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smile Hi everyone! My name is Melissa. I am currently 14 , very shy (Almost deadly! O_o), and my favorite things to do are write stories (All kinds! Especially Fantasy and Romance), read books (Big bookworm), listen to music *kisses radio*, sing (Laaaa!!!), be on the internet (I practially live on it), and play soccer (Goal!). My favorite animals are horses(Of course!). My favorite group is "The Beu Sisters". My favorite singer is Avril Lavigne. My favorite movies are "A Walk To Remember", "The Notebook", "P.S, I Love You", and "Titanic". I also love to watch anime. I absolutely adore Shugo Chara, Full Moon Wo Sageshite, Inuyasha, Fruits Basket, and Naruto *squeals!* You may not hear me talk much, but I'll try to to. This site is alot of fun and I'd really like to meet some new friends. I have a few friends in real life, including two best friends. Alyzza and Brittani are the names of my two best friends, plus many other close friends and two really good friends on gaia, jokern, but I call him Tiger, and Daddys_Lil_Pink_Gurl94, but I call her Pinky *hugglez! 4laugh * They're really alot of fun and I enjoy their company and talking to them. Thank you for reading this!

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Seconds feel like Minutes as I cry
Minutes feel like Hours as I sit quietly without making a Sound
Hours feel like Days as I search for a place of Belonging
Days feel like Years as I Wait
Years feel like Decades as no one Notices
Decades feel like Centurys as I lose hope
And the More I Remember
The Less I Forget
And you Have to Remember to Forget, right?
I'm not So sure Anymore
My heart feels as if It were Breaking in Two
And all of my Tears start Flowing down my Cheeks
And I sob Long and Hard
For hours Maybe
If only I was given Another Chance
If only I was given a way to Survive
Days... Days... Days die Out
No one Notices
And things go Wrong
Could be this is what a close Friend feels?
Could this be What they Long?
Another day goes By
And I hope Someone comes to Me!
And guess What!?
I wasn't Wrong

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Thanks for hearing my Poetic Song(okay, it wasn't a song, but it rythmes) sad smile *didn't spell it right, I think, but oh well!*

Accouncement: cry I feel really depressed*sigh* something keeps bothering meh... cry
You would c how much she really cries,
You'll find secrets hidden deep within her soul,
You'll discover her deepest thoughts left untold,
But what you'll see the most is how

It is really hard to stay strong & be alone
Especially when nothing ever seems right
and when everything is so wrong... out there in the big world
how sad! o- _ -o(okay so this isn't the best icon dude, but i'm
not very good at this!)

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Naruto!*squeals happily*

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Inuyasha and Kagome*so cute!*

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Being lonely is the worst way to suffer
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Best friends are the little things in life that make a big difference
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Alyzza is a perfect example of this! smile

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Aw, how kawaii!
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lonely kitty*how sad!**crys*

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Fruits Basket *yay!*

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The girls who represent me and my friends best(left to right)
Megan, Carly, Sydney, Alyzza, and me*the one being squeezed to death!lol!*

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Cute!(the twins represent Sydney and Carly, Megan represents the blue haired girl, Alyzza is the blond, and I'm the girl in the middle with my hands outward holding the fireflys or whatever they are)

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I just thought this was funny. Enjoy! XD

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Shake it, Gir, shake it! XD(another one added just cuz it funny)

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Nowhere near perfect, yet it's who I am!

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Other BFFLs(hi guys!)

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cute little fox 4laugh

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naruhina!!!! XD

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heart heart heart

I fell in love with the most amazing guy...
Yet he broke my heart The weird thing is that I still love him with all the little pieces
Even though I know he left me
Is it wrong?
Is it foolish?
Is it selfish?
Each day I feel my head is spinning
My world collasped under my feet...
As I heard the words I thought I'd never have to hear again
When my heart shattered this time
I made it the final time
But of course...I can't do that, can I?
Do they hate me?
Why end up breaking me?
I've already been broken before this time
And my heart, broken, longs to hold you, carass you, be yours again
I miss you, my darling
I miss the time you were mine
And all my heart really asks is...

I fell in love with the most amazing guy
Again he broke up with me
Yet this time my heart is only scratched <'3
This time I know better, this time around I won't fall as one of your pawns
What you did was a dirty, dirty thing -_-
I may have been clingy, I may have poked you too much...but I loved you more than anyone
Yes...it was wrong
Yes...it was foolish
No...it wasn't selfish (At least not for me '^_^)
My head still spins...
And my world still lays under my feet...
And once again I heard those troublesome words
This time around...you won't have my heart...
This is really...my final time!
And i believe I can truly make it that way smile
I have no idea if you hate me
I am confused as to why you broke up with me (again)
I do not long for you now
I will not hold you, nor carass you, nor be yours again
I missed you! I now dislike you...
I missed when you were mine!!! I had you again for only two weeks!!!
And yet my heart still asks you....
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Twilight!!! Eeeee!!!!
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Viewing 12 of 14 friends


Dazzs' World

This is proven to be a short glimse of my own little world. it sometimes falls apart, sometimes searches for the unknown, or thinks on its' own behalf. If u like my poems and such, please tell me, kk?



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 04/14/2009 7:24 pm


haha nm smile we need to hang out sometime luvvy

Report | 03/03/2009 1:26 pm


Hey my princess what's up?

Report | 12/27/2008 10:57 am


Hey! Okay so this may be weird because I'm a total stranger..well I know Souljia boy, Shes my best friend and then I randomly clicked on her comments, but I love twilight too! Now, the most important question... Team Edward, Jacob, Or Switzerland? User Image
-l- Oscar Gutierrez -l-

Report | 12/20/2008 8:02 am

-l- Oscar Gutierrez -l-

XoXoSoulja BoyXoXo

Report | 11/16/2008 12:58 pm

XoXoSoulja BoyXoXo

XoXoSoulja BoyXoXo

Report | 11/16/2008 12:53 pm

XoXoSoulja BoyXoXo

how do i see ur items ?
XoXoSoulja BoyXoXo

Report | 11/16/2008 12:35 pm

XoXoSoulja BoyXoXo

what do u have for sale right now?
XoXoSoulja BoyXoXo

Report | 11/16/2008 12:30 pm

XoXoSoulja BoyXoXo

your welcome do u have a prom dress because i really want one

Report | 10/13/2008 1:51 pm


good User Image

Report | 10/12/2008 2:36 pm


i'm fine. what about you? =)


Like there would ever be a day that the demon turns out to be...an angel sad

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