
Heyy everybody you have logged on to xXdaniels_girl_12Xx page contact me @ chassidyb@q.com a few already have. I love my bestie cousin Angeline a.k.a angie671. I love my texting buddy Jianna a.k.a Kailahh_Betchh119. I text those two people everyday but Angeline never texts me back I also love my bestie friend in my classes in 7th grade Brooklynn a.k.a Alfonso girl 95 a.k.a Nikki boo boo a.k.a brooky woo woo i luv her <3 . I am 13 years old and in 7th grade I love my family and freinds and my phone!!! =)
My fave songs are Im yours by Jason Mraz and Single Ladies (put a ring on it) by beyonce.
find them on my playlist!!! <3 ya