My Playlist


She is my world, my life, my beating heart, and my everything. I don't know what I would do without her. <3 I love you Tracy

Thanks for visiting my profile! ^.^

Make the most out of your life
and love everyone imaginable.
If you make mistakes, try to fix them,
and never regret anything.
~Chad (Me)

Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it's better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together.

I've done so many stupid, idiotic bullshit. I've lied before, I've been a jackass, I've cheated on girls before, but the worst thing is I was a jackass to everyone just because I thought it would be fun. I'm sorry. I made up stupid stories. And than you Tracy, without you, I would never have gotten to be the real me, the real person I am. 'Cause I'm so much better than that <3

The past is the past, try to live, learn, and forget ;] 'Cause you can't change anything that already happened.