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shreddedlife Report | 01/02/2010 3:08 pm
It just can't.
shreddedlife Report | 11/26/2009 11:22 am
Patrick, Thank you so much. You're right I do care about him and I know he cares about me too. You aren't the only problem of why I can't go out with him. You aren't a problem anymore obviously but there are other things. Patrick I love you but you're right we wont work we never did work right. But me and Jessie just can't happen yet. I wish we could but we can't not now and maybe not ever. I hope someday we can but idk. Patrick I'm really sorry too. For all the pain I caused you. All the pain I'm still causing you. I'm sorry for the pain I cause mike he diserves better than me for a friend. I knew that then but I was in denial. I love him like a brother and he's part of my family. I'm sorry but Jessie and I have to wait no matter how much we don't want to. Patrick I'm so sorry. For everything.
shreddedlife Report | 11/26/2009 8:09 am
What the hell? What about Jessie? God you both always have to bring the other up! When I talk to him he says I should give you a chance and when I talk to you you say I should give him a chance. What the hell does that mean? What chance do you want me to give?
shreddedlife Report | 11/26/2009 8:03 am
I honestly don't know who you mean everything you say is so goddamn confusing.
I'm sorry too.
shreddedlife Report | 11/02/2009 12:48 pm
Give who a chance. And since when are you sorry?
2lacrosse12 Report | 07/24/2009 8:39 pm
yeah i got one too smile
2lacrosse12 Report | 07/24/2009 8:37 pm
yeah i know its k i havent been on either im confused griem just texted me on jaysons phone and then i said heyy and then it said back so now i think its jayson but IDK lol
2lacrosse12 Report | 07/24/2009 8:32 pm
uh me? jake? just a little close there arent we??
shreddedlife Report | 07/24/2009 8:00 am
What you can explain isn't the whole story so I don't want to hear it. Bye now patrick.
shreddedlife Report | 07/24/2009 7:56 am
Cause you're over there.

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Mike n_n

You have no idea how much I wish I didn't let you walk away.
You have no idea how much I wish I would've made you stay.
You have no idea how miserable everything is without you.
You have no idea of anything. . .

I'm sorry I tricked you
I'm sorry I hurt you
I'm sorry I love you
I know you aren't mine anymore
But could you at least be happy
with him?