xX-chooky girl-Xx

xX-chooky girl-Xx's avatar


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Music0verLove Report | 07/22/2010 2:57 am
Been forever jay , love you , ur the best friend ever - love gier
deangaychester Report | 12/22/2009 9:21 am
scotty + Gabby = >_< ........ :{
deangaychester Report | 12/22/2009 9:20 am
oooohhh wink ....ur gier
deangaychester Report | 12/04/2009 3:18 pm
supsie jordan...how u bin gurl!!! smile
deangaychester Report | 11/22/2009 7:25 pm
sups,i went to 2 partys saturday ..1.aprils 2.eliannas' both were awesome!!! smile
sye truesdale Report | 11/18/2009 10:52 am
sye truesdale
hello its scottinaters new acount
XxIm_Da_sUp3r_CuTi3xX Report | 11/15/2009 2:59 pm
II_Damned-Soul_II Report | 11/15/2009 7:57 am
deangaychester Report | 11/14/2009 6:42 pm
sups,jordan how u bin?? smile -wuv bunny (_/)
XxIm_Da_sUp3r_CuTi3xX Report | 11/10/2009 6:06 pm
im actuley not sure but im hoping he does because i miss those sleepovers!!

JAY/JAE/J... However the hell you want to spell it ;)

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~My name is Jay. lol u can call me wutever the hell u want but BE AFFRAID wut will happen if u call me some weird freako name lol. Ill kick your a**.
General Information: I live in Cali, the kewlest freeking state ever! hell yes! I've got stalkers and im totally chill with that just dont ask my exact address. I dont have enough gay stalkers so feel free to help the needy xd . Oh! Also, if theres gay ppl out there..Im for u dudes. Ever see Brokeback Mountain? Love that movie!...love is love no matter how its brought on another. ******** political crap, ish G-A-Y.
School: Im now an 8th grader. But I definitely still have the best friends I could ever ask for! Wouldnt change them for the world. Half the time schools pretty gay.... teachers and especially homework and sitting in the classroom for 500 years each period can be a b***h but! I love school xd ...IM A NERD!!! Ask anyone.
3 best best best friends of mine that all happen to have a Gaia:
~Kymberlie Koolaid
Shes my ninja chick and mentally challenged companion. My wife too....haha. Shes the first best friend I ever had since katchup dude in Pre-schoolage. She's da best dancer when it comes to our Dance Dance Revolution Marathon; we the best party animals ther ish! She's ******** histerical. When Im with her, we both cannot stop laughing. We wont stop laughing til the moon says stfu...and so far it hasnt said a word..i think it knows not to mess with us. Yah lame metaphore but wutev. Kym has a fabulous personality. Shes the jelly to mi peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I could NEVER ask for better jelly. =P
~Sierra Super Chick
This chick right here is my skatergurl companion. Shes hellarious and my yrs in middle school have been awesome with her around. Shes so nice and definitely someone u can trust with your dirty secrets! :biglaugh:
~Lindsey Love
Shes my dramaqueen companion. Shes so nice, sweet just like... ICE CREAM!! And who could give up ice cream, right!!? Shes not just plain old boring vanilla, shes one of a kind. Shes absolutely "FABULOUS" ahaha no no shes as beautiful as can be and totally badass. Shes an awesome listener and wont let u stop talking until u get all your feelings out. She understands u so well, ask her anything she'll answer. Ive known her for like 2 yrs maybe? Yah your jealous...shes my friend not yours. MUAHAHAHAHA!! Shes always funny and has great surprises!
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Love is beautiful, its like another amazing chapter your life can give you. It is an amazing, happy feeling. But it can give you the worst feeling you've ever felt when its over. It doesnt last forever so u should cherrish it while its there. When those two ppl arent together anymore, you just have to remember all the good times and not think about the pain. When the pain tours over you, you just have to get over it. Crying helps, it makes you stonger.
When someone stabs a knife through your heart or breaks it into a thousand pieces just like someone did to me, you feel nothing but pain and sorrow-ness. You feel useless or that something must be wrong with you. My heart was in the saddest thing its ever been but I just have to realize this happens all the time and that ppl move on and forget about them. So! Thats what Ive done, Ive moved on cuz being sad suxs! hehehehe
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Colors, colors, and more colors!!: Mi 3 fav colors are purple, black, electic green and orange. A color I absolutely DESPISE is pink. ******** HATE PINK!!!! Bright colors are awesome! Rainbowz, woo!!! Colors describe my feelings and my personality. I love colors! *talks in gay voice* they're sooooo fabbbuuulllouuss!!!
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T.V:My favorite tv shows are Sesame Street, Everwood, Kyle XY, Greek and Family Guy is pretty shamine too. ooo! And I aint affraid to say that I like INUYASHA <<< only because I like making fun of it. It seems like I watch lots of tv but the truth is I really dont. Barely turn it on...Im a music freek instead. Luv movies tho!
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Music: music ish mi life. If I didnt have music in mi life, mi life would be dam straight out boring as hell. Its the most beautiful sound Ive ever heard. I play electric guitar because someday I hope to make mi own music. Its a pretty kewl sound if u ask me. I also cherrish mi ipod...its mi lil sexay best friend. I like all kinds of music: pop, Hip-hop, R&B, Rock, Alternative, some piano stuff, ect. Im into rly old bands like the Beatles and Bob Marley.
Food!: I LOVE TO EAT!!! OMFG I LOVE FOOD!! YUMMMMAY!! Hmm Pasta sounds good right about now! Okay, mushrooms pees peppers or onions i hate. Watermellon, candy, and water i love. U can never go wrong with Pizza and Chineese Food when your with me. Ay btw if your going to eat a coookie, eat a cookie, none of this Fat-Free s**t. Thats bullshit! No cookie deserves to taste like freekin cardboard!! Only I would know that considering Im the cookie monster. OMFG IM SO HUNGRY, I WANT A COOKIE...NOWWWWW!!!.... ok ok lets not talk about food; moving on...
Candy and Ice Cream: My favorite candy are smarties cuz they make me feel smart, razzles for rockin hard, and Sprees for Sexy Goodness...ope! OMG cant forget skittles, taste the rainbow, feel the rainbow or wutev the ******** the mato is........ MI FAVORITE ICE CREAM IS COOKIES AND CREAM..sorriz guyz i just really really wanted u guyz to know lmfao.
Words:Im kinda Weird and I love being CRAZY!!! Crazy just describes me right there!!! My fav word is "creep" and "BOB SAGGET". And I like sayin things like: psha, chya, pfffft,...ook ect. Yah pretty retarted but I just had to put it in there =P. Oh and me and my buddy like calling each other all kinds of things like all the cookies time so I guess that makes those word our fav. too! nevermind those; they're inside jokes. uhh another fav word of mine to say is *sexii*,*boys*,and *love* and they do follow in the same category!<3.....Bottom line is I LOVE TO TALK..and Im a pro at texting (thats my thumbs excersize everyday), I honestly couldnt live without my phone nor my ipod or my pc or mi friends and absolutely not food...anything else go ahead and take...i dont give a s**t. Wow im such a dork, but **RaNdOm**
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Random s**t: Aliens and Ninjas are the kewlest. Frankenstien is my best friend. I LOVE BOYS!!! BOYS=SEXY!! You smoke, u smell...Do drugs, u dumb. Most bugs scare the s**t outta me (spiders mostly). Skate-boarding is the most fun excercise u can get!! I dance randomly all the time. VICTORY DANCE OWOWOWOWOW!!! Singing is F.U.N;Im in choir and im in the plays at school. I love stars!!<< xd haha jk jk....noo there only stupid if they say, "what", every 5 seconds when u say something. HA! you should count how many seconds it taxes a blonde to get the joke. TinyPic.com has da kewlest pictures. I am NOT A DINOSUAR!!! BUT I LOVE DINOSUARS!!! I want a pet dinosuar soo bad! RAWR.....ok thats enough im annoying!
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Contact: Gaia is weird; I have myspace; I've got msn...so anyone who wants to add me, go ahead and ask.
~Anywho, if u are reading this,I hope u like it and I hope we meet! peaces, RoCk HaRd!!
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