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All About MEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JeanPierre is my name ppl get that straight lol. im 15 living the most ******** up life in California. But not untill i mean someone so special and that i care about so ******** much. her name is jocelyn, shes awesome, we have alot with us since the day we met and i feel like every time im with her it make me even ******** crazier than i am now and it make me wanna do s**t dangerous and she knows wat those are lol :p. shes awesome she really rocks my ******** world. if ya wanna no more pm me about it... anyway . i love to skateboard im not that good yet but i learn a few but yea. things go by great sometimes here but i really hate ******** drama so dont ******** with me plz im a calm relaxed person but wen ppl ******** i lose it fast so lets just get together sometime kick it or watever u no. if ya wanna no more all u gotta do is pm me wat u want to no peace <3


XxI_Love_JocelynxX's avatar

Birthday: 03/23

Add, send me s**t, trade me, do something ppl lol

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"Not good enough" video

"10 miles wide" video


View All Comments

wtfceezyyy Report | 09/26/2010 11:45 am
cool avi
princess_bunnyboo798 Report | 12/28/2009 11:44 pm
come to the rally room im in plz
II_NeutraL_II Report | 12/27/2009 11:39 pm
idk if u intrested.. i be givin 8k in forums . go to 8kGIVEAWAY. no space ten continue
ii-ShayeZiee Report | 12/14/2009 3:09 pm
no problem
ii-ShayeZiee Report | 12/10/2009 5:36 pm
well im really sorry about ur lose
ii-ShayeZiee Report | 12/09/2009 3:45 pm
hey u dont know me and i dont know u but i know how u feel i lost some1 too his name was jonas hes been my friend since 2nd grade and he dide from cancer i know how it is im sorry for ur loss
iiMAKAYLA Report | 10/04/2009 8:03 am
ive been iight
The Rogue Barrel Report | 10/03/2009 11:58 pm
The Rogue Barrel
im really really sorry to hear about jocelyn
The Rogue Barrel Report | 10/03/2009 8:51 pm
The Rogue Barrel
i was just lookin thru my comments an i just figures owt hu u were hows life goin for u
iiMAKAYLA Report | 10/03/2009 1:09 pm
hey how u been

"Pychosocial" video

Situation" video

"The Flood" video

"tears dont fall" video

Sw33T GoTh_4_LiF3
Sw33T GoTh_4_LiF3

This is my fav song enjoy :]

Ok this is not a poem or a song. its how i feel about u since the day i met u. so im going to let it all out. and get more serious and stop being so fake for once.....

baby, since the first day i met u it was amazing. so quick we had alot in common between us, and i just feel like i wanna take this step to the next level. i tryed my hardest to no give up in this game the we r in where we talk and all. but i wanna no wat love feels like in reality and wat it feels to be with someone that i care about alot...I hurt u once and i swore to myself to never let that happen to u again. and to care about u more than i ever did from the start. i love ur personality its so sexy, and gorgeous and beautiful. u tell me on the fone ur nothing special. well i can prove u wrong. because u r changing my life from hell to heaven and u cant imagine how glad i am to have someone like u....i no there will be times to be together and times u will always have to go. but these days that u always had to leave made me feel lost u no. i didnt no where we were at. but i wanna take it more serious this time. and nothing and no one even ur parents will break us apart ever. if they think about doing something like that. i will drag u out of that place. and take u with me to where ever u wanna go with all the freedom we want no matter how young we are i will seriously do it. im turning 16 soon and it looks like my own mom doesnt care ******** wat i do but i will make it work with us no matter wat happens....ur like my drug i take everyday. i never feel pain from u. its feels like watever u say is always good enough for my heart. those calls we had those times, ur voice, even tho u keep forgetting to say love u to bak b4 hanging up lol but still awesome. and wen we hang up ur voice still keeps running through my mind like crazy it makes me crazy even more. and WEN im crazy im just feel like taking a dangerous step of doing something stupid heh. but baby from all this ur my everything and i will never regret it i promise u. but im really taking it serious this time ok? i love u so ******** much as much as u do believe me heh. and i hope u feel awesome now and i love u <3 thank u :<3333333333333333

Jp & JoCeLyN =FoReVeR I LoVe YoU BaB3

My HeArT... My LoV3....My 3v3rYtHiNg. sO ******** WiTh H3R AnD U ******** WiTh M3 ******** PeAcE :P<3

R.I.P JoCeLyN (1996-2009)..... i love u so much..... u will always be in my heart no matter wat ok.....i will never ever ever ever forget u.... no one will ever replace u in my heart <3...... ok so i love u alot and u will be missed alot :"""""""(............ and ill see u in heaven <33333333

this song is called....."JoCeLyN" hope u all like it....... Smile and her laughter, its the only thing that i've been waiting for a time. Regardless of our distance, and our hope,cause we're swept by pretty eye and letters for a time. the only thing that i've been waiting for.I hope its something worth the waiting. cuz its the only thought i ever feel real thunderstorm could never stop me. cuz theres no one in the world like JoCeLyN.....she simply yet confusing,her sparkling eyes make me weak at my words, they tremble. days seem like years in this month of December. the winter, colden me for yet i have sleep. And never will i give up trying. cuz you're everything to me. I hope theres something worth the waiting. Its the only thought i ever feel its real. Cuz thunderstorm could never stop me, cuz theres no one in the world like JoCeLyN..... THERES NO ONE IN THE WORLD LIKE JOCELYN......<3
