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Birthday: 08/15


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North rolling 60 crips

R.I.P sis i luv ya i rember i was the closest person to u but now u gone but i still have u in my heart luv ya sis

i put u in the hospitial lay u up for weeks i have you breathing from a tube u ******** foo i put u in da grave ni99a

They call me c monster haha niggas wonder why niggas come up missing.............. Niggas be suwwooop Iam like no uh cuhz its like opeen a bluunt Iam strapped with a guun the green sticking to.my fingers uh huh its harder then a soft ball trying I chop yall if u try pull out a gun u going get wipe out yall I go snoop on u niggas shoot up you niggas like Iam the top dog who u niggas top dog u niggas soft so Iam riding in my atrage blowing shyt up like a rocket launge I be blowing shyt on top of yall while I am riding in the streets I pop up on u n ur breezy ha I put a infa red beam on u even if its a holiday I don't five a ******** if I was there and if them red infa beams break its going hit u from a mile a way if u trying do somthing again I dump on u and leave u niggas dead cuhz I am blue chucks fan and I am goose and I am Down ride on these fools n shoot him n da head and I Will take his bread

R.I.p sis luv ya

R.I.P causin i love u bro u had 12 before u started 1st year of high <a title="Powered by Text-Enhance" id="_GPLITA_0" style="text-decoration:underline" href="#" in_rurl="<a class="vglnk" title="Link added by <a class="vglnk" title="Link added by VigLink" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="http://www.viglink.com/"><span>VigLink</span></a>" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="<a class="vglnk" title="Link added by VigLink" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="http://trkjmp.com/click?v=VVM6MjA1NzQ6MTAzMzpzY2hvb2w6YzhlYjYzYmFjMTRkM2JhZmU3Yzk3MGM3ZWUxYzBhNDg6ei0xMDYzLTIwMzkyOnd3dy5nYWlhb25saW5lLmNvbTo5NTI5OmltYWdlX29ubHk"><span>http</span><span>://</span><span>trkjmp</span><span>.</span><span>com</span><span>/</span><span>click</span><span>?</span><span>v</span><span>=</span><span>VVM6MjA1NzQ6MTAzMzpzY2hvb2w6YzhlYjYzYmFjMTRkM2JhZmU3Yzk3MGM3ZWUxYzBhNDg6ei0xMDYzLTIwMzkyOnd3dy5nYWlhb25saW5lLmNvbTo5NTI5OmltYWdlX29ubHk</span></a>"><span>http</span><span>://</span><span>trkjmp</span><span>.</span><span>com</span><span>/</span><span>click</span><span>?</span><span>v</span><span>=</span><span>VVM6MjA1NzQ6MTAzMzpzY2hvb2w6YzhlYjYzYmFjMTRkM2JhZmU3Yzk3MGM3ZWUxYzBhNDg6ei0xMDYzLTIwMzkyOnd3dy5nYWlhb25saW5lLmNvbTo5NTI5OmltYWdlX29ubHk</span></a>" in_hdr="null">school</a> i cant belive this happen bro iam missing u and malcolm i cant even think straight u and malcolm die 8 days apart in the same month rest easy causin i see u soon Jose Romeo may 7 1997 to august 18 2012

R.i.p Bro i miss u and jose was the closet things to me u guys were my best freinds now u gone its harf to beklive who am i going talk to my probmls about who am i going trust i cry everyday u guys are the 1 who help me get through the pain when my mom and sister died now i dont want iam going do i lost the people who ment the most to me I luv u bro i know u watching over me and the whole family April 30 1995 to August 10 2012