Soon to be updated... maybe

~*No more nicknames*~
I have been called anything from Fey to Red, Jinxs to Dream, honey to baby but it's pointless to give you a name to call. So call me what you will and I will probably respond.
I am three, my favorite number. I was my past, I am my present and I will be my future. I am one of the few people who can predict aspects of what will happen just through instinct, but never be able to stop the accidents.

I'm 20 I used to live in a place very few have heard of, and personally not really my taste. But I am now back in the states trying things differently.

xXI am a pessimistic optimistXx
If you don't know what that is, then figure it out... learn something.
I am the damn cursed of bad luck that somehow has moments of pure happiness. My memories can seem bad, but in the end moving past the wrongs, only brings peace with everything that went right.
Yes, I have been wronged, wronged others, and tried to make amends with what I have needed to. It is pointless to keep anger, hurt, sadness and negativity, but sometimes it is plaguing and takes over faster than a tidal wave can sweep you off guard. So you can't say I am a sunny person though I can be good at hiding behind a smile.
I'm aggressive but sweet, when I want to be... but I am what I want to be when I am, therefore making me who I am in whatever mood I'm in. ((I know mad hatter logic)) if you can understand me, welcome to the handful that do. Doesn't happen often.

~*Fate thine heart be as cruel as is kind*~

I am the sharp turn that you never see coming where you decide then there. I am a fatalitic, serendipitous person. What happens, happens. Unfortunately sometimes in bad ways. Yes, I am a witch.. I'm still figuring that all out but Im an earth element and I've been one long before I knew I was. I love mystics, the unknown, ghosts, tarot cards, the whole sizzle and shabang. smile And if I tell you not to do something go with it, Intuition and claraboyancy are my strengths.
Fate has a cruel sense of humor when it wants to. My past is my past but who matters will always be remembered. Afterall, people only have one heart to give and mine was given to a guy who is impossible to match. Though it is seen that there is only so much love to give, giving love is a never ending expansion and memories will always live for those who hold on to them.

xXRandom thoughts can be the soul of a personXx
I miss snow, cold weather and real storms... I move alot... but it's part of me... I like change, which is probably why I love being outside. ((but being an earth element adds to it))
I love animals and being artistic and learning from others as well as teaching others what I know.

I can be girly when I want to but I have absolutely no problem getting in people's faces and kicking some a**!! WHOOP WHOOP... I can be bitchy but they usual need it or I needed the release, (anger is my biggest sin)
write me if u want, I like expanding where the people are I talk to, and if you need help, advice, or want to chat just PM or comment.

((The poems were written by me.))

What I like: Just ask me

Stuff I've done/do: Open water dive class, emergency first responder, repelled off a castle, yoga, a few self defense classes, a lil hip hop, cha cha, and belly dancing, play piano, painting, photography, designing ((basically everything)), palm reading, tarot card readings, sketching, writing, poetry, ceramics, baking/cooking, and some stupid s**t ((that I won't go into detail about))