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To begin with, Cookies! <3
Yes, That's correct I said cookies!
As in give me all the cookies you have
and I won't send ninja/zombie/cookie/vampires to eat joo and your kitteh.

=D Now that we've settled that matter. On to some more stuff about me. I'm sixteen! I like cookies if I haven't already adressed that. I did? Oh well, too bad. I really like cookies. Hint..hint -winks-. Anyway, I live with my grandmother and grandfather. There's alot of other mess, but it's all confusing so blah! On to the rest!

Oooh luckeh you! You get to see what I like!<~>
Calm down...Don't get to excited!
>being a neko -yush! i'm a neko-
>Food in general
>being silly!
>SPUNKINESS! - and I seriously mean spunkiness on meh friend's list-
>Going swimming
>Family Guy
>Twilight Series
>Shonen Jump
>Drawing anime
>Drawing in general
>Making people smile - it's what I live for-
>Stealing your cookies >.>'
>drawing avi art - too bad my scanner is broken-
>People who actually read this - that means you want to know about me and that means your awesome. So give yourself a nice pat on the back buddeh and buddeh-etts -

Things I DETESTE with a passion!<~>
Don't you dare bring these things near me.
T.T I'm Serious! remember I have ninja/zombie/cookie/vampires!
>vegetables -twitches-
>My teachers
>Drinking too much tea - I..umm become drunk..- >.<'
>Having people beat meh high score in video games
>small books
>People who mess with meh spunkiness
>you -nah just screwin with joo- (maybe)
>Illiterate rps

Hmm....Oh your still there...You want more...

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So this is what girls mean when they say 'Girls Night Out'

I like yuri...what? Don't give me that look!
Don't act like your above me guys...
I know you watch it! <.<
Don't ask how!
Just know that I know T.T
and ladies...Don't even e_o
you and your yaoi have no room to talk!
If you didn't make a shocked expression at the pic above then
I have nothing to say to you and what I just said has nothing to do with you.
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I <3 Kittehs!
They pawn!
Now I'm going to wrap this up because well....Because I want to!
Besides what more can I say.
I'm a litterate rper.
I like any rp even fantasy as long as it has a good story and such.
You smell like a cookie T.T
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Well, Th-h-h-h-h-hat's all folks!

oh yeah, one last thing before you go

Take that alex luff!


Viewing 12 of 15 friends


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Pixy Unforgiving

Report | 04/23/2009 10:03 pm

Pixy Unforgiving

im getting married to my bf dat i've known for 4yrs >.< his name is ivan oh and he has a gaia account too his name here is Zedkiel du Coudray >.< im happy
Pocky Game

Report | 03/15/2009 3:50 pm

Pocky Game

*nods!* And look what i found! =D *raises up cookie jar* x3
Oh THANK you! *snarfs*
Ralleh ralleh ralleh! (after i finish my homework. >.> wink
Yeahhh. >.>

Report | 03/15/2009 2:20 pm


good =3

Report | 03/15/2009 10:09 am



Report | 03/15/2009 9:53 am


i wrote the wrong day on ding dong >>

Report | 03/15/2009 9:44 am


happeh to be soon b-d it is mty b-day today silly willy

Report | 03/14/2009 12:47 pm


O 3o -throws a cookie at u-
Pocky Game

Report | 03/13/2009 11:11 pm

Pocky Game

Oh. Right. I knew that.
(*recalls how I search through your closet everyday for treasure*)
<.< Yup. Don't ask. xDDD
x3 It luffs you anyhoo.
Pocky Game

Report | 03/13/2009 10:46 pm

Pocky Game

O.O Did you sell my shadow spirit...?
*hugs* x3
We match though! =D
*ish so happy* I'M WONDERFULLL!
Pocky Game

Report | 03/13/2009 10:36 pm

Pocky Game

*is touched*
Hai Derrick! x3


I'm not the cure to your broken heart
I'm more like the poison that made it stop.
Literate rper! let me know If you know a good rp and I'll consider not sending a ninja zombie to your house to eat joo and your cat!

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