
[xXx_~Bunny~_xXx]'s avatar

Last Login: 09/12/2024 1:32 am

Registered: 08/24/2004

Gender: Female

Location: Wonderland

Personal Website


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Jon Calvin Report | 10/18/2010 3:33 am
Yeah, I figured that this convention achievement would be pretty difficult, since not everyone can make it to those shindigs.
Don't mention it. xD
Jon Calvin Report | 10/17/2010 9:10 pm
I noticed you've been doing a little achievement whoring. Do you want one of the Convention Bundle codes I got from NYCC/NNAF?
The items suck, they're soul-bound so I can't just hock them, but redeeming the code rakes in some achievement points! ^^
Jon Calvin Report | 10/09/2010 2:16 am

Yo. ^^
PuddleInk Report | 05/18/2008 9:04 pm
" Passing through. Boo! "
Pretty Kitty Stephy Report | 12/27/2007 10:58 pm
Bun bun Little one. How have you been. Could you check out the book I am in the process of writing i just finished writing chapter 1 and it's posted in my Journal could you please read and leave me a comment on what you think about it. Please.
GranKing Report | 12/03/2007 10:21 pm
I need to get to my profile so I'm leaving this comment here so after it is submitted, I can click my username which will be above my comment, which is on your page.

Oh and HEY!!!
loohou Report | 09/20/2007 10:46 pm
you know im going to win the slut off. i mean come on your not nearly as slutty as me. i mean come on is this a slut off or what. lol XD
GoddessofSausage Report | 07/06/2007 7:01 am
oh. awesome of the awesomeness, ill drop by sometimes. <3

awwwwwwwwwwwww.. whos the guy on the top of your profiley bunny????

anyways, i hope all is well still ^^
GoddessofSausage Report | 07/02/2007 12:33 am
^^ lol , i figured you did. User Image indeed...

gaia and irl is all a okay.. busy. busy.. i can say that. lol.

hope you ve been well as well.

indeed, love to catch up with you sometimes.

<3 ttyl
GoddessofSausage Report | 06/24/2007 8:53 am
Hey Bunny,

dont know if you remember me User Image but long time no see. Hope all is well.

and hope to catch up with you sometimes. until then you take care.



There is freedom waiting for you,
On the breezes of the sky,
And you ask, "What if I fall?"
Oh but my darling,
What if you fly?
~ E.H.

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Bunny (Kitsune-Briteblade) Spencer

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Name on Gaia: [xXx_~Bunny~_xXx]
Name: Bunny (Kitsune-Briteblade) Spencer
Nicknames: Little One, Squirt, Bun Bun, Lady Bunny
Age: looks 25-27 (actual age unknown)
Eyes: Silver
Hair: Dark Brown (long, wavy)
Height: 5'6''
Weight: 128
Race: half fox (silver) half angel
Personality: Normally a cheerful and bubbly girl. She hates to see people get hurt, and always tries to be the peacemaker. When provoked, her anger will rise quickly. She hates to lose those close to her, Aaralyn's death being hard on her though she hadn't seen her in a while. She loves children, and loves her own child most importantly. She hides most of her pain behind a mask, always helping others before herself.
- Elemental: ice/water, lightning
- Healing
- Teleportation (a.k.a. 'Blinking')
- Empathy
- Barriers
- Wings (angelic, rarely used)
- Shapeshift: age (Chibi), race (demonic, angelic, normal), species (fox, rarely used)
- Solar powers

Mother: Katerina Mariella (Mariposa) Kitsune (deceased)
Father: Talith Rhulian Kitsune (thought deceased, still alive)
-adoptive parents are numerous-
- Erik Briteblade
- Erika Briteblade
- Yatuki Koji (deceased)
- Denuit Spencer
- Tokshen Koji (whereabouts unknown)
- Nami Maripose Koji
- "The Twins"
~ Aiden Roscoe Spencer
~ Lucas Adriel Spencer
- Althos
- Neth

-*-Blue Nocturne-*-:
The Blue Nocturne is permanently closed. Please see the 1st page for details.
-*-Blue Nocturne-*-

The Past and Present

Born to the North (Greenland to be exact, close to the Labrador Sea), to two loving parents, one an angel the other a demon. Raised in the cold terrain, she was given a normal childhood, despite her heritage as her mix was not common. But being the princess of one's clans has its advantages, with extra bodygaurds and some who had open enough hearts to watch over her as learned and grew.
At the age of five, a dispute between another clan meant her father's departure, leaving her mother and a few elders in charge of the village they lived in.
Several months went by without a word, mainly due to a messanger becoming lost in a snow storm, and her mother grew more and more depressed. It finally grew to a point that her mother packed a few belongings and took her from her bed one night, fleeing to the outskirts of a village to the South. The change helped, along with a new routine as healer to some of the villagers.
After a year when Bunny turned six, the decision to leave turned out to be the wrong one, as she started to grow into her demonic powers. With no friends or family to help her control them, her mother was left to tame the normally sweet child.
One night, when the moon was new, her mother was unprepared for the blind violence that overtook her. Bunny didn't know what she'd done until the smell of blood hit her nose, red eyes fading to their normal silver as they took in the scene before her. Scared and confused, she ran to the village for help. But while the villagers had tolerated her in the presence of her mother, they had no reason to hold back any longer, chasing her into the woods since she was only an 'animal'. When the coast was clear, she returned home to gather her most prescious treasures, and set the house ablaze; the best funeral and burial a child could give. Watching until the support beams collapsed, she turned and fled the North, heading as far South as she could because she didn't know the way back to the Clan.
Over the next several years, her memories were suppressed to the point that the death of her mother was distorted. If anyone who asked wanted to know why she was on the streets, her truthful reply was that her mother had passed away during the night and she believed her father to be dead. No one asked any other questions, and though some brought her to live with them, she never stayed in one place too long, nor did she entirely trust anyone. She did managed to develope some of her other powers, shifting and teleporting. Age shifting became staple, and several times she'd return to the 'age of cute' for long periods of times to live with the families that took her in. Like her memory of her mother's death, she eventually lost track of how old she truely was and made the decision to stay one age for as long as she could.
After a day of nothing but hiking through the woods, she stumbled across and odd looking place; a bar with some very odd characters. Curiousity sparked and she made her way in, observing and conversing with a few of the patrons. Friends were made, her trust was starting to build again, and she finally felt like she had a place to call 'home' again. Perhaps someplace permanent. But her biggest wish was what made the bar home: a family. After a string of strange occurances, she was adopted by her new brother and sister, and was finally able to just.. grow up. And that she did, discovering even more new things about herself, and becoming a kind-hearted but still mischeivious young teen.
At 'sixteen', she met her first boyfriend, an eventually short-lived affair. But, he gave her her first job at his estate, which masquareded as an entertainment club. The main job was to act as hostess, but occasionally she dabbled in the 'entertaining'. The end of her relationship with him was also the end of the estate, a rather timely occurance as another love waltzed into her life. It wasn't long, only a few months after their first meeting, that he proposed and with her brother's blessing she was finally a married woman at 'seventeen'. A year later she was pregnant, happy as a lark and living with her husband at their home. To make ends meet with a new addition to the family, he bought, built on, and rented out a piece of land that brought more dearer friends into her life.
A few years after her son's birth, her husband returned to his old occupation; an assassin. His missions kept him away longer, but they managed to raise their son until he was old enough to disappear and reappear as he liked. With an empty home most of the time, she stayed with her brother and sister more and more oftened, not wanting to dredge up old but familiar feelings. One month after her husband had come and gone from the house, she discovered she was pregnant again. But this time, she was left to care for things mostly on her own, hardly seeing her husband for more than a day. Seven months of pregnancy brought forth a little girl, whom she happily doted on and raised like a single mother.
When her daughter was five, she received word that her husband was MIA for some time, but had recently been found dead. She thought it was the end of the world,
even acting stupidly and attempting to take her own life. She regained her senses and moved on to taking care of the one precious thing she still had: her daughter. She took to homeschooling the girl, finding it more rewarding and making the house seem less emtpy. But more ideas started to form as she traversed from the bar that was part of the property to her home, and with her daughter's agreement, they opened their home as a bar and inn. It was wonderful, bringing in more income, new faces, and a whole new atmosphere.
As her daughter reached the high school age, she gave in and let her attend public school. It left her alone most of the time at the house, but with customers it was never dull. It even gave her time to start man-hunting again. Apparently someone else had agreed with, because it wasn't long before she finally found her soulmate. A few months later and there was a proposal, and once the wedding preparations were in order, life seemed wonderful. Tides turned, and a few unfortunate incidences occurred that cancelled the wedding and left everyone invovled hurt and confused. Bunny holed herself in her room for three days, and was moddy for a good time after,
worrying her daughter. Arguments errupted for no reason, and her daughter grew tired of her antics, disappearing one night and turning her mother's thoughts from the recent events.
Bunny of course went after her, and with Fate on her side, she was rewarded with a reunion; a family reunion with her father and her clans-people. Emotions ran high,
but her nose alone couldn't catch her daughter, so she requested her father's aide, and were able to find her daughter in a span of three days. For a week after they
visited and caught up, her daughter meeting her grandfather and bonding with him. They promised to meet up again in the near future before they left for home.
As Valentine's Day drew nearer, family problem's arose around her brother, and her attention was solely focused on him. Once the situation was resolved, she was told that her ex-love had gone rogue while she and those that had helped had been gone. He was found, restored to his normal self, and things were patched up between them; enough for them to try a relationship one more time. It worked out well, and they decided not to wait, scrounging everything and everyone together for a summer wedding. Families and friends for both sides were able to attended, her brother was the surprise officient, and the evening went as perfectly as one could have it.
Two years after, and she and her husband are the happy parents of twin boys. They plan for more in the future, but right now, they have all they need.

Alternate Forms

Angelic Form:
-Not used very often, but usually occurs when:
1. It's forced
2. She's exhausted and in need of a full healing
-When in angelic form, she's more well-mannered, sweeter, and has better use of her healing powers and water abilities. She's also got telepathic powers, but doesn't find

the need to use them unless conversing with her mother.
-When in this form she:
1. Has paler skin than normal
2. Golden eyes
3. Silver, wavy hair
4. White wings
5. An occasional aura, like a halo effect
1. Healing
2. Telepathy
3. Ice/Water
4. Barrier

Demonic Form:
-Since this side is more dangerous than her others, she almost never tries to use it. Very, very few times since she was young has she shifted into this form, and they were

in the extreme cases. However, if she isn't careful, she could shift due to:
1. Extreme anger ("seeing red")
2. Total melt down/break down (an almost psychotic process)
-When in demonic form, all inhibitions are let loose. She's a horny little vixen who lives for chaos and loves to kill for the hell of it. She's down right psychotic in some

ways. However, she still tries her darndest to look and act cute to keep her out of trouble, and lure her prey with ease.
-In this form she:
1. Has black, super curly hair
2. Black and white tipped ears and tail
3. White eyes with red flecks near the iris
4. Black bat-like wings
5. Porcelain skin
1. Healing
2. Teleportation ("Blinking")
3. Fire/Lightning
4. Barrier
5. Knowledge of some spells
