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hello My name is Jennifer My birthday is December 4. One Thing you must Know about me is that I am a very picky person no matter what. I like to be myself and have a good time. I know how to have fun. I am easy to talk to so don't be afraid to say hi or something. but just a warning I do get annoyed very easy. but lots of stuff. So if you do Happen to annoy me. Chances are I might Ignore you. Or I will act like I am listing and Just nod my head and give you short responses. I am a random person as well. Some of you may say I am weird or something but hey. if you had a life you would stop talking about mine. I am just your normal everyday teenager, I make mistakes, I am shy around people I do not know. I have lied, cheated, ( not a boyfriend i would never do that) I get in fights with my friends ( which I hate when that happens) and my family. I'm not also a huge sports fan but once in awhile I do like to play basketball. I have really bad habits Like I do bit my nails. and I try not to bug people as much. I have moodswing a lot so be careful what you say or do around me. Music is my great passion as some of you already know. everyone likes music of all times. and probably listen to it as much as i do. I am working very had to make it to the big time I'm sure some of you are probably thinking she sucks she won't make it. well hey the next tome i find out what you want to do. I'll might say the same and I might not my dreams are my dreams. I miss the 90's a bit. it was a good time. I miss Pokemon and the maddness it had. haha Gotta Catch them all!. I was obbessed with it. some other things I like to do is read..yes I like to read but its hard for me to find books I like or catch my eye. I also like to write as well. I do play video sames I love playing the Sims. xD I love my friends lot i think of them as family so mess with them you mess wih me. I am not the most popular person in school. But I have a lot of great friends in school.

I know my page isn't fancy or nice as others.
So sorry. Maybe When I feel like it i will make it look nice.


Viewing 12 of 32 friends


This is me

This is were I write about stuff



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 10/21/2013 10:40 pm


cool avi

Report | 08/06/2008 9:56 am


=) I don't like the same one for very long lol

Report | 07/19/2008 6:51 am


jen jen ^_^

Report | 03/03/2008 6:27 pm


oh i see im working on a random avi lol i might changei t by tonight

Report | 03/02/2008 8:54 am


JEN! Your back! YEAH!!!
Captain Tundra Boats

Report | 03/02/2008 8:22 am

Captain Tundra Boats

lol your media is hilarious

hi jen 8D
Captain Tundra Boats

Report | 03/01/2008 10:07 am

Captain Tundra Boats

Thank yoouu 8D

I love you.

Report | 01/23/2008 8:25 pm


OMGZ ITS JENJEN!!! hey you, justwanted to leave my mark on your territory. i hope we can hang out soon!

Report | 11/29/2007 2:35 pm


well maybe on saturday kk ^_^

Report | 11/26/2007 6:25 pm


jen look my bottle has started to change!!!!


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