
Well Hello there!
I'm guessing that you are already one of my fantastical friends checking out my profile in a spout of boredom
Or... You are new! In that case YAY!
You may call me Stuart, for that is my name, well actually you can call me what ever pleases you most!
For some that might be something silly like ... Poop head... or things to that effect, for that I commend your imaginative creativity

You may know me as YellowToast, Duke of Essex, Soup Dragon or some other screen name, but my favourite is Mr. Stuie Lol, just because it sounds fun ^_^

What else should I tell you?
How about everything?
Well I probably won't go into everything, but I'll fill you in on the basics...

By the way if you hadn't noticed by now, I love to type long sentences, which almost every teacher picks up on, and tells me not to... BUT I SAY "VIVE Le- long sentences"

I'm midly insane, you'll notice that

I was born via Caesarian, so called because Julius Caesar was born this way... How silly... Also according to Shakespeare this means I wasn't born... (See Maccy Beth)

It was the 19th of December 1989, I was born onto this earth, and if you've watched that new film 23, then 19's mine... My name, birthday... and several other things... but I think it's just trying to get something out of nothing

I am prodominantly male and you are entitled to check my underwear to make sure, although the M could stand for medium

I live in Essex, which often sets up prejudice thoughts into the rest of the countries minds, which is odd because Essex is TEH TREND
If you are international, or Britishly challenged I do in fact reside on England, which is said to be "The greatest of all Britains" which is true, sister Britanny doesn't do well in international conversation, Briton is the little brother and is just a crap name for Britain anyway...
I do love being English and flaunt it as much as possible and you can probably find me saying things like "I'm English"

I'm very open minded and I'm not really bothered or phased by anything, in fact I call a lot of people gay all the time... *cough*
I, myself, am straight, according to my p***s, but the rest of me swears I'm gay... which is annoying... because it lies! And often throws up unnessecary hand flapping or turning into hair expert for a couple of hours
I am highly immature and don't take many things seriously, although I do know how and when to be serene

I am really into films, I love them! I have watched every film I can get my hands on, and thanks to the invention of internet, that is a lot of films... I would tell you a couple of my favourites but I would start detailing over vaaast amounts of films
I also love photography... and I like taking random pictures of things or drawing random squiggles
And I would love to get a job in either film or photography, because I ... Dig them... Dawg!
I have a lot of hidden knowledge although it's often hidden with layers of goofy-ness and seemingly stupidity

I don't often open up to many people, so if I do you are one of two people possibly three
Although, a lot of people do open up to me, and I've found out I do have a certain ability of solving peoples problems, and relationship troubles, which is kind of weird because I rarely sort out mine...

I'm a "nice" guy so I don't like hurting peoples feelings too much, this is annoying...
I am reasonably tall at about 6 feet 2/3, I'm not too sure I haven't checked in a while
My wardrobe consists of a lot of clothes I never wear, but if we are talking about what I do, it's usually a random pair of generic jeans, with a bland tshirt, with a bland jumper... because I'm cool too!

Talking of coolness, I seriously am, honest, you can ask anyone who I give money to
My ultimate goal in life, is to be remembered throughout history, which would be great, since my other options are living forever or having a time machine
I have an ulimate in imagination drives installed into my brain and am always coming up with random things... I've thought of something that's my secret, that I would love to have made

I genuinely love gadgets, or anything that does something cool
I use my PSP constantly along with my Laptop, which I love more than my immediate family members
I like to read TERRY PRATCHETT! I love that discworld stuff
I have a very odd taste in music, for example I can listen to essex fm or radio 2 for a couple of hours with out feeling the need to smash the radio, and I can also listen to the heaviest of heavy metals, and enjoy it

I don't hate much, but I hate it when people take things too seriously


What's this?




Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 05/15/2011 6:29 pm




Report | 05/15/2011 6:29 pm



Report | 08/28/2009 9:04 am


...with Obama....???

Report | 08/28/2009 8:36 am


yw babe ;P
they're all really talented, and REALLY nice. and their style is pretty realistic :] check out their real shops too, its an even higher quality than the art there OO:!!
do you have a fb? i dont really update my myspace a lot....


Report | 08/28/2009 8:14 am


Click Me <3

Report | 08/28/2009 8:06 am


Awes too bad then );
we'll have to work on this then...
we'll start a rl quest!!! the goal, for you to come see me YAY =DDD<3

Report | 08/28/2009 7:21 am


Rofls!! mean ;[
dont you have some hoes to pimp and get cash from!?

&& i've had those lol razz User Image

Report | 08/28/2009 7:15 am


just for a visiiiiittt )):

Report | 08/28/2009 5:55 am


welll...go to school over hhheeereee duh razz

Report | 08/27/2009 4:27 pm


ooooor, why dont you come here!!! razz


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I Love ava art