
yami_no_wolf's avatar

Last Login: 01/06/2011 6:16 am

Registered: 07/26/2004

Gender: Female

Location: Thailand

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Hey ya, I'm yami no wolf, I know my name sound wierd. I've been around Gaia for 4 years or so but never really have time to be here except updating my journal and sometime changing my outfit when I feel like it and if I have enough money sweatdrop I'm totally obsessed with manga, games (I only have PS2 though crying ), fantasy/sci fi fiction books. Hobby are napping, surfing interent, reading, doodling. As you can see I'm not at all athletic sweatdrop If you wanna see my arts go to www.ingsquared.deviantart.com my art arn't that good but it's to kill my stress from studying a dang hard subject for my uni. Mostly it's manga/anime style drawing and some fanart from my favourite game/manga/anime. If you wanna be friend just add me and say hi or something.. lol If you want to see what my interests are then scroll down, it's under the friend list.. quite a long list I warn you razz

NEW: http://www.unowen.net/tegaki/dblog.php?u=10428 I joined tegaki E, so addictive lately.. so addictive that I stop uploading art in deviantart..haha
lately I've been addicted to Soul eater anime so change the wallpaper.. XD


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The-nothing-much-to-say blog

a blog that tell about the pretty normal to boring life of YNM and her obsession with manga/anime.

Something to blind your eyes with.


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Chizakura Report | 01/18/2009 6:06 am
happy birthday!
Chizakura Report | 01/11/2009 2:13 pm
Hey try this out! Send this comment on ten profiles then press f5 to get 100,000 gold and it just worked on me ok
saebra bunny Report | 07/19/2008 9:48 pm
saebra bunny
ZOMG i loves ta draw..so yeah... erg...
saebra bunny Report | 07/17/2008 10:05 pm
saebra bunny
Full Metal Alchemist and trinity blood are pretty good. I'm a big Trigun person and cowboy bebop. i likes 'em.
Yuenuen Report | 07/17/2008 9:48 am
Bah, that's no excuse for allowing a lack of good moral character.

No, I mean my comps broken enough that it doesn't do what we try and make it.
saebra bunny Report | 07/16/2008 1:33 am
saebra bunny
I haven't seen any of Watase-sama's animes, but i love her mangas. I finally got the rest of my Chobits collection. I prefer shonen anime to shonen manga, but love it none the less!!!!! ^_^ So any other interests other than anime/manga?
Yuenuen Report | 07/15/2008 12:41 pm
I don't know. I think all hollywood starlets are lame and I have absolutely no respect for them. They're always doing stupid s**t anyway.

No, she said it wouldn't work that way either. That and i'm not sure ours would even work. The comp in this condidtion wouldn't do anything anyway.
saebra bunny Report | 07/14/2008 10:11 pm
saebra bunny
I've heard of Alive, but not the first two items joo mentioned.... i'm an everything person, althoughs i tends ta buy shojou.... i likes teh crazy shtuff though...not just normal people, but wif monsters, fantasy worlds, and super natural powers.... ja know? i'm a big clamp persona nd also Yuu watase... they rox meh sox!!!!
Everything i touch lags Report | 07/12/2008 11:14 am
Everything i touch lags
why why why why why why such a gay anime video why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
saebra bunny Report | 07/10/2008 11:36 pm
saebra bunny
hurray! so, joo equal amazing. jus ta let joo know. ^_^ umm...startin off convo.... umm..so what is joo's fav anime/manga et why? OwO

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