Show me t3h love <3

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Immaculate Monster Report | 11/07/2007 3:27 pm
You also need to do the same for Velvet xD

I'll get round to it eventually. You know me, huge procrastinator.
arson-al420 Report | 09/01/2007 9:39 pm
is kiss-a-doggy like kiss-a-froggy??

=) j/k
DaniellePhantom Report | 05/21/2007 2:58 pm
-throws tacos at her-
DaniellePhantom Report | 05/20/2007 9:44 am
-trips over a duck-
DaniellePhantom Report | 05/19/2007 4:10 pm
Me?! a thief?!
Oh hohohoho!
-runs faster-
Advent Kuraudo Sutoraifu Report | 05/19/2007 11:16 am
-watches Bahamut eat Leviathan-
DaniellePhantom Report | 05/19/2007 10:10 am
-steals her materia and runs off-
Advent Kuraudo Sutoraifu Report | 05/19/2007 8:34 am
-is tackled-
-summons bahamut-
DaniellePhantom Report | 05/19/2007 8:29 am
Advent Kuraudo Sutoraifu Report | 05/18/2007 5:41 pm
Kiss a doggie
-runs for his life-

White Rose of Uutai

Yufi Kisaragi, that's me call me Kiss-a-doggy and I'll be forced to seriously hurt you and take all your materia, nah just kidding.

Seriously though my story begins two years ago before I left my village of Uutai in an attempt to restore it to it's former glory, a village that I hold dearly. My father Godo turned it into nothing more than a tourist attraction (Uutai a tourist attraction?! Pfft whatever) after the war that ravaged our shores resulted in the decline of our economy a sad but true fact that often happens after such a war. He thought it would be best to attempt this to gain the trust of those which we opposed well, safe to say as I got older this was something I strongly disagreed with and swore I would do anything to restore my village back to it's glory day. So I left my home in search of Materia hoping the splendour gained would help some, stealing it wherever I saw it, thus deeming me 'Materia Thief', okay so maybe that wasn't the best way to go about things but wouldn't YOU do anything you could to restore something you love?

Anyways, this resulted in me straying across the ocean on my search where I eventually fought and joined a group by the name of AVALANCHE Kuraudo being the leader, I though if I could just stick around long enough I could steal their materia in hopes of doing what I had set out to, although, I became drawn into their fight the world. Sefirosu, a renowned 1st class SOLDIER hell bent on summoning forth Meteor so he could in fact merge himself with the Lifestream recreating the planet if you will in well his own image, he believed he was the rightful heir to the planet and the one to make Gaia a better place (totally vain if you ask me I mean come on!). Earisu the last of an extinct race, the ones whom knew of the true meaning of the promised land, she thought she was the only one who could save the world from being totally obliterated by that of Sefirosu and so one night in the dead of night mind, she took off to the Ancient Capital the place that would become her resting place after summoning Holy to counter Meteor, a battle ensued with that of Jenoba LIFE, upon Jenoba's defeat Sefirosu descended from the skies killing Earisu with that GIGANTIC sword of his, the Masamune (compensating if ya ask me). I lost a good friend that night but the struggle to save the world continued.

Back to my own plans of the whole stealing their Materia and stuff, well it was actually going quite well, we strayed nearer to my home of Uutai where I jacked their Materia when the opportunity arose Bwahahaha 1 point to me, actually no I managed to make it all the way through Uutai with Kuraudo and the others in hot pursuit only to get captured by that perv Corner upon the sacred mountains of Da Chao ugh major gross out eh? Anyways, I wasn't the only one there, guess who else, none other than the great Elena of the Turks yeah who'd have thought ol' Corneo had a thing for her too ha! Well safe to say he didn't like the fact that the pair of us weren't going to, shall we say, comply with orders and had us hanging upside down from the monuments of the sacred mountains, pfft don't hang a hot chick like me upside down and get away with it, Kuraudo came to my rescue, my hero, well maybe not...he and the others kinda wanted their Materia back and well yeah save the day yadda yadda yadda then came the point where I had to 'fess up as too why I kinda 'borrowed' their Materia, it was for a totally valid cause and well they were understanding and even accompanied me to the royal pagoda where I went through a series of battles to prove my worth. Last but not least I battled my father taking back the Materia of our god, Leviathan, was a day to remember I'll tell ya.

Well I once again left my home of Uutai with Kuraudo and the other to save the world from the threat of Sefirosu and Meteor, we made it all the way to the Northern cave where we battled not only Jenova once more but Sefirosu himself and his many different forms, it was a long and gruelling battle but eventually victory was ours unfortunately we almost destroyed ourselves in the process, soooo NOT on I'll tell ya, we managed to make it out of the Northern Crater thanks to Shera and the Highwind, Shido's pride and joy. We thought it was over the battle had been won and Earisu's summoning of Holy would save us and in turn the world. Pfft didn't happen like that at all, Meteor still fell from the heavens above, Holy only aiding it to destroy whatever was in it's path (at that time it was Midgar) then something miraculous happened, the Lifestream spilled forth entwining with that of Meteor and Holy and that was how the world was saved. Man I had a major part to play and don't you forget that after all I AM the great Ninja Yuffie...


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y u f i k i s a r a g i

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Last Login: 06/06/2013 9:51 am

Gender: Female

Location: Uutai

Birthday: 11/20

Occupation: Ninja/Materia Thief

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