Songs that mean everything to me. <3

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I left gaia. the people and memories that happened are just too much. i miss everyone and care for you all


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Beckyonce Report | 07/01/2010 11:12 am
Jason!! D:
iiEatChurBrains Report | 05/05/2010 1:35 pm

Lol sorry.
I forgot. Why don't you just add everyone again and stuff?
iiEatChurBrains Report | 05/05/2010 1:07 pm

You're leaving!?
X3 stand_in_the_rain X3 Report | 05/05/2010 1:06 pm
X3 stand_in_the_rain X3
dnt quit please T^T
iiEatChurBrains Report | 05/04/2010 6:07 pm

Well Congrazzles. Lol.
iiEatChurBrains Report | 05/04/2010 6:02 pm

Well I'm not ganna be the one to yell at you for skipping.
Hell I haven't gone to school in over two weeks... haha.
I gatta go tomorrow though.
But trust me, you don't want to make skipping a habit.
iiEatChurBrains Report | 05/04/2010 5:58 pm

Yea. But I doubt you would try to hack me.
I think... sweatdrop
So how was your day today?
iiEatChurBrains Report | 05/04/2010 5:52 pm

Either way they'd be shitting their pants.
Which would be hilarious to witness.
iiEatChurBrains Report | 05/04/2010 5:48 pm

Specially since my account is worth over 7 Mill. Haha.
I just wanna see them try.
And then see their faces when their computer turns into the blue screen of Death.
iiEatChurBrains Report | 05/04/2010 5:42 pm

See, i had matt mess around with somethings and he made it so if
someone tries to hack me, they crash their computer.

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Music Knight94
Sea Ruler
Queen Heart of Lovers
actually a doctor
my name is katy
Ra Stay Flexxin
X3 stand_in_the_rain X3
Queen Heart of Lovers
actually a doctor
Music Knight94
Sea Ruler
my name is katy
X3 stand_in_the_rain X3
Mrs Tweaker
Ra Stay Flexxin
Captain pinky22
Ayoo Pinkey
jakester17 The Great
Xx_toxic blankie_xX
Kimberli Rain
Brains R Evil
Little Death Roze
Warmaster Havoc
Gym Leader Annie
trix-moves away
Purple Heart Seeker
Everlasting Impressions
Sir Seabastian michaelis
xWild Tiger
Orchidee Liebe


Friends of memories that i will never forget

when all is said and done, go crazy and party

People who i care about and will never forget

Name: Sarah,XX_Sarah_Elisabeth_XX. exs: Brandon and Robbi. Sarah has always been there for me and still is. She is one of my best friends and i will always care for you

Real life friends

Name: Miranda, Musicnote94. Ex girlfriend of one of my closest friends (brandon) she is an interesting person to meet. Me and her may have a lot of differences but we find a way to stay in touch

Name: Jenn, Marissa. Usernames i want to remember this person by: Cenasbabii53, Queen Heart of Lovers. I only have one caption for this person and thats, i never thought i could live without her

Name: Brandon. Usernames id like to remember him by. Musicknight94, Knight of Chaos, Knight of the wind. Exs: Miranda and Sarah. Brandon can sometimes be a jerk but i realize he had a reason for all of it. Now i couldnt be happier with him as a friend

Name: Ryan, Giratina4511. JJs younger brother and a very good friend. Me and him find amusement out of the most stupidest things but thats what makes us good friends

Name: Allison, alykk12345. exs: John. Brandons little sister. She annoys me sometimes

Name: Julian. exs: Aubree. Julian is the complete oppisite to me in every way. He thinks he is better at me in every video game there is XD

People on gaia who made my time here the best

Name: Jason, darkstone162, darkstar162, jason162. exs: Katy, kaylee, and kylie. When i first met this guy i thought he was totally annoying and a douche. after i got to know him i learned hes a great guy and i couldnt be happier to have had him as a friend

Name: Robbi. exs: Sarah. Robbi is an awesome guy. he can always keep a conversation alive and by god hes hyper

Name: Aubree. exs: John, Julian, and JJ. Aubree has a very unique handwriting XD. she is a crazy, awesome friend

Name: Nadia. Names id like to remember her by: -LemoureLemon-, Whats-her-face-xD. Me and Nadia didnt know eachother for long but she seemed like a really fun person to be with

Name: captian pinky22. i dont give a ******** about this guy. he tried to steal my girlfriend and tell me that she was cheating on me. someone i will gladly not miss

Name: matt, matias65. One of the best gamers to ever meet. If you want a challange in any video game, this is the guy to go to

Name: Kate. Usernames id like to remember her by: ii_DoG_NeRdd, kkoop. She annoys the hell out of me but she is still my friend

Name: Becca, Lovesblood. She helped me through a lot of things and i am very happy to know her and have been her friend

Name: jakester17 the great. my old gaia brother

Name: Victoria, XX_toxic blankie_XX. Aubrees little sister and a fun person to be with when shes not pissed lol

Name: Kimberli Rain. An extremely funny girl. She even did a gaia wedding for me :P

Name: II_BobbixoxoxoMemo_II, Bobbi. Bobbi is a great person. she was there for me when i needed someone most and i am grateful for that. love ya buddy :)

Name: elffinwitch. a nice person who will listen to my problems and i will gladly listen to hers

Name: CooCooAmber3, Amber. She is hyper and talks a lot but a good friend

Name: iiemocrayon, Kylie. exs: jason. she is a really good friend who i will miss

Name: snowysonia. one of my first friends on gaia.

Name: Cortland, greg12589. Johns little cousin Cortland. he is very strange and akward to be around

Name: Imanuel14, Imanuel. One of my best friends since 3rd grade. nothing can stop us from being friends

Name: Kaytee Lush, Kaytee. Kaytee is a nice person and i am happy to know her

Name: Brains R Evil, Jew XD, and adam. adam is my friend but he can be a real piss off sometimes. but he has a great sense of humor and enjoys picking up pennies XD

Name: CNgrandson, Kathy. Kathy and i were friends for a while until i had to make a stupid mistake and be an a** to her. but she was really perverted lol :P

Name: gorgan147, Taylor, buzzy, sparky. Taylor goes to my school. he can be a know it all but overall if he isnt yelling at my lack of intelligence than we are friends

Name: quoveridis, Sarah. exs: kaylee, and aubree. Me and her have had a fight or two but i still care about her

Name: ??????. this guy has hacked me and two other friends. he is a mule account made by gaia admins, which someone used to hack with. he messed with forums and hacked others. this guy can burn in hell ^.^

Name: Ryanxsx. haha he was very strange but funny

Name: little death roze, aubree. aubrees other account

Name: strmaster22, Zach. he can be annoying at times but i learned to get along with him

Name: Jocelyn. Engaged to John. shes totally crazy and out there. a bit overwhelming but a nice person

Name: SuperSonya12, Sonya. Johns little sister who kicks my butt in halo -.-

Name: ringrosedeath. exs: John. she is odd and i dont know much about her

Name: demigirl85. My old gaia sister

Name: RainbowPositive02, amanda. exs. Me, Sammy, Aaron. amanda i have never regreted meeting you in that pinball room last summer with smexxi lamma, and all we did was tell pervy jokes. i say it started an amazing friendship and brought us very close together. we have been through a lot and after all of it, i will still stick by your side

Name: HARUHI_FUJIOKA_OHOST, Mandy. Mandys old cosplaying account

Name: Warmaster Havoc. username id like to remember him by: Scorpion. exs: missy. he treated my ex like a jerk and he is a stuck up b***h

Name: HelloFriendXD, Alex, Chuckles. One of katys friends in real life who loves sarcasm

Name: DorkyAiai, Terry. exs: katy. me and him never liked eachother at first and had a stupid fight over something i shouldnt of gotten involved in but overall im alright with him

Name: breakingdawn101, Melissa. Katys friend who overexxagerates

Name: twilightfan5859, Jocey. Katys little sister and my rainbow buddy

Name: trix-moves away. Katys gaia mom. im her favorite out of all of katys boyfriends XD

Name: _Bebo1508_, Bebo. Jasons odd cousin who likes to appear out of no where and surprise everyone in the room

Name: angelmaster300. exs: Dj. hes a good guy. wish i could know more about him

Name: XO_The-Sharpie_OX, Ashley. Kaylees funny and totally crazy friend

Name: purple heart seeker, Emily. we met randomly one time and i only saw her a few times. she resembled an old friend

Name: XII_CIEL_PHANTOMHIVE_XII, Kaylee. Before this account was given to kaylee, the original owner of the account was John, pro bwser100. exs he had on this account: aubree, allison, alyssia. John is one of my best friends. i have been with him through the best and worst of times. he has been there for me more than i could think of. hes made a few mistakes but i will always be his friend

Name: x-IHeart, Amanda. one of amandas other accounts on gaia

Name: lexxi. currently dating my gaia son. she really helped me a lot and im so happy she did

Name: daveysangel, Sir Seabastian michaelis, Katie. She is a good friend and can be like everyones mom sometimes but it is good cause it keeps us out of trouble. she is sick right now and i hope she gets well

Name: xXChibitaliaXx, Sam. Completely obsessed with anime, she has to be the biggest anime fan ive ever met

Name: anko89267, Max79267, Rin, Missy. exs: me, scorpian, pope skymonster. missy is a great girl. i will always be there if she needs help

Name: sleeplessvampireatoryu, long_live_L_deathnote, mandy. exs: neo, me. mandy is funny, sweet, and can diss people better then i ever could

Name: JJ, alvin147, moonwalker147, sea ruler. exs: katy, aubree. One of my best friends who ive known since 5th grade

Name: 2hearts2love, shadowkiss1, bekah. exs: me, Masaki Hyuga. she has been a very close person to me for a long time now. we are both weird and make perverted jokes, and love to diss people

Name: xo_cuteturtle_xo, XxspiderqueenXx XxnancydrewXx, X3 stand_in_the_rain X3. kaylee. exs: me, marissa, quoverdis, jason, fabian. we have been through a lot, and i will never forget those times. we have helped eachother through drama that seemed impossible

Name: Alyssia, XxXKitty_VampireXxX. exs: john. my sister and a very helpful person

Name: my name is katy, katy. exs: kurt, kenny, me, some guy i hate. she is a good friend and glad to have met her

Name: x_smILE_4mE_xox, shannon. exs: alexander. she is in her own world most of the time. im afraid to visit it O.O

Name: gothbaby, stars789. exs: me, kenny. former owner of the account was Maddie till she gave it to her sister Dj.

Name: xxFallen_Heartachexx, Rebecca. missys sister and my good good friend

Name: swordcrossXX, kenny. exs: kaylee, katy, Dj. kenny is my spaztastic awesomeness buddy

Name: XxTinkx2xdopexX. currently dating shorty. my friend and business partner :D

Name: Lovley Orchid Petals, orchid94, cynthia. an awesome girl who i was very happy to meet

Name: XXlet emos liveXX, blink182 for life, hollywood undead for eva, deathaxe427, john. exs on this account. aubree, kaylee, ringrosedeath. johns newest account

Name: XxYourxPetxAngelxX, michelle. exs: john. my really good friend