xXPyro_FishyXx-look it's it's me!!!

xXPyro_FishyXx's avatar

Last Login: 12/15/2009 12:17 am

Registered: 07/12/2005

Gender: Male

Location: Why the Hell do you need to know?

tlk to me I'm bored.

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The Journal of an unfinished life

My life- unfinished, it's wat I have to live up to. I can still change it, and that's all that matters. And if you still think popular ppl are kool then I haven't done my job yet.

The place where I live

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Pyro Fishy's store of convenience

Welcome to my store! I gauruntee to sell the cheapest of cheapest items on the market.


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that's right..... I don't care what you say and I'm PROUD!

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Hello and welcome to my profile. Let me tell you about me.
I am what you call a "DOer" and not a "follower". I, Truly, believe that I was put on this earth for one reason: to change people's thinking. By this I mean people's way of putting people on the top who dont deserve it.For example, POPLUAR PEOPLE.dimwits and jerks.Dont beleive me? Well, they dont care about their grades(dimwits), and they think they're better than everyone else just because they're ******** THEM!But they're not the only ones who are getting WAAAAAAAY too much credit,think about celebrities. The owner of youtube makes ALOT more money than a police officer does, And what does The owner of youtube do to sop crime, none the less help any1 in any way?No, unless you count entertainment as helping, which shouldn't count for anything, except for proving my point. I know what you're thinking, "But we already know these things".Well, what's different about me is I WANT TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!" how, I dont know, BUT I DONT CARE. Anyway,lets move on to something else. I am a very superstitios person, and I dont care what you think. Mainly, It's because I believe in ghosts.My dad, when I was about 10, captured a picture of a ghost on accident. I know because I was there when it happened, which made the final touch of making me believe in ghosts. The secon d is that my house is haunted, and even my friends think so.Say I'm crazy but I dont care, cuz I've seen what I've seen and nothing can change that.Anyway, I have every single side you think of, meaning I can be emo, hyper, serious, a pervert, a romantic guy, an organized guy, a messy guy, and so on. But mainly, I like to be serious.I am serious about getting good grades (although I hate school), but when I'm around friends and not in like... school, I'm not serious at all. But what I really want to do is to set an example for pplz that you dont have just one person in life. I've been many kinds of ppl, I've even been part of the popular crowd once, which I regret.Well, this concludes my short descrption of me, and the point I'm trying to get across, if you haven't guessed it already, is that I'm different, and to not prejudge me.thank you for reading.

"people think I'm hyper and crazy, and noone takes me serious.But they are far from the truth.I am a very calm and deep person if you get to know me, and I have alot of things to say, along with strong opinions that make alot of sense and are worth a second glance. ******** what everyone else says, I am an underestimated and pre-judged person and I've had enough of it.I think it's time I get my constitutional right of freedom of speech. For people to take me seriously because when I talk to people on the internet, they can't pre judge me out of my looks. after talking to me, they'll sometimes guess my age, and they think that I am way older than I really am. want to argue about it? then show me what you've got. agree with me?then good for you, I respect you for you have the ability to look past things."
to obtain, somthing of equal value must be lost. thats is alchemys first law of eqivelent exchange.that is only a small promise to give. people in this world cheat and everthing is lost in the equal process. but to everything given we get somthing back.
that is is the promise, to get somthing back when given. everything but life has an eqaul value and sometime you won't get that eqaul value.

-Equivlent Exchange
the united states of america government-
problem is so many people actually give a damn about doing something and the ol officials go and do the EXACT OPPOSIT of what they are supposed to do. I live in Washington. lots of trees lots of scenery. where i live they plan to blow the s**t out of 30 acres of forest for apartments. this give the meaning of retards to a whole new freaking level!!!! then they pass a law saying? if we want to destroy your house for a parking lot they will pay you half of what the normal price of your house really is and tear it ******** THE GOVERNMENT.,
I'm proud to be an American!
but the hate government!
and hope to god they change their ways!
I hate the governmeeeeeeeeent!!!!

It sucks to be an American!
Where at least I know I'm ********!
And won't forget the men who died!
For the politicians war!
And I gladly stand up!
Ageist the draft, to defend myself today!
Cause there ain't no doubt I love my land!
Go ******** the governmeeeeeeeeeent!

-i'm the Anarchist
Are you a man or a slave? a man chooses, a slave obeys.
It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt, then it's HILARIOUS.
If at first you dont succeed, you FAIL.
When the rich wage war, it's the poor who die
I don't suffer from insanity. . . I ENJOY EVERYMINUTE OF IT!!!!
If you think your alone I'd think of looking twice before Your safe
Chck your self, ghost may be there. . . .I would know.
"I'm not dumb. I just have a command of thoroughly useless information."
Be kinder then neccessary,for everyone you meet is fighting thier own battles
Remember remember the fifth of November
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
I see no reason why gunpowder, treason
Should ever be forgot...

-the gunpowder treason
I'm my own person.....
So shut the ******** up!
you know I hate popups and all things that popup on your
my computer is in the basment. therefor i live in the basment....
YAY time for me to list some things i hate.
1.rich snooty, snobby, snotty assholes.
2. I hate stareotypes ITS JUST NOT RIGHT.
3.dog lovers that ubsess. i am a cat person but i still like dogs.
4. anyone who has a problem with me celebrating x-mas. yes there are idoits out there.
5.anyone who denies my civil rights to the first ******** amendment. FREEDOM OF SPEECH.
6. politictions.
8. disney movies that portray the world in an unrealistic fashion. games are different.
9.ppl who have a problem with my typing.IT's THE INTERNET PPL, GET OVER IT!
10. eh i need to think of more.
Cute or cool pics that i found also funny wink

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isn't that cute!
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I've done somthing like that before.......teehee
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OK sry formy bad typing. my comp is in the basment and it is very cold down, well,here. so my hand sorta freeze up and its harder to type fast....and fix things.


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Dont look behind you


Evolution by KoRn

Riot by Three Days Grace

Paralyzed by the used

Portal ending song =)

Hands Held High by Linkin Park

the PS3 song(so true ^^)

mad world by micheal andrews


View All Comments

Shadoon4 Report | 08/18/2010 1:46 pm
cool avi
scorpionzect Report | 05/29/2008 11:21 am
finkleberryt Report | 05/21/2008 3:24 pm
Thanks for buying
maverickhunterzero88 Report | 04/29/2008 6:33 pm
hey man! How's the mythril halo? XD
-Lustful Hon3y- Report | 03/25/2008 2:07 pm
-Lustful Hon3y-

Long time no talky User Image
hqeq umop apisdn Report | 03/23/2008 5:53 pm
hqeq umop apisdn
bioshock kicked innumerous amounts of a**
maverickhunterzero88 Report | 03/02/2008 7:36 pm
man I havent talked to you in mad long! How you've been?
maverickhunterzero88 Report | 02/29/2008 5:40 pm
yeah...my old account, keiyatempouin, is like abandoned but i'm here on this new account. It's okay, you havent been on. Been hard for me to get on.
Random Faerie Report | 02/23/2008 10:16 pm
Random Faerie


Awesome pro.

Please comment back.<3
bonestars Report | 02/23/2008 8:54 pm
Bioshock ******** rocked.

Scared the s**t out of me, but still ******** amazing. :]

never go along with what people say. If a popular person says something about you, stand up. Say "******** and YOU. I am my own damn person, and if you and your panzee friends aint okay with that, that's fine by me." That'll leave them with nothing to say.



speedy cat-give you my desire

Bioshock-My favorite game, which beats the hell out of halo3

avis I made when I was bored.
Be entertained. =D