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Ashlei Ventura. I'm from Clevelend, Ohio. My home forever and ever, my heart belongs there, <3. Let me begin by saying I'm a very blunt person if I don't like what I see, I'll tell you. For the past sixteen years of my life I've been through Hell and back I've had my good times and bad. I love my life and hate it at the same time. I speak my mind and sometimes I might come off like a b***h and I'm sorry if it hurts your feelings, but too bad, smile .When I'm home alone I run around singing and dancing. Itss really fun! When I'm with my friends, I'm the chill one unless I'm with Jessicuh, then we're both just plain out there. Kisses and hugs make me smile, smile . Nagging and yelling will make me kick you, biggrin ! I hate when people cry because it makes me cry, sad . I love to make people smile and laugh, <3. Famliy and friends come first. Falling in love is oh so sweet, but it's not for me. Broken hearts and dripping tears are just too much. I can't wait to grow up and become have my own responsibilty. I don't give a ******** what people say. I enjoy writing songs, singing, dancing, and modeling. Just ******** what people think, don't back out on the best things in life, ******** the limits and just go for it.

Please, try not to judge me I'm not 'Miss Famous' and I don't think I am. But I will be someday. When it comes to TV I love to watch U.F.C., W.W.E., R.A.W., SMAKEDOWN, and E.C.W. fighting is awesome! I'm learning how to kick box but yeah, it's all good. My number one best friend would be ALLY HETMAN she is the one persone in the this world that has ever known the real me and under stood it :] and next year will both be 18 and were are sooo out of here :]User Image
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