
XSexy_As_EvaX's avatar

Birthday: 11/04


relations ships like glass sumtimes its betta to leave them broken thean try to hurt urself puttin it bak together

Im inluv with u baby, ur my best friend... and ill never surrender u baby.... ur mine forever..

Luv is just like a miricle no matter who ur inluv with ugly or freaken hot rich or freaken poor its luv and look or money is not about luv it matters wat the person is in the inside be inluv with some1 u luv with they might luv u too u just neva know

Your Still with me and now your free im still inluv.... And i dont know why but baby i wanna be... with you.....

This is for all u haters " i love u haters why bc i love when u try to complete me and seeing u get mad when i get something better and do something better than u i love seeing u have no life and always seeing u be second and im first place u cant complete me cus u wish u were better than me i love seeing u get all the uglys and seeing me get tha cutes i love seeing u act like a retard and tryna steal my friends cus its just funny how we all laugh wen u try to be cool like me well haters i love u and u should think before u hate so STOP HATING" (please post this to ur profile if u have haters that tryna complete u)

Come unto me, All ye that labor and heavy laden and i will give you rest Take my yoke apon you and learn of me.. For i am meek and lowly in heart and ye shall find rest unto your souls for my yoke is easy and my burnden is light (if u read the bible add this into your profile)

LIFE...is about being yourself someone you can only be... someone only you can understand someone that is unlike someone else someone that doesnt copy other to look the same.. omeone whos extremely unique because you are you.. be origanal.. be creative.... BE YOURSELF! (add this if think your a unique person..)

Tell her how much u admire her...always tell her u love her at all times...when shes upset hold her tight.... pick her over all the girls you hang out with...Play with her hair tickle her and wrestle her just talk to her and tell her jokes and bright her flowers hold her hand and run just hold her hand throw pebbles are her window at night let her fall asleep in your arms sing to her no matter how awfull u sound... get her mad at you then kiss her give her piggy back rides push her on the swing... tell her she beautiful when she sad.... stay on the phone with her even if shes not saying anything... look into her eyes and smile... kiss her on her forehead dance with her even if there no music.... kiss her into the rain... and when u fall inlove with her Tell Her...... (please add this into ur profile if u inlove with a girl or boy)

you guys are my true friends.. and nothing will eva happen cus ur my true.. friend.... (to all my bestfriend)