
heyy.im nika
i never rly kno wat to say bout myself.
i'm bi[[doesn't mean i like every single gurl i meet;;
i like guys more though]] i live in a rly small town
[[fernley, Nv]] there's nuthin to do here. i lovers my
friends and lovers [[if u haven't notice that they don't
have a gaia]].Three people i could not live wit out
my bbf Erika[[who is my dirty porno star jk]].Megan
my lover[[not gurlfriend]] my sister Rachel .the rest are
guys lol
Three things i could not live without my ipod. eye liner. and my
fav starbuckxx.
music wise im very flexible from slipknot to never shout never
from saliva to lady gaga. hollywood undead to kelly clarkson
i think ur gettin the point. if u asked me wats my fav band
i couldn't give u just one answer.
my fav movies consist of the Dark Knight. Twilght[[yea yea im a
fan]]umm..hannible<3the nightmare b4 christmas.

I'm rly random once u get to kno me. yes im the
type of gurl that won't scream during a scary movie. but when the toast pops up from the toaster.