
Hi im from lithuania this country is in Europe... Im 13 years old.im very happy i have boyfriend he is very cute i lowe him ... xd
Dream avi's xD

1. User Image
Total Value: 549,009 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Kottan Bell 2nd Gen
Angelic Mood Bubble
Golden Star Mood Bubble
Atrum Egg
Devil Imp Plushie
Angel Imp Plushie
Midnight Black Sweet Lace Dress
Smoky And Milk Quartz Headband
Kottan Bell 4th Gen

2.User Image
Total Value: 152,469 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Kiki Kitty Treat Pail
White Fur-Trimmed Underwear
White Fur-Trimmed Bra
Teru Teru Bozu
White Bakeneko Ears
Wingding (phase one)
White Bakeneko Tail
Bakeneko Whiskers
Assorted Contact Lens Set
White And Ice Reversible Hair Pins
Tiny Pixie Wings
Lovely Genie Silver Pointed Slippers
Lex's White Gloves