Hit-me-up! <3

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What makes me beautiful! <3

Wish List=>want so bad!



are like apples
on trees. The best ones
are at the top of the tree. The
boys don't want to reach for the
good ones because they are afraid of
falling and getting hurt. Instead they
just get the rotten apples from the ground
that aren't as good, but easy. So the apples at
the top think something is wrong with them,
When in reality, they're amazing. They just
have to wait for the right boy to
come along. The one who's
brave enough to
climb all
the way
to the top
of the tree

Hello fellow gaian's. My name is Kayela, but it is pronounced just the same as Kayla. I live in the U.S. and I just graduated year of 2012 from high school. I enjoy roll playing greatly, work away my life. I'm graduated from college for dental assisting, but ended up in management. My passionate love belongs to no one currently due to a recent separation. I have been playing since i was 13, I am 20 now. Gaia has become an utterly dull sight at moments, but i remain a constant Gaian checker because of my favorite Englishmen, of whom I will meet face-to-face one day!!!!!
Anything else necessary to know for you, my inbox is always available!


Xx-Tebear-xX's avatar

Last Login: 12/29/2017 6:58 pm

Registered: 03/10/2007

Gender: Female

Comments=>leave me one! <3

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-WlkinOnBrokenGlass- Report | 06/05/2013 9:10 am
I just now saw your comment from so long ago, and I think that is the sweetest thing I have ever read. I am home from the summer, and I do believe we should hang out soon. Catch up, it has been too long! Thank you so much for all the kind things you said dear, I love you!
xoxo, tylee
Prince of Fangs Report | 01/25/2013 6:21 am
Prince of Fangs
We both have alot on, our lives limit our usage of the internet. That doesn't mean we can't be close. We still talk like we used to (even if not as much) and just because we're not talking that day, doesn't mean you're not in mind smile
Prince of Fangs Report | 01/11/2013 6:36 am
Prince of Fangs
A good point smile Just stand to the side a little and they won't know where you've gone... you can even poke them with a stick from you hiding place.. just to the right lol x
Prince of Fangs Report | 12/22/2012 4:01 am
Prince of Fangs
Psst, How did you escape from the stormtroopers..? biggrin
Prince of Fangs Report | 12/10/2012 5:15 am
Prince of Fangs
Heyy biggrin Sorry I've been away so long :/ How are you? x
Prince of Fangs Report | 11/02/2012 5:35 am
Prince of Fangs
Just thought I'd say Hi whilst I was online smile I miss you x
Prince of Fangs Report | 06/25/2012 7:41 am
Prince of Fangs
Yeah, I know. I'm just gettin' to the point in life now where it's no longer a game, and things need to be done -.-
Prince of Fangs Report | 06/11/2012 4:48 am
Prince of Fangs
You don't have to try smile x
Prince of Fangs Report | 06/08/2012 4:23 am
Prince of Fangs
^.^ You always know how to make me smile smile x
Prince of Fangs Report | 03/15/2012 7:31 am
Prince of Fangs
smile Smile for the love smile



Kimi Daichi
Kimi Daichi
Kimi Daichi
Kimi Daichi
Prince of Fangs

u realy dont no

Hearts break
souls shake
perhaps this is why
you're nevermore.

The bond of friendship
has known no stronger
binds than his and mine!

An old buddy

One of the few I'veever enjoy Rp with!

Awesome, dude!