xViola Girlx

xViola Girlx's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 06/26/1997


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What I have at this very precise moment...

Wish List- please be kind and I'll return the favour.


This is me...

MUSIC! What a wonderful thing right? mrgreen

Well, I'm xViola Girlx and from my name, you could probably tell that I'm into violas which is 110% true! They're so awesome and the world would suck without them.

I'm from Wellington, New Zealand- the freakingly most brilliant country in the world!
My family comes from Sri Lanka so I am Sri Lankan smile


Music, music, music... (:

Well, that's me!

Me and my life of music, friends and more music...!



My words to you...

Inside everyone, is there own unique piece of music.

What a wonder of brilliance it is...