


User ImageName: Sydney
CCBS: Crazy, Creative Beautiful, Smart
Let's Party on February 24 biggrin
I'm sweet to a point but a lot of people really misjudge me 3nodding
La La La La La
I can be quiet at times only friends can bring out my crazy and wild side of me I can be myself around them. "I am me all day if you don't like it there is the door Feel Free to stop out at any time smile .
I can very random at times, it only happens when anyone is getting bored or dull and i always think over my head and say random stuff just to you start talking biggrin
Oh yea if your talking to me sometimes i might zone out on what your saying and completely forget what your talking about razz I have an attitude it only comes out if you piss me off if it does happen sometimes i Get an enjoyment out of it Bcuz I love it when people start with me it shows they have nothing better do besides worrying about what I'm doing.

My Favorite Colors is Purple,Yellow,Blue.
User Image
I am one of kind You would never find another girl like me


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xXUltimateDestructionXx Report | 01/06/2012 12:45 pm
sorry i havnt answered my fone my dad took it sad

Oh so now I'm invisible to you? That's cool. I've always wanted a superpower.

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Sydney A beautiful wonderful girl who can always make you laugh. she has a sparkly personality and an amazing voice.She is always happy and is very enthusiastic. When you tell sydney something funny, she won't stop laughing for days.Sydney also has a contagious smile and when she walks into a room, it becomes a party! she is a huge party animal and loves to goof around

Go for someone who is not only proud to have you but will also take every risk just to be with you.

Sydney Sydney is unique in a very special way. Her love is one to die for, and her love will absolutely make your heart melt. Once in love, she is committed to the end. Sydney takes things VERY seriously, so one false move could be the end for you. But at the same time, she is very sarcastic. Although shy at times, she is very energetic. She absolutely knows how to turn a horrible day to the brightest day of your life. She is the type that hides the pain, and just wears a fake smile on the outside; only that one special person would know what is wrong, yet she will not admit it. No matter what, she is always positive. She is very insecure and sensitive but don't ever take advantage of that. Once you become hers, keep it that way. Once she lets you go, you're gone forever. She believes everyone makes mistakes, but no one could ever make the same mistake twice. Attractive, admirable, and VERY adorable. She has a very nice figure, not to mention her beauty on the outside AND inside. Loves to cuddle anytime of the day and loves to eat and sleep. Procrastinates a lot, and is VERY bipolar. Indeed VERY smart, but doesn't acknowledge it. Art and music is her passion. Laughs a lot, and will be very successful in her future. Flawless and strong willed. Great kisser and is the BEST in bed. Has VERY nice hair, and has a great sense of style. She puts others first before herself. She strives perfection. Sydney is one to die for.