Hey, here's some stuff about me!


Name: Dakota Harry Bryne

Looks: Longish-short black hair, deep blue eyes, tall, muscular, thin (Not too thin.)

Favorite Color: Gold, Blue, and Green

Favorite Drink: Brazilian Coke ^_^ Ya, Brazilian!

Favorite Food: Eh? I guess...crab. ^_^ Yeah, seafood! *licks lips*

Favorite Animal: Bear, Lion, Tiger (Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my!)


Likes: My BF, Alec, funny icons, fireworks, the smell of cinnamon and candy (Alec's smell), movies, music, dogs, funny animals, technology, school, my friends, meeting new people, writing books, reading books, jokes (any kind, really), funny words, random PMs, watching some sports

Hates: Rude people, blood (I faint at the sight of it.), being forced to do things, awkward convos, tight clothes, smoke

Location: Vegas

Personality (Filled out by Kota's BF/BFF, Alec): Soooo funny, outgoing, quirky, extremely nice, caring, protective, (can be) temperamental, (sometimes) forceful, (sometimes) invasive, lustful (for...ho-hum, certain things), stubborn, (at times) selfish, because of these bad things...hopefully...forgiving

Wow! I didn't know that many things were wrong with me!

Alec: *sheepish smile* Sorry! Sorry! *nevous laugh* Sorry! *nervous laugh* Sorry! Sorry!

More Details: My dad owns a shop where he sells outrageous animals for very low prices.
My mom is a little more successful. She's an author, and I typically stay with her. She lives in Vegas like my dad, but she lives in a better part of it.
I skipped a grade when I was fourteen, and I plan on going to Harvard and majoring in History and Philosophy. ^_^ I'll be going to harvard with my BFF/BF Alec after this summer, where I hope to be roommates.

Emotion: *worries expression* I hope Alec's okay...he's working too hard!!!!
Status: Gay and Taken (Dammit!!! He's all think I about!!!!)
K, that's all you need to know right now!