Ma Muziic

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A Nature scene

*tweet tweet goes the birds*
Rosey (The Blue bird):How ya doiin?
Mr.Nosey (The red birdy):Good how abou-
Before he could finish his sentce a loud sound of thuder hit the earth.
Rosey:I think I should get back to the nest before my husband gets worried about me.
Mr.Nosey:How?Hes with the Prettiest Yellow bird with the most Cutiest eyes ever.
Then he dazed off into space.
Rosey:Waa--ttt do u mean?!
Rosey Glanced over then saw her husband named Dorkookiie talkin to Mrs.Aaliyah.(Ma name).
Aaliyah:Yeah i believe that its ashame.
Dork-watever the rest ish:Yeah we should bring them together b4 they break each others hip.
There was a gang fight goiin on Blood vs.Crip.
Cleaning up wat he reallyy said lol biggrin
Blood #4 shot off his gun next thing u know lives were being taken Everyone that knew the ppl who were dead were sad N tears were making every one BLUE.n RED.
If ur a blood or crip reading this stop the war take a breathe.Learn da game.Stp this stuff.yeah u dont care?Well i care i dont wanna loose another family memember again.Baii D:

TxT Mehh.-Da Love-AdorKABLE
BoUt' DiS SmExIi ChIkKa biggrin
Haii.Baii.No wait finish reading!Okay Hey!How are y00h?Good bad?Listen I have to explain sumthan b4 ya'll leave.Never MESS with shortyboo okay?!Do ya gets me?Dare try N' mess wiff Lady Aaliyah which is me for slow people...dey gunna get dere feelings hurt.No hard feelings.Wait is dat a TEAR?Oh snaps i didn't mean to scare y00h dat muchiie.LoL.But do you wanna comment me?Oh thanks i know im hard core.*gives napkin*Sorry for da scare.*hugs*Now ANyways Im from:Heaven.Born on:Earth.Live:In a state in a little town.Favorite word:Random words pop out so dnt be surprised.Dislikes:Gays,Lesbians,And haters.Loves:Fashion,Music FOod,Boys biggrin Dere gud lookin dese days,And Making my CD's.Today im:Trying to breathe another day on this earth.Your Emergancy is:Not to start fights or i wil annoy you to def.Hmm.:O your giving me a cookie:O How nice.Thx.*Eats cookie*Well get going i dont believe you should be here.You still wanna talk?Okay about wat?Oh dont forget Txt Mehh click on it for Private messages.hmm...Da love is my hackerz.Adorkable is Comments.Buh-Baii.Have a Devilsh day on earth thats how it always ends anyways.*Punches and pushes*GO NOW I MEAN NOW!!!

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I can name like 5 haterz: Stewie is da PIMPIN,NeceSweet,Rebecca183,Lord spawn 76,FreshBoi 12.Yesh dey are haters so there goes the u know HAATERZ.

a panda whos heartless

These ppl are the Center of attention.

These are like my ride or die people.

Tha Real ride or die ppl