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I’m SteffyREVENGE.
Note: If I see any of this stuff on someone else's page, you're not gonna see the light of the next day, so please, don't steal. It took awhile to do all this. Kthx.
Just to clear it up, I’m taken, thanks for asking. I’m one of the silliest, but yet serious people you’ll ever have the pleasure of meeting. Strange people interest me, because I’m strange myself. I like writing random things, and I hate writing about me’s. I’m not an addict for dramatics, I don’t like drama, because it’s icky, and you know it. So if you’re one to cause pointless drama, then forget about talking to me. People refer to me as “Dr. Phil with hair” just because I’m known for helping people with their problems. I enjoy writing on every part of my body. At the moment I have ‘Adam’ on my palm. My nails are almost always black, and so is my hair. Take a look at my life all black, take a look at my clothes, all black, to put it simply. My Chemical Romance over dominates my life; they’re better than anything that YOU listen to. I love my friends. They probably don’t love you. Suck it up. My friends are my lifelines, and without them, is how I would disappear. I use lyrics in my everyday dialogue, if you don’t like that, then suck it the ******** up. I could glue my headphones to my ears, and I wouldn’t notice, they’re almost always in my ears anyways. Music takes up too much of my time; my parents think I need to go get a life. I really do need a life though; I don’t do anything but sit around on the computer. My kitty is named Ray Frank Halloween. I name everything. I have two pet rocks, but one died. It was a sad day when I had to bury him. I rarely sleep, and I’m known as the ‘vampire’ around school, it’s quite funny. The kids at my school think I’m going to suck out their souls; it’s a good threat if I want something. I’m looking forward to scaring all the pixies coming to my school. Well, I think that’s all you need to know about me, ‘cause if you knew anymore, you’d be what I consider a stalker. And I don’t like stalkers. Unicorns are teh pwnage, so is coffee. If you've stuck with me this far, reading all this, I absolutely love you. You amaze me. =]

My Chemical Obsession
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Now, I know you've heard the whole "MCR saved my life, blahblahblah" stuff before, but you get to hear it again! Now, I haven't liked them for the LONGEST of time, actually, one year on August 31st to be exact. Now, i'm just like any other fan. I'm not a creepy obsessed teenie though, I do NOT want to ******** anyone in the band. I'm just your.. normal unique *insertageherethatyoudon'tneedtoknow* year old My Chemical Romance fan. I used to be in really bad condition, I was depressed, and so on, I prefer not to dwell on the past, I heard Famous Last Words, and all those thoughts seemed to disappear, I automatically fell in love with My Chemical Romance, and bought all the records. I learned more about everyone in the band, and found out that I have quite a bit in common with all of them, I found out that I can relate to alot of things in their lives, and it made me feel better. I went to a My Chemical Romance concert on April 16th, 2007. I loved it. The moment it was over I wanted More. I'm trying to go to another one. =]

User Image Gerard Way
I love Gerard, because I have the most in common with him, the way he's overcome some of the hardest things possible inspires me that ANYTHING is possible. He's an amazing artist, and lyricist, not to mention an amazing singer. In my eyes, he's one of the most inspirational people that I know of. He cares about the fans, and cares in general. I love you, Gerard
User Image Frank Iero
I love Frank because, he's a kid, who can't love kids? He's one of the most caring people that i've seen, he's willing to risk everything doing what he loves, playing guitar for My Chemical Romance. He has so much energy during concerts, and then afterwards isn't too tired to interact with fans. He never ceases to amaze me, and he'll never stop amazing me. I love you, Frank
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Mikey Way
I love Mikey because, he's everyone's little brother, he's the one that showed me it's cool to be nerdy. He's the one that i'll remember with the glasses, and the dork-yness. Mikey makes being a dork cute. And I have mucho respect for that. I love you, Mikey
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Ray Toro
I love Ray because, he's not only an amazing guitarist, but he's the 'Silent Genius', like me. I'm quiet(at times) but yet smart, the mastermind, let's say. Ray makes putting your hand in a cupcake on accident, FUNNY. I don't know all too much about Ray, but I still love him, I mean, I did name my cat after him. Ray's fro brings joy to children, much like Santa Claus does. His fro could fit a skyscraper, and still have room for more. I love you, Ray
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Bob Bryar
I love Bob, because he takes no ********' s**t. He likes cats. Bob doesn't like cameras, and if you come near him with one, be prepared to fear his "I'MGONNAKILLYOUWITHTHATCAMERA" powers. Bob keeps everyone in line. Without Bob, well, I don't know. There'd be no Bob? And, we can't have that, now can we? Of course not. I love you, Bob