on June 29th, 1996. I'm 14(: && I don't drink, smoke, or do any kind of drugs. && I'm proud of that.
I won't do anything with a guy unless i really like him. && I don't do crap with random guys, I have morals people.
If I like or dislike you, you'll definitely know(;
I don't like labels. I think someone should be able to wear what they want without being called a poseur for it. I've been called maybe every name in the book. But I'm me && I'm not changing for anyone, so get over it(:
I have been used and lied to, so at times i can have trust issues, don't blame me, blame the people that gave a reason to have them. I am a forgiving person, however, just don't take advantage of me. When you do completely lose my trust though, don't expect it back.
I can be really loud && hyper sometimes, I'm aware I could care less of what most people think about me, unless that person is very special to me, that's a different story.
Things that make me smile-- all my friends, music, singing, <3
Things that will put a frown on my face: players, people who just don't care, two-faced people, any type of drugs or alcohol, people who can't take a joke or don't understand my sarcastic personality(;
Well that's me(: Message or comment me(; Ask for the cell number<3
Love, Ciara!(;
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