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Hi, I'm Kyle and changing my name soon. I'll start off by saying my age you don't need to know. . I live in Orlando, and I hate it, But I was born in the Uk and will be moving back there soon. I am currently SINGLE D; Yep SINGLE. Laugh it off. I'm calm, laid back and easy to get along with. My style reflects who I am, I take good care of myself; I always like to look good, that's just the way it is. I don't take life seriously, I take advantage of every minute this world gives me. I always look at the positive side of things. I love the thrill of taking risks, but not getting caught. I'm happy with my life at the moment, and hopefully for a while, maybe. Don't talk down to me, I'm not as ignorant or immature as most of you. I have the best friends I could ask for. I know they would do anything for me, as i would for them. I'm not stuck up because i don't reply to everyone. I do have a social life outside of Gaia that is more important. If you've heard something about me it may be true, or it could be as fake as the person that told you. No matter what you have to say to me, I can take it, I've heard it all, i promise. I know how to have fun and also be serious. I smile a lot, and I'm starting to think i do it too much. I am always nice and treat everyone better then they deserve to be treated. It's called respect. How about showing some. I eat too much, and yes I know I'm skinny, go figure. I never think before i talk. I don't have any regrets, and i wont have any. Everything happens for a reason, believe it or not. I love my life, and i wouldn't change it for anything. I'm at the climax of my life, and I'm making the most of it. I love photography if you haven't noticed. I cuss too much, and it's becoming a habit, that i could care less about. I hate when people tell me what to do, so don't do it. I'm not impressing anyone, and it takes a lot to impress me. So step your game up. Overall I'm nice, sweet, mature, funny, and probably your next best friend. So talk to me, and lets chill.

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User Image
Total Value: 10,485 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Emo Glasses
Black Leather Belt
Black Cowboy Bandana
Gray SKA shoes
Neutral Starter Glam Guy Trousers
Brown Striped Shirt
Dried Grass Skirt
Black Wool Top
Dashing Gentleman Onyx Vest


Viewing 12 of 46 friends


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

sexy fox baby gurl

Report | 05/31/2009 5:07 pm

sexy fox baby gurl

lol well im heading back to 1309 3 barton right now
sexy fox baby gurl

Report | 05/31/2009 5:05 pm

sexy fox baby gurl

lol yep kk im there. if u wanted to hang lol ^^
sexy fox baby gurl

Report | 05/31/2009 4:50 pm

sexy fox baby gurl

lol im not there anymore i left im at 5 barton 94665. lol ^^
sexy fox baby gurl

Report | 05/31/2009 4:31 pm

sexy fox baby gurl

*giggles* im broke too. lol if u wanan hang im at 3 abrton 1309 with a ouple of friends
sexy fox baby gurl

Report | 05/31/2009 4:22 pm

sexy fox baby gurl

lol i can c tht. ^^
sexy fox baby gurl

Report | 05/31/2009 4:04 pm

sexy fox baby gurl

oh......... ^.^"
sexy fox baby gurl

Report | 05/31/2009 3:46 pm

sexy fox baby gurl

O.O wow...... what an um..... very pink pro. lol jk i like it but it dnt show ur pics on da about me thingy lol ^.^"
sexy fox baby gurl

Report | 05/31/2009 3:16 pm

sexy fox baby gurl

lol sure. ^^ im into demonic s**t n meh sign is a moon cresent, bloody white rose, n i love vamps n blood ^^ lol im a very weird gurl.
sexy fox baby gurl

Report | 05/31/2009 2:45 pm

sexy fox baby gurl

lol i thought dallas was pretty kool. ^^ he is negotiating w/meh bout meh pearcings n tat's tht im getting
sexy fox baby gurl

Report | 05/31/2009 2:33 pm

sexy fox baby gurl

ohhhhhhhhhhhhh k. lol meh bro looked at ur pics n said u look alright. tht is a good thing w/him. he is very protective lol