
My name is Danielle if you haven`t figured that out already. I`ve never been the type of girl who believed in true love, but as time has been passing.. my aspects on that are slowly changing. I`m a very unique and very different individual, sometimes it`s complicated for other people to understand what`s going on in this head of mine. For instance, I`m a shy person, I never put in the first word, but I`ve always stood up for what I believe in and been able to speak my mind. I`m very competitive when put up to the challenge and I believe that there are no second bests, you either win or you lose, and that`s that. I`m not a very religious person, I was raised a christian but even as a child I never got into the whole "God" thing, now, as a teenager, I meddle into different religions. I`m attracted to women, unlike those fake lesbians that want to perform cunnilingus on every girl they meet. I`m not looking for a one night stand, I`m not looking for quick sex, I may be young, but I`m looking to settle down with the one that I love. I don`t care what you think of me, and I won`t let it bring me down, why should I care about the thoughts of a person who means nothing to me? I don`t have great self-esteem, but most of the time, I think highly of myself, does that make me cocky? No, it makes me confident, there`s a fine line between the two. I`m overall a very mature person although I don`t act like it most of the time. If you`d like to know anything else about me, please feel free to ask because I`m always up for meeting new people.



Vegetarian AND Lesbian