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Paula June Davidson 宝拉.Gemini. Vegetarian, Save An Animal, Save the World ♥ Graduated from Coronado Highschool,Class '12♥ Criss Angel, Mark Ballas, Selena Gomez, Tim Kelleher, Jon Bon Jovi, Jared Leto, Shannon Leto McKayala Maroney, Tomo Milicevic, Mark Tremonti: My Biggest Inspirations. My passions:Ballet, Writing, and Orchestra ♥ Nicknames: Kairi, The Joker, PaulaBear,Paula Koala, Star, and Undertaker. Best Friends Forever and Eternity: Susie Carder, Tania Lozoya Roseanne Massey, Daniela Natera, Genesis Romero Nina Wipert. Twilight Fan: Team Cullen. Harry Potter nerd forever: Gryffindor and Slytherin, Sirius, Draco and Snape ♥ Been a wrestling fan since I was three years old: Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, Randy Orton, and Stone Cold Steve Austin are my favorites ♥ My safe place is under the stars listening to "The Climb" and "Your Guardian Angel"♥

Random Things About Me:
Favorite Colors: Light Blue, Pink, Purple
Top Five Favorite Bands sad In Order) 30 Seconds to Mars, Bon Jovi, Alter Bridge Papa Roach, , Fozzy
Favorite Singers: Adam Lambert and Selena Gomez
Favorite Actor(s): Jake Gyllenhaal, Jared Leto, Christian Bale, James Dean, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Kevin Bacon, Norman Reedus
Favorite Video Games: Kingdom Hearts and Resident Evil
Favorite TV Show: Criminal Minds and The Walking Dead and The Following
Favorite Movie: Highway

♥ I want to be a Forensic Investigator.
♥ I am addicted to Michael Connelly Books.
♥ I am a huge supporter of animal rights.
♥ I love protecting the earth.
♥ Ballet is my biggest passion next to playing the violin.
♥ I love singing but am really shy so never sing in front of people.
♥ I am not gay but I support gay people because some of my closest friends are.
♥ I love DC and Marvel.
♥ My favorite superheroes are Ironman, Hawkeye, Batman(in that order). My favorite villain is Two-face
♥ I am currently studying at community college but in two years I will be going to UTEP for a degree in Forensics and Criminology.
♥ I would like to publish a series of books and a poem book.
♥ Jared Leto is my life savior. I love this man for what he says and does not for his looks. With him around I know I have a place to belong.
♥My favorite 30 Seconds to Mars member is Shannon not Jared like most people think.
♥I adore Tim Kelleher even though he isn't apart of 30STM anymore.
♥I love Tomo for all the rights he supports, like animal rights.
♥I'm in love with Adam Crosman.
♥ You can love me or hate but either way you'll be thinking about me (:
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My Favorite people on Gaia(Not in order): Jason, Dani, Nina, Chris ♥

My favorite TV show of all time, The Following. My favorite character, Mike Weston. ♥ ♥ ♥

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Picture from Nina (:

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R.I.P. Tania Lozoya ♥ I will always remember and keep you alive in my heart. I promise you I will stay happy because you always tried so hard to make me smile. I know we will meet again, till then Tania stay safe ♥ I Love you Tania, you're the best guardian angel a person could ask for ♥

Dance is my life ♥

My dreams are to be apart of the NYC ballet one day. ♥

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My Heroes♥

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Mckayla Maroney, the greatest gymnast who inspires me to dance (: ♥

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Mark Ballas♥

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Mark Ballas can sing, dance, play the guitar and his smile lightens up any room. He's inspiring, talented, attractive and I'm glad his partner was Candace Cameron (:

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Don't they make the perfect dance couple? (:

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Mark Tremonti ♥

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Mark Tremonti is such a passionate performer he really inspires me to give my best in everything I do. No matter who he plays with Alter Bridge, Creed, his solo work(Tremonti Project) he plays with his heart and soul. When you put him together with the amazing singer Myles Kennedy he is even better. ♥ I have grown an even bigger love for him after he raised his hand for Luca(a four year old who was struck with an illness). It touched my heart to see one of my idols doing something so sweet for a child he didn't even know. ♥ On May 25, 2013 I will see him live in El Paso and I know I will remember that day always. ♥

Live at Balloon Fest 2013 ♥

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Look at that smile (:

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Carlisle and Edward Cullen ♥

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Harry Potter The Best Series of all Time ♥

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Kingdom Hearts ♥

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Shawn Michaels ♥

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Adam Lambert ♥

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Jake Gyllenhaal ♥

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Adam Crosman ♥

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James Dean♥

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The Avengers ♥

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Clint Barton "Hawkeye"♥

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Tony Stark "Ironman" ♥

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30 Seconds to Mars, The Echelon, My Family, My Life ♥

₪ ø lll ·o

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Tim Kelleher, not an official member but I love him all the same. Plus My Darling Murder is an awesome band.♥

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World's Prettiest Smile ♥

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Shannon Leto, my inspiration. One day I will meet and thank him in person for changing and saving my life♥

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“Life is a journey, not a destination.”

”L.I.F.E. Live… In… Full… Experience.”

”Use your imagination not to scare yourself to death but to inspire you to live.”

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March 30th(30 Seconds to Mars birthday), 2013, is forever the greatest day of my life. ♥

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Tomo Milicevic, my hero. Tomo showed my your dreams, no matter how wild, can come true. I shall thank him for inspiring me to play my violin.♥

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“Love may be blind, but it sure as hell finds it’s way through the dark.”

“Kids have come up to us and told us how our record has helped them turn their life around. There is no greater compliment than that. That means that what you did, that you would have done anyway, just helped someone through what was probably a very tough time in their life. That is so much more rewarding than any dollar amount that you could get for music.”

March 29, 2013 Tomo replied to me on twitter.♥

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Jared Leto, my savior. Jared stopped me from self-harming and showed me it was okay to be different. ♥

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Jared Leto is my savior, my life, my everything ♥ Jared has made me a better person through his words and music. Thanks to him I now believe in myself. Every single song he sings helps me through my life. The Kill showed me to be who I am and not change for anyone. A Beautiful Lie, specifically the video, helped me see I can make a difference even though I'm just a teenage girl. No matter the mood I am in I can turn to his songs and instantly feel better. I love Jared for what he says and does, not because he's hot like others do. I am a proud Echelon, and I know I will always have a place to belong with Jared around ♥ I can honestly say his music and has kept me alive, without him I don't think I would here typing this ♥

“They are known as The Echelon and they aren’t just fans; they aren’t just friends. They really are everything that we can hope and dream for, and they have shown us, once again, that if you’re willing to walk the path of the dreamer anything is possible.”♥

"I don't give advice. I take suggestions."

Christopher Nicholas Sarantakos ♥

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Christopher Nicholas Sarantakos is an amazing person. He knows the meaning of true art. He has taught me many things. He once said "When you think like a child your imagination is free and anything is possible." That is so true. Criss Angel has given me the power to do anything, I now feel like I can be a Forensics Specialist , violinist and dancer. This man is amazing and it's a shame people only look at him for his looks, but I look past his looks and find the deeper side of Criss Angel. I am a Loyal Freak.

"You can't please everyone and trying to do so is the kiss of death."

"I don’t look back - I look to the future."

Selena Gomez

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I don't care what other people say about Selena Gomez, or that I am a teenage girl who loves her music. Selena's songs are so inspirational and they have helped through a lot. Her song "Who Says" was the first song I ever heard by her and I loved it so much. From that point on I checked out her other songs and they where just as amazing. I am glad I discovered her music because I would probably not be the person I am today. Plus her clothing line, "Dream Out Loud", is super cute (:

"The day I got my first letter from a fan, I felt like I'd been touched by an angel."

“You have every right to a beautiful life.”

“Everything happens for a reason and, something better will come along for me!”

Jon Bon Jovi♥

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Jon Bon Jovi makes me wish I was apart of the 80's. Not only is his music fantastic but some of the stuff he says is so powerful. Bon Jovi said, Miracles happen everyday, change your perception of what a miracle is and you`ll see them all around you." He couldn't be more right. With sayings like that Bon Jovi opened my eyes to see that no matter what happens in life you can't give up, you have to believe in yourself because who else will?

"If you could see yourself the way that others do, you'd wish you were as beautiful as you. "

"Success is falling nine times and getting up ten."

"Map out your future - but do it in pencil. The road ahead is as long as you make it. Make it worth the trip."

Mikhail Baryshnikov and Fred Astaire♥

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Mikhail Baryshnikov and Fred Astaire are the greatest dancers of all time. The moment I saw them dance was the moment I knew I wanted to be a dancer. I love their work and I want to visit their dance studios one day ♥

Violin, and Ballet My Passions ♥

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Viewing 12 of 87 friends



I'm going to be putting up some poems in here (: I might be adding some other stuff too but it will mostly be poems, since my stories are too long.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Peachy Zelda

Report | 05/21/2016 2:15 pm

Peachy Zelda

omg I know right ! crying
I've had so much work lately and it's ridiculous stare
but I hope you're doing well and relaxing more mrgreen
Peachy Zelda

Report | 02/26/2016 5:25 pm

Peachy Zelda

Hey Stranger sweatdrop
What's up xd
How's life been ? mrgreen

Report | 01/11/2016 12:22 pm


Lol I know right!? He is finally out of the picture & soon a new villain will rise but sucks that we have to wait until Feb. >.<

Report | 12/21/2015 12:48 pm


Ah I see. I've heard that it wasn't good & you can tell that the show didn't have a good budget. Lol
I'm not going to spoil the mid season finale of Gotham for you BUT you will enjoy what happens trust me. ;P

Report | 11/07/2015 5:19 pm


Lol oh okay. Sounds like a plan & I have heard that it's an eh show. Not sure if it'll get renewed or not. XD
Haha awesome! I understand. You want to limit what shows to watch because of school & that is fine. :3
Lmao really!? Personally I thiught Supergirl wasn't that good but if you decide to watch it let me what you think. ^.^

Report | 10/02/2015 1:02 pm


Lol Oh okay. When you watch it let me know what you think about it. 8D
Haha Yeah some of the jokes itself are funny & true. :O

Report | 09/26/2015 1:33 pm


Yes, I think so. Lol Don't know how long Fox keeps their new episodes On Demand for. XD
Oh I've watched Scream Queens yesterday & it was funny. You can tell that it's suppose to be silly/stupid but in a way it's kinda making fun of idiot people from our generation. Haha
Not sure if you'll like or not. :O

Report | 09/24/2015 1:38 pm


Lol I'm going to watch it tonight. Forgot that it came on Tuesday night but Fox is reairing it tonight. 8P
Haha Oh okay. I wish you luck. XD

Report | 09/19/2015 2:11 pm


Lol I see. Well I can let you know how it is when I watch it next week. XD
Yes! Fox is airing the John Stamos comedy on Tuesdays at 7 or 7:30 pm central. ^.^

Report | 09/15/2015 1:40 pm


Lol I know right!? XD
Yeah you have to watch Gotham. 8P
So far Gotham is the only Fox show I watch but I plan to give the new Fox show Scream Queens a try but have a feeling that it's going to be stupid. Haha


[center:e90daaaa0b]"Everything is okay in the end, if it's not ok, then it's not the end."
-Shannon Leto ♥[/center:e90daaaa0b]

[center:e90daaaa0b][img:e90daaaa0b]http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i266/Maddie2769/30 seconds To Mars/ScreenShot2011-11-17at64642PM.png[/img:e90daaaa0b][/center:e90daaaa0b]