
Im a total spazz. :3
And proud of it.
Lets see...Im 16.
I swear a lot.
Im short...very short...5ft 1 :[
I LOVE meh besty Vicki or Torrie...Tigerlilly1994
I have a fat a** cat named Mr.Kitty who is having a relationship with Nathan o.O
I have a vicious a** puppy named Bandit and another dog named Brandy.
I have 3 brothers (Justin is the youngest he's 10. Kevin is older than me he's 17. And Matt is the oldest he's 26...I think) , a fat a** daddy and a Mommy. :]
I swear my brother Kevin is gay...
I am a kick a** person. Literally. biggrin personality wise and a** kicking. lol
Hmmm...Im not too bright so dont confuzzle me or I will kick your a**.
I like skulls. :3
Im random as hell.
I find the word cracker to be very very funny.
I like shiny things :3 Hehehe shiny.
Imma b***h biggrin
I find dancing babies annoying...dont ask...seriously...just dont.
I gots a myspacerz so ask meh if you want it. I also have AIM ask meh for that too.
I cant stand preps at all. They think they're soooo perfect. They laugh at me cuz Im different. I laugh at them cuz they're all the ******** same....And they suck old people a**... :]
Cant stand being alone. I HATE it.
I like cookies. :3 Especially Oreos. They make everything better. Thats why I joined the dark side.
I like fire! One day IM going to burn down my school. biggrin
I like pissing people off.
Cant stand people more annoying than me.
I am VERY VERY stubborn.
I love to do dumbass s**t.
One day I will get shot for saying the wrong thing.
Cracker Boy <3 (Inside thingy)
I like the word thingy.
If I dont like you I call you "What's his (or her) face"..something like that.
I like beating hobos with mufflers(Not that I ever have but I want to). They live out by the bridge by my house.
I always stay up late. Then get meh laptop taken away...then steal it back. :]
I like crawl spaces. They are very helpful in meh house.
i love love love 2 be with my friends i hate being away from them i hope 2 always be friends with them i never want 2 leave ne of my friends behind
i have lots of fears i usually face them exept 4 1 them damn clawns just scare the s**t out of meh! i hate them so ******** much so if ur a clow... ******** OFF! =]
i have many friends most no body has ever met and most nobody ever will i might not even be able 2 c them
idc if u call me names all i ask is that u have the guts 2 say it 2 meh face and not behind meh back cuz 2 tell u the truth im not going 2 fight u cuz u call me a name its a waist of time and not worth meh breath so dont be afraid call meh emo b***h a** hole whore slut exedra... who really ******** cares i dont care wat u have 2 say so feel free 2 tell me =]]]
meh besties are vicki april and steph i loverzz them so leave them the ******** alone! (>^-^)>

uhmm...vicki u r meh besty i ******** love u!!! and thatll NEVER ******** change! XD as u should already know i trust u with my life...and u also know that i dont trust allot of people...cough cough =P face cough! XD and ive got ur back till the end...even if thats coming soon...hell itll be a ******** mirical if i dont get shot lol. but ehh itll most likely happen...i mean seriously look at the ghetto a** hood i live in lol (yes i do know i dont live in a hood but tyler shlobam lives near me so yea my house is gonna get shot up) lol. we tell each other every thing but theirs one thing nobody knows bout me so here it is...i am a dumb b***h from hell...wait everyone already new that! >.< but yea i loverzzz u!!! and other people u know who u r! but...GAH! =]
untill later this is all i have 2 say cuz imma bout 2 fall asleep so when i decide im awake enough 2 actually type with out makeing a mistake every other word then ill type more lol
ok i have anger manegment problems...so it would be VERY smart to not piss meh off XD
MEH BELLEH GOES RAWR...dont ask y thats their...im just bored as ********!!! lol >.<
Ok that's it for now. Got any questions ask me. I wont bite...hard
im a very nice person...to friends...i am open to meeting new people...but i HATE preps they annoy meh! but i am nice till u piss meh off then youve got a problem XD
i am a VERY funny person so if u just need a good laugh come talk to meh =]

this be meh fav. song right now!!! XD

jingle bombs
by jef-fah dunham and achmed the dead terrorist!!! >.<

Dashing through the sand
with a bomb strapped to my back.
I have a nasty plan
for Christmas in Iraq.
I got through checkpoint A,
but not through checkpoint B.
That's when I got shot in the a**
by the US Military...

[it's not funny!]

Oooh, jingle bombs, jingle bombs
Mine blew up you see.
Where are all the virgins
that Bin Laden promised me?
Oooh, jingle bombs, jingle bombs
U.S. soldiers shot me dead.
The only thing that I have left
is this towel up on my head.

I used to be a man,
but every time I cough,
thanks to Uncle Sam,
my nuts keep falling off.
My bombing days are done.
I need to find some work.
Perhaps it would be much safer
as a convenient store night clerk.

Oooh, jingle bombs, jingle bombs
I think I got screwed.
Don't laugh at me because I'm dead
or I'll kill you...


Reasons to NOT be friends with April Rose Davis:

#1. It is pure hell, people's lives are so much better with out her.

#2. She is a whore and in my words a slutty hoe bag.

#3. It's been awhile since I stopped being her friend and let me tell you, my life is already better!

#4. I mean an hour or 2 after I got into a fight with april I found 20 dollars! I think it's a sign and God's saying "Here's $20 to stay away from April" xD
Thank you God! =D

And the last and final reason

#5. She is a horrible person >=[
She backstabs you, black mails you, spreads lies about you, has underage sex, she's going to become a Nazi and part of the KKK for her "boyfriend" Trevor Hoffman, she probably does drugs and if she isn't already she will for her "perfect" Trevor Hoffman, she's all talk and no smack, she makes fun of you to your face and makes you feel like s**t just so she feels better about herself, she cuts herself, she's a smartass toward adults and her so called "friends" parents, she's a "know-it-all"(not exactly), she's a hypocritical b***h, she thinks she can sing and act! (lmao!), herself esteem level is way too high for her cuz she puts people down(as I said before), she calls other people immature while she herself is immature (Yes, I am immature. I know. This whole thing is some-what immature. But, oh-well. People need to know the dangers of her. And anyway, you only get one life, so live it up!), and she makes people join a side even if they don't want to be involved. If you don't take her side, she assumes you hate her and she'll get mad at you until the stupid little fight is over. Unlike her. I don't care whose side you are on and I don't care if you want to get involved in this bull shitty drama. If you do, you do. If you don't, you don't. Fine by me. =]
There are probably a million other reasons, but I will stop here. Cuz I have a life and I actually want to go do something other than this. =]
I win. I rule all! Mwahahaha. I am top dawg! =D
I loverz my besty Vicki though. ^_^
She wins also. Mwahahaha. We are top dawgs! We are supreme rulers of your soul! :O
Now Imma go get Mt.Dew and whip cream and enjoy my immaturity and life. BYE! =D


Viewing 10 of 10 friends



Viewing 10 of 14 comments.


Report | 05/21/2009 6:36 pm


So I'm pretty sure you should take the part of "vicki is meh bestie" off your profile cuz I hate you and you're not my bestie. (:
Thanks, don't talk to me. Bye.
I Go Big Or Go Home

Report | 08/01/2008 4:35 pm

I Go Big Or Go Home

Ok then.
I'm shocked. You might be a little smarter but I'm shocked because Jake and Jose actually paid attention and I don't care if I got school because I haven't taken spanish.
I Go Big Or Go Home

Report | 08/01/2008 9:50 am

I Go Big Or Go Home

Sorry if my Spanish is horrible. rofl
I Go Big Or Go Home

Report | 08/01/2008 9:48 am

I Go Big Or Go Home

Peanut: Your a haulopeno.
Jose: Si senour. On a stick.
Peanut: Right. So your a Mexican haulopeno.
Jose: On a stick.
Peanut: Right. Are you a legal mexican haulopeno on- ....... what what'd I say?
Jeff: This is not the appropreate time or place to ask that.
Peanut: To late. Ahahahaha. So Jose are you legal? Are you legal? Are you legal? Are you legal legal legal legal legal are you legal legal- whaaaaat?

Report | 07/28/2008 10:24 pm


Ahaha. Okay okay.
I'll works on it. :]
Imma put a surprise on there. :]]]

Report | 03/30/2008 4:11 pm


well then i say rape a monkey... i want a handjob by a monkey! THAT WOULD BE SO WEIRD!
having these harry hands all over me!
Can you imagine that?!

Report | 03/30/2008 8:35 am


Yes Vikki.. Me and mr kitty and together and we're very happy!
Anyways,..... I'm aloud to put in on my profile cause i'm cool like that so HA!

Report | 03/27/2008 10:54 pm


Hahaha Nathan and Mr.Kitty. wow
Hey Jennel we need to go get our ears pierced soon!

Report | 03/27/2008 8:12 am



Report | 03/22/2008 11:52 pm


DOWN WITH THE SICKNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kick a** song
Whats up?


bored as ******** would be the reason as 2 y im on here! =